200-500% monthly profit (de autotrader)
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Discusión 200-500% monthly profit
Miembro desde Oct 20, 2009
posts 42
Dec 04, 2009 at 15:53
Miembro desde Nov 24, 2009
posts 16
With a 500:1 leverage and still keeping your DrawDown limited to less than 14% is very impressive.
Like myself I'm sure that there are many others that are interested in anything that you care to share about it.
Congradulations on a very impressive achievement. (< 8)
With a 500:1 leverage and still keeping your DrawDown limited to less than 14% is very impressive.
Like myself I'm sure that there are many others that are interested in anything that you care to share about it.
Congradulations on a very impressive achievement. (< 8)
(8 >) Live Long and Prosper (< 8)
Miembro desde Dec 01, 2009
posts 4
Dec 07, 2009 at 20:25
Miembro desde Dec 01, 2009
posts 4
HI all
This EA is only for managed account and works with EURUSD , so every one like to manage his account by this EA , he should open or has micro account in fxopen broker for amounts under than 2000 usd or has standars account above 10000 usd for increase the profit and reduce the risk, our goal is double the accounts in 1 month.
my email: [email protected]
This EA is only for managed account and works with EURUSD , so every one like to manage his account by this EA , he should open or has micro account in fxopen broker for amounts under than 2000 usd or has standars account above 10000 usd for increase the profit and reduce the risk, our goal is double the accounts in 1 month.
my email: [email protected]
Miembro desde Sep 04, 2009
posts 849
Miembro desde Aug 31, 2009
posts 131
Miembro desde Sep 04, 2009
posts 849

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