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Point and Figure method for Forex market
Miembro desde Oct 13, 2010
posts 2
Jun 09, 2011 at 10:38
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2010
posts 96
I like to set the size of the blocks acording to ATR, and I like to trade only with ADX bigger than 30.
Monday mornig is not good for trading and Friday is worst. So I avoid it or trade less in these days.
I use mixed trading (Manual with P&F and EA)
It's going fine for me.
Monday mornig is not good for trading and Friday is worst. So I avoid it or trade less in these days.
I use mixed trading (Manual with P&F and EA)
It's going fine for me.
I Trade You Profit. Forex is suitable for smart and patient people...

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