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No One can beat the market but math
Miembro desde Jul 09, 2023
posts 24
Jan 06 at 07:26
Miembro desde Jul 09, 2023
posts 24
Only right math, right algorithm can make you profitable end of the month. whatever your strategy is, even if your strategy works 20%. you can be profitable end of the month with the right calculation. Why am i so confident about this? because i am doing this for years.
Empowering traders with knowledge for profitable futures
Miembro desde May 08, 2023
posts 97
Jan 14 at 10:47
Miembro desde Dec 09, 2024
posts 136
xenderapk posted:
The phrase "No one can beat the market but math" suggests that using mathematical models and strategies, rather than relying on luck or speculation, is the most reliable way to understand and navigate market trends.
I agree, It gives clearer edge over guessing. Any specific model model in you trading strategies?
Miembro desde Jul 09, 2023
posts 24
Jan 20 at 06:31
Miembro desde Jul 09, 2023
posts 24
Brenda13 posted:xenderapk posted:
The phrase "No one can beat the market but math" suggests that using mathematical models and strategies, rather than relying on luck or speculation, is the most reliable way to understand and navigate market trends.
I agree, It gives clearer edge over guessing. Any specific model model in you trading strategies?
for some reason my comment isn't delivering to you. I replied multiple times.
Empowering traders with knowledge for profitable futures

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