stats for different strats resultados de voto

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Discusión stats for different strats

Nov 13, 2009 at 20:27
Vistas 1,252
8 Replies
Miembro desde Oct 11, 2009   posts 4
Nov 13, 2009 at 20:27 (editado Nov 13, 2009 at 20:28)
This may be complicated....But I would love to be able to have several user-defined catagories to differentiate entry, management, and exit strategies applied to a given trade, and be able to view the stats and see which methodologies were working best and worst.

The only way to currently achieve this is through trading different strategies on different accounts, and monitoring the results. It would be nice to specify what got me into the trade, what method I used to manage the trade, and what got me out, and to be able to compare and contrast the results graphically.

Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1417
Nov 13, 2009 at 21:25
Well, it does sound complicated at first 😄.

Not sure though how would it be possible to analyze and visually display the results of 'what got you into the trade' for example.

Can you give an example?

Thanks for the suggestion!

Miembro desde Oct 11, 2009   posts 4
Nov 14, 2009 at 05:24
OK, so it's a big request, but the general idea is to be able to classify your trades according to certain criteria, and let the software calculate and graph the results.

Hopefully other traders will drop by and support the idea, because it's probably a lot of work, to make one guy happy😁.

All the pics are hosted at tinypic, I hope your servers support it. If not, I'll attach them below.

Miembro desde Oct 11, 2009   posts 4
Nov 14, 2009 at 05:28 (editado Nov 14, 2009 at 05:31)
So....that didn't work. Here's the pics. They're out of order.

second one first. then the 3rd, then the first.

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Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1417
Nov 14, 2009 at 08:33
That's a very detailed and well explained example 😄

This is indeed an interesting idea and a feature we can develop.

Miembro desde Oct 11, 2009   posts 4
Nov 15, 2009 at 19:33
I'll volunteer for any beta-testing.
Miembro desde Oct 25, 2009   posts 1
Nov 16, 2009 at 03:24
I would also be very interested to try this out if it should be done - Please count me in on the beta testing when it is released


Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1417
Nov 16, 2009 at 08:41
Duly noted.

Thanks guys!
Miembro desde Oct 30, 2009   posts 2
Nov 16, 2009 at 10:53
this looks great
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