1294886 (de bebekpanggangan)
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Discusión 1294886
Miembro desde Dec 09, 2014
posts 5

Miembro desde Feb 11, 2011
posts 1768
Jul 01, 2015 at 22:12
Miembro desde Feb 11, 2011
posts 1768
people have been warned on their thread enough to be banned ,do not complaint if you are scamed
Miembro desde Jan 09, 2014
posts 107
Jul 02, 2015 at 02:23
Miembro desde Jan 09, 2014
posts 107
bebekpanggangan posted:
Don't Be Scammed by Ammy Scalper. i waste my money 1499 USD buy the EA from ammyscalper.com and got scammed losing 1321 euro 1 days trading using their ea. be aware!!!.
email me the ea . i want to try it . useless if you keep the ea if it destroy your money .

Miembro desde Dec 03, 2013
posts 599
Jul 03, 2015 at 18:55
Miembro desde Dec 03, 2013
posts 599
ammy = scammy without the sc alper. Already tons of warning.
Arbitrage Forex EA, Ammy Scalper Forex EA works only on demo accounts and bucket shop brokers. Your profits will be void by the Broker. - https://redrhinofx.com/ammy-scalper-forex-ea-free/
Arbitrage Forex EA, Ammy Scalper Forex EA works only on demo accounts and bucket shop brokers. Your profits will be void by the Broker. - https://redrhinofx.com/ammy-scalper-forex-ea-free/
Miembro desde Apr 27, 2015
posts 26
Jul 06, 2015 at 20:55
(editado Jul 06, 2015 at 20:56)
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2014
posts 107
Beware !
It is just a pure scam !!
I have bought it and it didn't worked.
Luckily havent paid the whole price what he is asking now for it.
Since 2 days i ask for refund, which is guaranteed on his website, but don't get a reply.
He has directly blocked me to post in his discussions, before i ever could post something there.
His name is " Ragannath Behera " and he is very well known since 3 years with all the same system.
Produce some fake profit accounts, sells EA for 1.500 - 2.000 and deliver non working bullshit EA.
Here you can find some older information and address about him:
PS: Perhaps somewhere else can share this info in the official AmmyScalper discussions, because i am blocked there...
It is just a pure scam !!
I have bought it and it didn't worked.
Luckily havent paid the whole price what he is asking now for it.
Since 2 days i ask for refund, which is guaranteed on his website, but don't get a reply.
He has directly blocked me to post in his discussions, before i ever could post something there.
His name is " Ragannath Behera " and he is very well known since 3 years with all the same system.
Produce some fake profit accounts, sells EA for 1.500 - 2.000 and deliver non working bullshit EA.
Here you can find some older information and address about him:
PS: Perhaps somewhere else can share this info in the official AmmyScalper discussions, because i am blocked there...
Miembro desde May 20, 2011
posts 694
Miembro desde Nov 16, 2014
posts 5
Jul 09, 2015 at 08:12
Miembro desde Nov 16, 2014
posts 5
Be aware this is the new profile for ammyscalper scammer https://www.myfxbook.com/members/multibotfxrobot
Miembro desde Nov 16, 2014
posts 5
Jul 09, 2015 at 14:10
Miembro desde Nov 16, 2014
posts 5
he's now set up new account at Fxglory an unregulated broker out of Georgia offering 3000:1 leverage, sure sign of a scam broker. If it was a true scalper it would work on a regulated broker like IC Markets real account, but being an arbitrage system it won't work on real regulated brokers where he can get a withdrawal https://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/226813-profit-within-2-weeks/990192,1
Miembro desde May 20, 2011
posts 694
Miembro desde May 20, 2011
posts 694

Miembro desde Feb 11, 2011
posts 1768
Jul 15, 2015 at 18:50
Miembro desde Feb 11, 2011
posts 1768
we gotta to stay vigilent here guys ,we have to get more critical about those very promissing new systems

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