4xParadise-REAL (de 4xparadise)

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Discusión 4xParadise-REAL

Feb 08, 2012 at 22:08
Vistas 837
7 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2012   posts 20
Feb 09, 2012 at 21:29
one of my EA is working on eur/usd. Of course, the EA can work on some other pairs.
***for Rent or Account Management***
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2012   posts 20
Feb 14, 2012 at 15:30
I stopped working this EA on this real account and I am going to run it on other real account soon.
Note: the usd/chf's positions belong to other EA that I ran it on this account by mistake.
***for Rent or Account Management***
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2012   posts 20
Feb 29, 2012 at 15:37
FOR SELL ... for limited time

***Price: 2000$*** Unlimited Version
Miembro desde Feb 19, 2010   posts 31
Mar 04, 2012 at 00:14
2000$? ahahahah This is just a price for scam EA
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2012   posts 20
Mar 04, 2012 at 09:30

fxsuper posted:
2000$? ahahahah This is just a price for scam EA

This is just a price for a real profitable EA...
you can not to buy and not to take profit !!!!!
Miembro desde Feb 19, 2010   posts 31
Mar 06, 2012 at 11:18
I don't know nothing about your EA, mine is only a provocation for you in fact your EA could be good too BUT...
Take a look at the EA market, than you can get a feel of medium price of EA.
This price isn't affordable for a simply reason: no one can assure the financial success, so very few trader will spend 2000$ for an EA.

There is on market several superb EA for lower price than 2000$!!

Sorry for this painful truth
Miembro desde Jan 12, 2012   posts 20
Mar 06, 2012 at 20:37 (editado Mar 06, 2012 at 20:38)

fxsuper posted:
I don't know nothing about your EA, mine is only a provocation for you in fact your EA could be good too BUT...
Take a look at the EA market, than you can get a feel of medium price of EA.
This price isn't affordable for a simply reason: no one can assure the financial success, so very few trader will spend 2000$ for an EA.

There is on market several superb EA for lower price than 2000$!!

Sorry for this painful truth

Thanks for your comment but would you please introduce several superb EA for lower price than 2000$?
Miembro desde Feb 19, 2010   posts 31
Mar 06, 2012 at 20:57
- Forex Growth Bot
- Megadroid
- Hyper-EA
- Other EA in my portfolio that are private and i cannot mentioned

These EA have an a good compromise between the cost an benefit more over have superb performance and you are able to achieve 100% on annual basis in easy way and acceptable-low DD.

Actually i'm searching for a particular type of EA that give me a very good risk:reward+ acceptable winratio% based on some type of strategies (that can never become obsolete in the future) like price action and EA that hedging the risk but the Ea that i've listed up are so VERY stable and reliable EA that i ever seen.

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