No deposit bonus trading

Apr 06, 2012 at 21:14
Vistas 1,645
3 Replies
Miembro desde Apr 06, 2012   posts 2
Apr 07, 2012 at 09:04
Hello everybody,

I started to learn about forextrading approximately 7 months ago. I started with babypips and after that a whole lot of other sites and books. I traded on a demo accountfor a while and now I'm trying to make something out of my no-deposit bonus of 12 dollars. So far so good my equity is on 60 dollar at the moment. I hope to get above 100 dollars so i can whitdraw it and put it on another broker.

I am trying to focus on longer timeframes from now on. I use the indicator Ichimoku kinko hyo. I keep positions that make profit open as long as possible (from now on; I did some trades before, but I found out that it didn't work for me) and I close losing positions very soon (tight stop losses). I am used to the Ichimoku kinko hyo chart.
I used it on a demo account for 3 or 4 months, and before that I read a lot about it. I know I should be trading on the demo longer, but I thought this is just a no-deposit bonus so why not just try it?

I hope to get some replies. If you also use the Ichimoku kinko hyo indicator , I would love to hear and learn from your experiences.


Their is a time to be short, a time to be long, and a time to go fishing
Miembro desde Oct 18, 2009   posts 7
Apr 07, 2012 at 12:13
Dear Jona . . .


Hi, here are a special promotion in a german forex blog . .

If you open a real Forex Account - no deposit required - they give you a Free 50 Euro Money for trading - ALL WINNINGS CAN YOU WITHDRAWL ! If you not win, you lose nothing - This is a real Forex4free Money Opportunity . .lol

1) Go to this Blog and click the red link inside the post : 50 EURO NO DEPOSIT
2) Register for a free Demo Account and confirm the e-mail
3) Now send one e-mail to [email protected] with the Subject " 50 Euro No Deposit / "
4) DONE - you must verify yourself and now you have a real Trading Account with 50 EURO ! Is thats fine ? Good Luck . .

. . so you can test trading in real conditions, hope this helps you
Mit System zum Trading Erfolg
Miembro desde Apr 06, 2012   posts 2
Apr 07, 2012 at 14:09
Thank you for the reply, but I don't like the bonus terms, I'm trading long term and to unlock that bonus, I will have to trade 5 lots, I trade 0,01 lots per time, so that means 500 positions and that's a little too much for me...
Their is a time to be short, a time to be long, and a time to go fishing
Miembro desde Oct 18, 2009   posts 7
Apr 07, 2012 at 16:59
I understand your opinion jona - personally i take such offers with a experimental approch. I test Strategies if i find such a offer - its a little bit better as Demo - while you have emotions. I will always not withdraw the bonus money itself - but my winnings. Wish you good Luck with your Trading and a lot of green pips.

I love for trading Ichimoku following 2 Threads :

Manual Trading Ichimoku

Ichimoku EA Trading - very hot
Mit System zum Trading Erfolg
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