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US Economy
Apr 06, 2017 at 02:30
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2016
posts 16
What do you think is happening with the US Economy today? Does it go well for you or just another prototype of the leadership of Trump?
I have read in one article (https://fm-fx.net/blog/us-economy-standing/) the temporary ban on Muslim countries could potentially hurt the economy, due to the fact that the labor market before drew the attention of immigrants around the world which later boosted the economy.
I have read in one article (https://fm-fx.net/blog/us-economy-standing/) the temporary ban on Muslim countries could potentially hurt the economy, due to the fact that the labor market before drew the attention of immigrants around the world which later boosted the economy.
Apr 07, 2017 at 08:47
Miembro desde Feb 12, 2016
posts 427
I agree. The temporary ban on Muslim countries will definitely affect the economy and also my opinion is that at the moment, Trump policy is in the middle between “good policy” and “bad policy”. I am really curious to see in what direction US economy will go in the near future.
Accept the loss as experience
Miembro desde Apr 03, 2017
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Jun 05, 2017 at 12:30
Miembro desde Dec 11, 2015
posts 1487
FernandoDemata posted:
Maybe but the US domestic tax policy should also have an impact in the short-medium term
True. That depends on whether the new tax laws would pass though.
Miembro desde Dec 06, 2016
posts 33
Jun 12, 2017 at 06:15
Miembro desde Dec 06, 2016
posts 33
ParryOrange posted:
I think the US economy will depends on how the chinese economy goes. If that stays strong then so will the US.
we're just in the middle of the year but somehow Chinese economy continue to have a stable and steady economy, so does this mean the same for the US?
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