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Unnecessary trade
Jan 12, 2021 at 13:43
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
Unnecessary trade is a very common problem for newbies. Actually you do it out of confusion. You don't have trust on your strategy and yourself. You should have clear idea about your risk reward ratio and winning ratio. You lack confidence. It comes from not knowing what you are doing. Practice on demo find out your winning trade ratio. The main point is you have to increase your skills.
Miembro desde Nov 29, 2020
posts 5
Miembro desde Nov 24, 2020
posts 14
Jan 25, 2021 at 07:57
Miembro desde Nov 24, 2020
posts 14
A lot of newbies think that overtrading would help them recover their losses. They must understand that nothing like that would ever happen. That’s what you learn with experience. The more experience you make, the better the trader you become.
Miembro desde Nov 26, 2020
posts 14
Miembro desde Jul 23, 2020
posts 816
Feb 15, 2021 at 12:18
Miembro desde Jul 19, 2020
posts 310
Loss is inevitable in forex trading but you shouldn't feel dejected like you have said,if you get dejected every time you loose,then it would come to a certain time that you would not want to invest in forex again but if you carry on and you don't let your loss to weigh you down,I am sure you will be able to trade many more.
Miembro desde Jul 20, 2020
posts 286
Feb 16, 2021 at 05:35
Miembro desde Nov 19, 2020
posts 96
LeviSievwright5 posted:
If you trade by force where there is no trade. But it will go beyond discipline and plan. So you have to survive by trading positively.
I make it a point to never go against my plan, as much as possible. I guess that's too important to stay in the game.
Feb 16, 2021 at 10:38
Miembro desde Oct 16, 2020
posts 125
Overtrading is dangerous. Sometimes people overtrade because they are getting profits back to back and sometimes its revenge trading, that is when you trade to overcome your losses. Please don’t let these two situations fool you as the market is very volatile and you cannot predict the market’s direction a 100%.
Miembro desde Nov 17, 2020
posts 17
Feb 17, 2021 at 07:53
Miembro desde Nov 17, 2020
posts 17
jasonmark409 posted:MichaelEX posted:
Unnecessary trades is a problem for those who are still struggling with self confidence. This can be solved only with knowledge, practice and experience.
Absolutely and I’ve seen that often traders make the mistake of opening lots of positions in greed or hope to hit the jackpot on some or all of their trades.
Lemme ask you something. Say hypothetically, you’re watching 20 currency pairs and that means just 20 candles to look at each day, how on earth could one expect to be in profit?

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