Ramin Rostami Power of GOD (de Ramin_Rostami)
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Discusión Ramin Rostami Power of GOD
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Nov 18, 2013 at 01:39
(editado Nov 18, 2013 at 01:52)
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
special thanks for your contacts
i try be clear always
i know many people loss in forex and i lost too in 7 year near 400.000$ and finaly after 9 year daily 15 hour work can break market
i open this contract for my client this program must do:
1-test account with 500-1000$ (85-90% passed)
2-after test pass..... and they see realy margincall risk=0.00% they can start 5-10k 1st big account in maysuz
3-then after some p-rofit...2nd 5-10k account in lqdmarkets and 3d in FXPRO
4-3nd account in fxcm (activtrades)or witch client choose
5-wait 1 year to 3account fill 1000% growth profit.....total reach from 30 to 300
6-then client and me(me and you) can wotdraal each mouth accounts profit(300k) profit for 10 year....must be mouthly near 10-20k
loss enough-risk enough-high leverage and over lot enough-not sleeping(INSOMNIA) enough!!!!
1000% not enough for you??
( not apply in main chart yet and liquid providers admin work on it....however chart spread not important...test their speed
(press F9 in MT4 and put 5-6 some buylimit back to back)
open your main MT4(you always use) and inter these
hope you can create 100.000$ account from true market trade standards
i try be clear always
i know many people loss in forex and i lost too in 7 year near 400.000$ and finaly after 9 year daily 15 hour work can break market
i open this contract for my client this program must do:
1-test account with 500-1000$ (85-90% passed)
2-after test pass..... and they see realy margincall risk=0.00% they can start 5-10k 1st big account in maysuz
3-then after some p-rofit...2nd 5-10k account in lqdmarkets and 3d in FXPRO
4-3nd account in fxcm (activtrades)or witch client choose
5-wait 1 year to 3account fill 1000% growth profit.....total reach from 30 to 300
6-then client and me(me and you) can wotdraal each mouth accounts profit(300k) profit for 10 year....must be mouthly near 10-20k
loss enough-risk enough-high leverage and over lot enough-not sleeping(INSOMNIA) enough!!!!
1000% not enough for you??
( not apply in main chart yet and liquid providers admin work on it....however chart spread not important...test their speed
(press F9 in MT4 and put 5-6 some buylimit back to back)
open your main MT4(you always use) and inter these
hope you can create 100.000$ account from true market trade standards
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Miembro desde Dec 15, 2010
posts 784
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Nov 19, 2013 at 09:24
(editado Nov 19, 2013 at 09:34)
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
i want start my own very very big bank-brokrage in canada
my server + exchange line are ready
if anybody can invest inform me and contact me in skype=dowjonestrader(min 500k need in hand)
sorry i am in travel for rest these days....
i want start my own very very big bank-brokrage in canada
my server + exchange line are ready
if anybody can invest inform me and contact me in skype=dowjonestrader(min 500k need in hand)
sorry i am in travel for rest these days....
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Nov 20, 2013 at 10:02
(editado Nov 20, 2013 at 10:31)
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
yes friends you are right
i put real account(for test excute speed and spreed) wrong
i tests this 100% must connect(inter by )
open your main MT4(you always use) and inter these....like as FXPRO metatarder
how test broker spread and speed??
1-(press F9 in MT4 and put 5-6 some buylimit back to back)
2-check spread in MARKETWATCH not in main chart...
(spread not apply yet in main chart yet and liquid providers admin work on it and will apply....however chart spread not important in execute ...test their speed
sorry for my mistake
i put real account(for test excute speed and spreed) wrong
i tests this 100% must connect(inter by )
open your main MT4(you always use) and inter these....like as FXPRO metatarder
how test broker spread and speed??
1-(press F9 in MT4 and put 5-6 some buylimit back to back)
2-check spread in MARKETWATCH not in main chart...
