I suggest comparison graph between trader and follower performances. resultados de voto

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Discusión I suggest comparison graph between trader and follower performances.

May 04, 2014 at 23:05
Vistas 711
4 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 20, 2010   posts 39
May 04, 2014 at 23:05
We need a comparison graph between trader and follower performances in auto trading. So we can know any connection or slippage problems. This wil lbe a valuable tool for traders and MFB team to put their hands on any connection problems.

Archivos adjuntos:

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2014   posts 166
May 05, 2014 at 05:24
What's your goal?

If you need follower 99% like trader performance than I know the way how to do it 😉
Miembro desde Jan 20, 2010   posts 39
May 05, 2014 at 08:08
There are many ways to do it , but I don't have free time. Have you noticed any difference here in MFB between trader and follower?
Miembro desde Jun 15, 2012   posts 18
Jul 06, 2014 at 19:30
Further break it down to followers by broker.

A lot of the top strategies are VERY spread and slippage sensitive. Some broker's spreads (for example, the feed that powers demo autotrade accounts) are simply too wide to capture gains various front page strats.
Miembro desde Jan 20, 2010   posts 39
Jul 08, 2014 at 19:43
FXGearsDOTcom posted:
Further break it down to followers by broker.

A lot of the top strategies are VERY spread and slippage sensitive. Some broker's spreads (for example, the feed that powers demo autotrade accounts) are simply too wide to capture gains various front page strats.

Yes exactly. Zulutrade implemented this recently.
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