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Discusión Caesar@IcMarkets

Oct 30, 2013 at 20:46
Vistas 7,178
145 Replies
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2014   posts 56
Oct 08, 2014 at 06:51
WOW !!!

64% of account blown in less than a week !!

Looks like Gaius Cassius Longinus has finally stepped in.
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2014   posts 56
Oct 08, 2014 at 06:51
cyberryder posted:
Tomas will have to go through very hard months now and i think will loose a lot of subscribers

Somehow, The well-being of Tomas is firmly at the bottom of my 'concerned' list !
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2014   posts 56
Oct 08, 2014 at 06:53
Unless Tomas has messed with the EA, the only thing I can think that has happened is this. For the best part of a year, the markets have been very low in volatility. In fact, record recorded lows. Up until last Friday, NFP's have been pretty much a none event for the last year.

Now that volatility has crept back into the market it means that some technical indicators are lagging behind. They will need time to catch up before the can be trusted.

ALSO, today has been a big news day behind closed curtains. The IMF has had a meeting and big news has come out about the Euro Zone. Again, the EA should not have been switched on today.

One thing is for sure. Caeser is no longer a part of my portfolio and yet again it has been an expensive journey. Tomas and JP77 have cost me a ******g fortune !!!

As bad as my own trading might be. I wouldn't have caused as much damage to my account as these clowns have.
Miembro desde Oct 17, 2013   posts 88
Oct 08, 2014 at 06:55

Do you intend to return all the Caesar2 subscription now that you have stopped selling that signal? As a new client, I never enjoyed a profit from that signal but now are down almost all my $10k investment, including trading losses, slippage, VPS cost and subscription fees.

For me this test of what looked like a good signal and trader has turned into a nightmare. I suspect you have others that feel likewise.

Returning everyones subscription fees would be a sign of good faith on your part.
Miembro desde Sep 22, 2014   posts 175
Oct 08, 2014 at 07:01
This very high risk trades. It has caused huge loss to my account too! This signals are not good and I do not advise any one to use it.
I discontinued this signal despite that it had taken trades on simple trader copier. So neither this signals nor simple trader copier are reliable at all.
Miembro desde Feb 15, 2012   posts 197
Oct 08, 2014 at 07:37
Probably better if Thomas updates this signal..
New MM 0.01 per 1000 instead of 0.01 per 500
And SL 20 to 33%
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2010   posts 123
Oct 08, 2014 at 13:12 (editado Oct 08, 2014 at 13:29)
Even C2.1 is not a real solution. It has a lower risk strategy, but it will also blow one day for sure. Tomas needs to add a strategy how to safely move out of big DD baskets, like DayFox and FxViper are doing it manually. I'm not sure this can be done other than manually and with being very skilled.

Re C2, well, no more else to discuss here. Time to move on. Good luck all
Miembro desde Oct 23, 2010   posts 188
Oct 08, 2014 at 15:51
Very sad end...! I would suggest Tomas to sell his EA better and to leave for everyone the discretion on how to use it...
Miembro desde Aug 27, 2014   posts 56
Oct 11, 2014 at 13:55
So Tomas, is the child in you going to delete this system as well as the Caeser 400% thread?

A massage to anyone looking for background on Caeser and if you can trust it or not. There was a system called Caeser 400% EURUSD. It was over 50 pages in length and had a lot of opinion about Tomas and his irresponsible trading in it, The info is still there but you need to click on this link to see it,62

Miembro desde Nov 29, 2013   posts 95
Oct 12, 2014 at 11:17
this signal is over
Miembro desde Jun 19, 2014   posts 55
Oct 12, 2014 at 11:25
His EA will always crash when the market shifts rapidly and greatly in a direction against his open orders.
This type of trading only succeeds when the market ranges and the luck when the open orders didn't close before the rapid and large movement took place.
He doesn't have anything new, in fact it's the old cycle EA system modified.
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2010   posts 123
Oct 12, 2014 at 13:21 (editado Oct 12, 2014 at 13:51)
rowdy posted:
His EA will always crash when the market shifts rapidly and greatly in a direction against his open orders.
This type of trading only succeeds when the market ranges and the luck when the open orders didn't close before the rapid and large movement took place.
He doesn't have anything new, in fact it's the old cycle EA system modified.

sure, it's just grid-trading with all the positive and all the negatives. But you still need a very good strategy to run grids safely. It's still one of the best grid strategies i have found so far. We have to come over the DD and move on. I'll stick to it.

The most important thing is to know how to handle risk and to prepare for the inevitable with grid trading! My impression is, even if Tomas warned all about possible DD, most were not prepared enough. And the next DD WILL come, this is for sure. Prepare for it, do research on grid-trading on the net and how to approach risk and money management to it, if you don't want to cry in this forum next time.

Scaling-in into grids, as well as monthly 50% equity withdrawals are good strategies for grids. This is nothing Tomas can do for you.

What Tomas could do, is to fine-tune the strategy to avoid big spikes. This may safe us on some spikes from DD, but it can help us in the same extend, if the spike goes into our favour.

The community (register, if you are not a member, there is much valuable to learn) often see people asking for filters after DD. This is normal. But it's not said it really helps. I have done tonns of backtesting with EA's and compared the same EA with and without news filter. Often results were better without news filter.

We saw grid and marti strategies in the pasts, to which traders added so many filters and indis that it simply did not enter any more trades - and guess what happened - PEOPLE COMPLAINED!

One is sure, people will always complain. It's human. And it's never them. It's human.

The only thing Tomas could add to his strategy i see a value in, is a scale-out of DD strategy. This could contain hedging. I don't see how this safely could be handeled by any EA. VIPER + DayFox are showing us every day that there is nothing better than a highly skilled trader who can adapt to changing market conditions. An EA only do well within certain conditions. I'm not sure Tomas has the needed skill to manually intervene. He say that when he intervened in the past, typically the EA was right and not he. So, i'm fine with that. I prefer that he does not intervene then.