(spread not apply yet in main chart yet and liquid providers admin work on it and will apply....however chart spread not important in execute ...test their speed
sorry for my mistake
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Nov 22, 2013 at 14:21
(editado Nov 22, 2013 at 14:24)
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
بچه ها میسوز با وبمانی فروشنده که هموشن پرسنال پاسپورت دارن یا یه دوستت که پرسنال پاس داره اجازه میده از هفته پیش که ایرانیا حسابتو تو میسوز شارز کنن...و برداشت کنن.....برای پولهای بزرگم که اینجا تو ایران حساب ریالی و نمایدنده دارن بسیار امن و امین که خود بروکر معرفی خواهد کرد برای سرمایه فکر کنم بالای 5000 دلار

تنها از این لینک حساب باز کنی اسپرید 0.1 پیپ خوهی داشت.....(اتصال مستقیم به اکسچنج ال مکی )
مراحل باز کردن : حساب مخصوص رامین میسوز که توسط خودم ست اپ و تنظیم شده اینجا هست...
فقط از این لینک میتونید به حسابهای مخصوص ممستقیم المکس دسترسی داشن از میسوز
اصلاعات بیشتر در صفحه 15 افایکس بوکم
لذتش رو ببرید
فارکس و بازار ارز ایندکس و شاخص و فیوچذ مارکت و کلا خرید و فروش مینمم 5 سال تمرین در دمو میخواد تشدیدا قاضا میکنم تا به سود دهی نرسیدید در دمو .....وارد ریل حتی ریل 1 دلاری نشید (چون ریل استرس میاره چیزی یاد نخواهید گرفت)شخصا راضی نیستم 1 افارسی زبان ضرر کنه و از ضرر ایشون منم ضرر میکنم ....من خودم ارز و فارکس کار نمیکنم و تنها سهام و شاخص ترید میکنم اونم با لوریج 1-1
این هوش مصنوعی و خارج از متاتردر هست
i شما اگه دنبال 0.1 اسپرید پیپ فارکس هستی یه حساب باز میکنی تو میسوز
یک پیپ نه ها یکدهم پیپ و میتونی ترید کنی
مجانیم هست
توی کابینت بروکر هم سیگنال منو گذاشته
میتونید سیگنال منو هم انتخاب کنی روبات برات اردر میگیره
نخواستیم خودتون میتونید ترید کنید یا هر دو
اول با 1000 دلار تستش کن
دیدی واقعا مارجین کال ریسک نداره
به 10.000 برسید
ریسک مارجین مال = 0.00 درصد
سود سالانه : 1000درصد
بس تون نیست؟؟؟
بچه ها میسوز با وبمانی فروشنده که هموشن پرسنال پاسپورت دارن یا یه دوستت که پرسنال پاس داره اجازه میده از هفته پیش که ایرانیا حسابتو تو میسوز شارز کنن...و برداشت کنن.....برای پولهای بزرگم که اینجا تو ایران حساب ریالی و نمایدنده دارن بسیار امن و امین که خود بروکر معرفی خواهد کرد برای سرمایه فکر کنم بالای 5000 دلار

تنها از این لینک حساب باز کنی اسپرید 0.1 پیپ خوهی داشت.....(اتصال مستقیم به اکسچنج ال مکی )
مراحل باز کردن : حساب مخصوص رامین میسوز که توسط خودم ست اپ و تنظیم شده اینجا هست...
فقط از این لینک میتونید به حسابهای مخصوص ممستقیم المکس دسترسی داشن از میسوز
اصلاعات بیشتر در صفحه 15 افایکس بوکم
لذتش رو ببرید
فارکس و بازار ارز ایندکس و شاخص و فیوچذ مارکت و کلا خرید و فروش مینمم 5 سال تمرین در دمو میخواد تشدیدا قاضا میکنم تا به سود دهی نرسیدید در دمو .....وارد ریل حتی ریل 1 دلاری نشید (چون ریل استرس میاره چیزی یاد نخواهید گرفت)شخصا راضی نیستم 1 افارسی زبان ضرر کنه و از ضرر ایشون منم ضرر میکنم ....من خودم ارز و فارکس کار نمیکنم و تنها سهام و شاخص ترید میکنم اونم با لوریج 1-1
این هوش مصنوعی و خارج از متاتردر هست
i شما اگه دنبال 0.1 اسپرید پیپ فارکس هستی یه حساب باز میکنی تو میسوز
یک پیپ نه ها یکدهم پیپ و میتونی ترید کنی
مجانیم هست
توی کابینت بروکر هم سیگنال منو گذاشته
میتونید سیگنال منو هم انتخاب کنی روبات برات اردر میگیره
نخواستیم خودتون میتونید ترید کنید یا هر دو
اول با 1000 دلار تستش کن
دیدی واقعا مارجین کال ریسک نداره
به 10.000 برسید
ریسک مارجین مال = 0.00 درصد
سود سالانه : 1000درصد
بس تون نیست؟؟؟
Nov 22, 2013 at 18:00
Miembro desde Jul 05, 2012
posts 4
hi all my dear traders finally i can say with full confidence that this is the only system which made my hope of doing profit from forex i ever did in past .
