Trades consolidated using IBFX resultados de voto

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Discusión Trades consolidated using IBFX

Aug 21, 2009 at 03:08
Vistas 1,515
9 Replies
Miembro desde Aug 21, 2009   posts 6
Aug 21, 2009 at 03:08
Dear developer,

I just added 1 of my trading accts. This acct was started since 20 Oct 2008. And, due to the trades consolidation by the IBFX, it effects the accuracy of the report/summary generated by your system.
The deposit of my acct was U$ 10,000 on 20 Oct 2008 but due to the consolidation up to 14 May 2009. The deposit becomes U$ 14,779.05 on 20 Oct 2008. The 48% gain was gone... 😭 Is there anyway that your system could solve this problem due to trades consolidation from IBFX?
Thank you for created such a wonderful website. 😁

Historical price is always the best price.
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 21, 2009 at 06:37
Go live!!
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 21, 2009 at 06:38
With stats like those over that period I'd go live.
Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1418
Aug 21, 2009 at 07:57
Baiwan, have you tried following the instructions as described here?

Unfortunately, if the above procedure doesn't help, we don't have a way of restoring the lost data.

On another note, every trade you make from now on, and recorded on our side, won't be deleted (unless you'll delete the account).
Miembro desde Aug 21, 2009   posts 6
Aug 22, 2009 at 15:28
Elkart, both live & demo acct's trades will be consolidated... no mater what as long as using IBFX...
Historical price is always the best price.
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 23, 2009 at 01:11
I hope not, or I'll have a rather stern word with them. So far 4200 trades use to happen on a lot less in demo.
Miembro desde Aug 21, 2009   posts 6
Aug 30, 2009 at 14:02
My Live acct's history just got consolidated eventhough I put them on myfxbook before it happened...
From USD 5,000 to USD 6,365, my 27% gains vaporized... 😭
Historical price is always the best price.
Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1418
Aug 30, 2009 at 14:50

baiwan posted:
My Live acct's history just got consolidated eventhough I put them on myfxbook before it happened...
From USD 5,000 to USD 6,365, my 27% gains vaporized... 😭'/>

baiwan, please contact us privately, and state the account name.
If there's indeed an issue with your account, we will resolve it as soon as possible.

Thank you.
Miembro desde Jul 31, 2009   posts 1418
Aug 30, 2009 at 16:45

Staff posted:

baiwan, please contact us privately, and state the account name.
If there's indeed an issue with your account, we will resolve it as soon as possible.

Thank you.

biwan, issue found and resolved.

As stated before, please contact us directly when having an issue, as it will be resolved much quicker.

Apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you.
Miembro desde Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 31, 2009 at 00:05

Wind up IBFX, that's not acceptable for them to do. How are you supposed to work the stats?
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