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Trading Lessons!
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 33
Miembro desde Jun 26, 2020
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Miembro desde Aug 27, 2017
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Miembro desde Nov 04, 2019
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Aug 24, 2020 at 10:25
Miembro desde Nov 04, 2019
posts 10
Great. You have all made valid points.
One of the things i've also discovered is that it helps to have a support system. While it is key to do you own research, developing systems and strategies that work for you (also based on learning from mistakes). Having a mentor, someone who has been through the trenches and is willing to help you learn from their experience, avoiding some traps and mistakes you haven't encountered yet.
One of the things i've also discovered is that it helps to have a support system. While it is key to do you own research, developing systems and strategies that work for you (also based on learning from mistakes). Having a mentor, someone who has been through the trenches and is willing to help you learn from their experience, avoiding some traps and mistakes you haven't encountered yet.
"Let tomorrow envy that you did it today"
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 696
Sep 04, 2020 at 17:59
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 696
Flong posted:
Yes, you need to work here as if this is your last chance and you can earn the whole secret only today, only confidence and determination turns an ordinary trader with mediocre success into a real professional who always achieves his goals and runs his business in the market.
Nice advises. Clear the mind. Don't stress or take out any kind of negative emotion which is affecting your trading decision.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2019
posts 97
Sep 06, 2020 at 09:38
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2019
posts 97
FxDThompson posted:
What tough lesson/s have you learnt recently that is helping to improve your results?
Contrary to a quite popular belief, I have learnt that Fundamentals can bear great significance to your trading results.😄
Share your lesson and how it has helped you to reap better results!
youtube was my best teacher lol
Miembro desde Jun 26, 2020
posts 323
Sep 11, 2020 at 13:54
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 310
Roberto21 posted:
we can learn trading principle from various sources but the best way according to me by own trading mistake. our mistake can be our great Mentor , we should leave the habit doing same mistake again and again. if cant , no way to come out fro losses at all.
Yes our mistakes can be our great lesson if we are willing to learn from it. Every mistake is a good lesson. That's why we need keep track our mistake and analyze them to learn from it.
Miembro desde Jun 15, 2020
posts 46
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 283
Miembro desde Jan 11, 2019
posts 140
Oct 09, 2020 at 10:56
Miembro desde Jan 11, 2019
posts 140
FxDThompson posted:
What tough lesson/s have you learnt recently that is helping to improve your results?
Contrary to a quite popular belief, I have learnt that Fundamentals can bear great significance to your trading results.😄
Share your lesson and how it has helped you to reap better results!
Don't be greedy. Keep calm and go slow. Forex is unpredictable
Miembro desde Jun 30, 2020
posts 14
Miembro desde Jun 26, 2020
posts 323
Miembro desde Mar 17, 2021
posts 494
Miembro desde May 27, 2021
posts 63

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