[email protected] (de forexislamy)

El usuario ha borrado este sistema.

Discusión [email protected]

Aug 27, 2013 at 17:43
Vistas 766
7 Replies
Miembro desde May 24, 2011   posts 14
Nov 12, 2013 at 23:09
Track Record Not Verified
Trading Privileges Not Verified

this is just a demo account with swap, not islamic.

Interest: -$1726.25
Miembro desde Mar 29, 2012   posts 192
Nov 13, 2013 at 10:40
Interesting, would you mind telling us more about the strategy?
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.
Miembro desde May 24, 2011   posts 14
Dec 17, 2013 at 17:24
user deleted system Xdddddddddddddd
Miembro desde Dec 17, 2013   posts 4
Dec 18, 2013 at 07:56
My name is Mahmoud my email is :[email protected]
I say : islam forex is scammers .. they stole $11000 from my account in 40 min.

 how recovered my money ..?
 no authority to complain?
Can you help me ????
البداية كانت ايميل في 17/9/2013 هذا نصه:

أقوى اكسبيرت في عام 2013 هنا ....‎
[email protected]
Sep 17

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Always translate: Arabic
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم والصلاة والسلام على اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين

قام فريق عمل شركة فوركس اسلام المكون من أربعة أشخاص وهم السيد أحمد فخر الدين والسيد محمد الشامي والسيد مصطفى بلحاج والسيد صطيفان مارتيني بابتكار روبوت يتيح للمتداول تداولا أليا بعيدا عن المخاطرة ويحقق نتائج جد مرضية
هذا الربوت استطاع أن يحول 5000 دولار الى أكثر من 26000 دولار في أربعة شهور بدراوداون لا يتجاوز 17% وبمخاطرة شبه منعدمة
الربوت يعتمد على معادلات رياضية بحثة متغيرة ايمانا من الفريق أن الفترة الحالية للسوق لا
تحترم التحاليل التقليدية
ومع الأسف يتكبد المتداولون العرب يوميا خسائر فادحة بسبب التشبت بالتحاليل التقليدية
يمكن لأي شخص متابعة أداء الربوت على الرابط التالي

هذا الربوت ليس للبيع ونستعمله على الحسابات التي يفضل أصحابها الاستثمار المتوسط المدى

والبعيد المدى

وها هي قائمة بخدمات أخرى تقدمها شركة فوركس اسلام

• ادارة الحسابات
• ترميم الحسابات الخاسرة
• تقديم توصيات يومية على الايميل
• تقديم توصيات يومية عبر رسائل SMS
• تحليلات اسبوعية لسوق الفوركس
• استشارات مجانية للمبتدئين
• استشارات متقدمة للمحترفين
• الوساطة في حل المشاكل بين شركات الوساطة والعملاء ( كيفما كانت الشركة )
• استرداد حقوق الأفراد من الشركات النصابة
• كورسات مجانية في فنون جني الأرباح

لمعلومات أكثر حول شركة فوركس اسلام يرجى زيارة موقعنا الالكتروني

[email protected]

شركة فوركس اسلام مسجلة تحت السجل التجاري رقم 537220 الوظيفة الرئيسية تقديم استشارات وحلول في تجارة العملات والأسهم على الانترنت
الدار البيضاء
  TECHNOPARK 2601 شارع سيدي معروف
والنهاية حساب في لكود ماركتز فيه 11000 دولار
وفي خلال 40 دقيقة ..تفقد 11000 دولار ..وتتحول نقودك الى عمولات في حساب اسلام فوركس...

Archivos adjuntos:

Miembro desde Dec 17, 2013   posts 4
Dec 18, 2013 at 07:56
This is the account statement ..
You can see what ISLAMFOREX do..