because everytime i just blow up my account and just end the day or month will full loss , but this system have some hedge + good money managment so i like it and already getting my account filledup with good and safe profits ...
i give the master 5 Start ...
because everytime i just blow up my account and just end the day or month will full loss , but this system have some hedge + good money managment so i like it and already getting my account filledup with good and safe profits ...
i give the master 5 Start ...
Nov 23, 2013 at 17:46
Miembro desde Nov 20, 2013
posts 8
hello Gain:+71.96M% http://www.myfxbook.com/strategies/steet-easuper-mm/53245 😀
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Nov 24, 2013 at 15:59
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
thanks all friend for sweet mesaage
every body knows many of my action are for trader successful and dont has any profit for me....even many times i put money from my pocket to all trader can trade in good condition like above mayzus new secial "Ramin Rostami" accounts(spread=0.1 and high execute speed)
i hope and my goal is evry body can withdrawal 10.000$ profit from market😳
every body knows many of my action are for trader successful and dont has any profit for me....even many times i put money from my pocket to all trader can trade in good condition like above mayzus new secial "Ramin Rostami" accounts(spread=0.1 and high execute speed)
i hope and my goal is evry body can withdrawal 10.000$ profit from market😳
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Nov 24, 2013 at 16:40
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
i am in Challenge with FXPRO and lqd to recieve traders special fair offers and conditions
i will have a free live class to all about INDEX markets and future markets and stock trading and markets true way and secrets for free ...for all...soon
Dec 13, 2013 at 15:28
Miembro desde Nov 20, 2013
posts 8
Miembro desde Dec 15, 2010
posts 784
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Dec 21, 2013 at 15:34
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
i check every thing is ok...please read page 15 exactly and done 4 steps
please read and done exactly
enjoy spread 0 and fast execution trade
if you has any question feel free to contact me
please read and done exactly
enjoy spread 0 and fast execution trade
if you has any question feel free to contact me
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Dec 29, 2013 at 14:44
(editado Dec 29, 2013 at 14:45)
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
hi friend please read and done only page 15 middle post..5 steps exactly.for spread 0.00 in forex for free for all true traders
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
Jan 03, 2014 at 01:21
(editado Jan 03, 2014 at 01:45)
Miembro desde Dec 27, 2012
posts 246
[B]please read this EXACTLY and dont hurry
hi to all traders
afetr my calculation ech pip influence your trade near 200$ per 1 lot
question :why all traders loss in market??
answer:spread+high levrage
spread=0 pip (0.1 pip not 1 pip) and near it with mayzus FSE UK regulated for all people for free
so if you need high excute speed and spread done these steps and dont hurry!!!
1-only and only with this link open from here...dont go to other links and page
2-account type= real forex
3-verfy fully your account
A- note:maysuz rulls are very very hard for your money safty(color copy of ID + last mouth phone bill in your name or your father name)
4-email [email protected] [hi plase put my MT4 account in mr ramin trade configure group.... in special bank account condition group)]
done after some hour you can start trade and enjoy forever for free...please share this with your friend too....let they use this special conditions...min deposit=300$
warm thanks [B]
hi to all traders
afetr my calculation ech pip influence your trade near 200$ per 1 lot
question :why all traders loss in market??
answer:spread+high levrage
spread=0 pip (0.1 pip not 1 pip) and near it with mayzus FSE UK regulated for all people for free
so if you need high excute speed and spread done these steps and dont hurry!!!
1-only and only with this link open from here...dont go to other links and page
2-account type= real forex
3-verfy fully your account
A- note:maysuz rulls are very very hard for your money safty(color copy of ID + last mouth phone bill in your name or your father name)
4-email [email protected] [hi plase put my MT4 account in mr ramin trade configure group.... in special bank account condition group)]
done after some hour you can start trade and enjoy forever for free...please share this with your friend too....let they use this special conditions...min deposit=300$
warm thanks [B]

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