The very last thing he then could do is to adapt the EA strategy to current market conditions. The problem is always the same with this: How do you know, your strategy is no more working? When do you stop? One 33%DD has been expected, even 2 per year. Not shortly behind it maybe, but this is the randomness of the market. Normally one approaches this challange with running Monte Carlo analysises in backtesting to find out the worst case DD scenario he will stop / re-tune the EA. However backtesting is not very reliable as market changes constantly. We believe that markets move in cycles and that patterns repeat, so that we can do backtesting, and it seems to be true in some extend, but nobody knows how it really will work out the next cycle.

If we would have 5 DD in 2 weeks i would say, the strategy does not fit the current market conditions. 2 DD were heavy to digest, but for me it's still in range to what we had to expect. But i can only guess from the outside and a bit rely on my 4 year trading knowledge. Nobody really knows Tomas's strategy. Only he can make the decision what to do next.

If some have lost thousands and then cry, than they were not prepared for that loss, meaning they were running too high risk for their personal risk appetite.

I have remembered one sentence in my trading career: Trading should be emotionless, either you win or you loose. If it's not, you run a too high risk.

good luck all

Miembro desde Dec 10, 2010   posts 8
Oct 12, 2014 at 17:26
Hi, I am always interested in systems with good consistent equity growth and a low DD. They're hard to find. The main problem is that the Providers and Subscribers all have a focus on reward not risk. Caesar's system did not display the SL's and therefore it's not possible to have a proper risk/reward profile. At no time did any of his subscribers have any idea what they could lose but there was a good history of equity growth. His EA appeared to work for some while with a very poor risk reward. I know I keep going on about it but if you use a hedging EA then that no longer becomes a problem since you can set risk at whatever you want since you control the hedge and risk. We produce our own EA's (not hedging ones) and we release our latest tonight. It wont be available to subscribers of Myfxbook until we have 6 months of continuous growth but the SL's will be submitted at time of order. We would openly name and shame any Brokers that went stop hunting
Miembro desde Dec 22, 2010   posts 123
Oct 12, 2014 at 20:36
mach26 posted:
I know I keep going on about it but if you use a hedging EA then that no longer becomes a problem since you can set risk at whatever you want since you control the hedge and risk.

why don't you simply subscribe to C2 and apply your Hedge EA from eacoder and then tell us how it's going and what was your strategy? I don't understand what you mean.
Miembro desde Jun 19, 2014   posts 55
Oct 13, 2014 at 06:33
Actually you knew what your DD I thought. I was told he has a STOP out level on the account but judging by these comments perhaps he didn't. Also with grid trading and trying to avoid spikes are kidding right? If you had the crystal ball to do these I want one since you have control over the markets. He did try avoiding these by trading during what he thought would be the ranging part of the markets. You never know when that storm will hit or miss, it will get you one day and UNLESS you have that bunker you will get it eventually and sure he tried to handle risk the best way he could by trading the absolute smallest amount possible BUT by having no SL you expose your whole account which is the most basic and fundamental rule hence why he has NO very wealthy investors trading his system. They expect you to explain how you protect yourself and manage risk before you are asked to explain you profits.
Miembro desde Dec 10, 2010   posts 8
Oct 13, 2014 at 07:04
Hi Cyberryder, yes, good point. Pressure of our own EA work makes this difficult at the moment but I will certainly set something up in a few weeks
Miembro desde Jun 19, 2014   posts 55
Oct 13, 2014 at 11:32
cyberryder posted:
mach26 posted:
I know I keep going on about it but if you use a hedging EA then that no longer becomes a problem since you can set risk at whatever you want since you control the hedge and risk.

why don't you simply subscribe to C2 and apply your Hedge EA from eacoder and then tell us how it's going and what was your strategy? I don't understand what you mean.

Why would he use someone else's signal if he had a working strategy? That makes no sense and besides for such high paid signal I would want to profit from it.
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Oct 13, 2014 at 13:54
logicman posted:
So Tomas, is the child in you going to delete this system as well as the Caeser 400% thread?

A massage to anyone looking for background on Caeser and if you can trust it or not. There was a system called Caeser 400% EURUSD. It was over 50 pages in length and had a lot of opinion about Tomas and his irresponsible trading in it, The info is still there but you need to click on this link to see it,62

Thank you for spamming all the forums.
It is a free advertisement.
Miembro desde Feb 22, 2011   posts 4573
Oct 13, 2014 at 13:54
kanon103 posted:
this signal is over

Which signal is over?
Miembro desde Dec 10, 2010   posts 8
Oct 13, 2014 at 16:59
rowdy posted:
cyberryder posted:
mach26 posted:
I know I keep going on about it but if you use a hedging EA then that no longer becomes a problem since you can set risk at whatever you want since you control the hedge and risk.

why don't you simply subscribe to C2 and apply your Hedge EA from eacoder and then tell us how it's going and what was your strategy? I don't understand what you mean.

Why would he use someone else's signal if he had a working strategy? That makes no sense and besides for such high paid signal I would want to profit from it.

Thanks for this. The issue is that in order to back test both working together then I need the original EA so that I can change parameters in both. It's not a difficult EA in what it does so it maybe possible to reproduce something similar. Its trying to work out the entry parameters. There's an EA called Pipstrider that does something similar but it would take me two or three weeks to recreate then optimise this EA to vaguely "copy" Caesar. We might try writing one from scratch since it just needs moderating during times of high volatility. We achieve this by switching off the EA's before news. It's not a difficult mod which Caesar might contemplate
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