LQD Markets Limited

Account: 2100017453 Name: Mahmoud Currency: USD Leverage: 1:100 2013 December 17, 04:57
Closed Transactions:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Close Time Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
29486374 2013.12.02 14:04 balance Deposit LM BB 3IL 11,022.00
29489355 2013.12.02 23:59 balance Interest:11022,00+0,00@0,05% 0.02
29495056 2013.12.03 23:59 balance Interest:11022,02+0,00@0,05% 0.02
29496026 2013.12.04 05:03 buy limit 0.4 eurjpy 138.824 138.577 139.991 2013.12.04 05:18 139.288 cancelled
29496560 2013.12.04 09:57 buy 1 eurusd 1.35691 0 0 2013.12.04 10:00 1.35691 0 0 0 0
29502129 2013.12.04 23:59 balance Interest:11022,04+0,00@2,55% 0.78
29502920 2013.12.05 01:34 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.35896 0 0 2013.12.05 01:34 1.35875 0 0 0 -0.21
29502924 2013.12.05 01:36 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:36 1.35851 0 0 0 -0.24
29502928 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35857 0 0 0 -90
29502929 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.3588 0 0 0 -145
29502930 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35857 0 0 0 -90
29502931 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.35853 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35881 0 0 0 -140
29502932 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35879 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35856 0 0 0 -115
29502933 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.35855 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.3588 0 0 0 -125
29502934 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35884 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35856 0 0 0 -140
29502935 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.3586 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.3588 0 0 0 -100
29502936 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35884 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35856 0 0 0 -140
29502937 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.35857 0 0 2013.12.05 01:37 1.35879 0 0 0 -110
29502949 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35854 0 0 0 -120
29502950 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35878 0 0 0 -120
29502951 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35854 0 0 0 -120
29502952 2013.12.05 01:37 sell 5 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35878 0 0 0 -120
29502953 2013.12.05 01:37 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35854 0 0 0 -120
29502954 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35878 0 0 0 -120
29502955 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35854 0 0 0 -120
29502956 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35878 0 0 0 -120
29502957 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35854 0 0 0 -120
29502958 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35878 0 0 0 -120
29502959 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35854 0 0 0 -120
29502960 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:38 1.35878 0 0 0 -120
29502973 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -185
29502974 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.3585 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -75
29502975 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -120
29502976 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.3584 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -125
29502977 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35864 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -115
29502978 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -120
29502979 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -125
29502980 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -115
29502981 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -125
29502982 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -115
29502983 2013.12.05 01:38 buy 5 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -125
29502984 2013.12.05 01:38 sell 5 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -115
29502997 2013.12.05 01:39 buy 5 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -120
29502998 2013.12.05 01:39 sell 5 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35865 0 0 0 -120
29502999 2013.12.05 01:39 buy 3 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -72
29503000 2013.12.05 01:39 sell 3 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -72
29503001 2013.12.05 01:39 buy 3 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -72
29503002 2013.12.05 01:39 sell 3 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -72
29503003 2013.12.05 01:39 buy 3 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -72
29503004 2013.12.05 01:39 sell 3 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -72
29503005 2013.12.05 01:39 buy 3 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -72
29503006 2013.12.05 01:39 sell 3 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -72
29503007 2013.12.05 01:39 buy 3 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35841 0 0 0 -72
29503008 2013.12.05 01:39 sell 3 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:39 1.35865 0 0 0 -72
29503024 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35844 0 0 0 -63
29503025 2013.12.05 01:40 sell 3 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35868 0 0 0 -81
29503027 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35864 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35844 0 0 0 -60
29503028 2013.12.05 01:40 sell 3 eurusd 1.3584 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35868 0 0 0 -84
29503030 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35864 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35844 0 0 0 -60
29503031 2013.12.05 01:40 sell 3 eurusd 1.3584 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35868 0 0 0 -84
29503032 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35844 0 0 0 -66
29503033 2013.12.05 01:40 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:40 1.35868 0 0 0 -75
29503046 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35843 0 0 0 -72
29503047 2013.12.05 01:40 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35867 0 0 0 -72
29503048 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35843 0 0 0 -72
29503049 2013.12.05 01:40 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35867 0 0 0 -72
29503050 2013.12.05 01:40 buy 3 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35849 0 0 0 -54
29503051 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35867 0 0 0 -72
29503052 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35849 0 0 0 -54
29503053 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.3587 0 0 0 -81
29503054 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35847 0 0 0 -60
29503055 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35871 0 0 0 -84
29503057 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35848 0 0 0 -57
29503058 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35872 0 0 0 -87
29503059 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35848 0 0 0 -60
29503060 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:41 1.35872 0 0 0 -84
29503075 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35834 0 0 0 -108
29503076 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35859 0 0 0 -39
29503077 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35835 0 0 0 -105
29503078 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35859 0 0 0 -39
29503079 2013.12.05 01:41 buy 3 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35835 0 0 0 -105
29503080 2013.12.05 01:41 sell 3 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35859 0 0 0 -39
29503082 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.35858 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35835 0 0 0 -46
29503083 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35859 0 0 0 -54
29503084 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.35858 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35835 0 0 0 -46
29503085 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35834 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35859 0 0 0 -50
29503097 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:42 1.35836 0 0 0 -60
29503098 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.3586 0 0 0 -36
29503099 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35836 0 0 0 -60
29503100 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.3586 0 0 0 -38
29503101 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35836 0 0 0 -58
29503102 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.3586 0 0 0 -38
29503103 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35836 0 0 0 -58
29503104 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35839 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.3586 0 0 0 -42
29503105 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.3586 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35836 0 0 0 -48
29503106 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35836 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.3586 0 0 0 -48
29503107 2013.12.05 01:42 buy 2 eurusd 1.3586 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35836 0 0 0 -48
29503108 2013.12.05 01:42 sell 2 eurusd 1.35837 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.3586 0 0 0 -46
29503121 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 2 eurusd 1.35858 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35832 0 0 0 -52
29503122 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 2 eurusd 1.35834 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35856 0 0 0 -44
29503123 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 2 eurusd 1.35858 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35832 0 0 0 -52
29503124 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 2 eurusd 1.35834 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35862 0 0 0 -56
29503125 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 2 eurusd 1.35858 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35841 0 0 0 -34
29503126 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 2 eurusd 1.35834 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35866 0 0 0 -64
29503127 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 2 eurusd 1.35858 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35841 0 0 0 -34
29503128 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 2 eurusd 1.35834 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35865 0 0 0 -62
29503129 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 2 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35833 0 0 0 -64
29503130 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 2 eurusd 1.35833 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35861 0 0 0 -56
29503131 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 1 eurusd 1.35854 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35842 0 0 0 -12
29503132 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 1 eurusd 1.3583 0 0 2013.12.05 01:43 1.35866 0 0 0 -36
29503133 2013.12.05 01:43 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35842 0 0 0 -14
29503134 2013.12.05 01:43 sell 1 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35865 0 0 0 -33
29503149 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35859 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35835 0 0 0 -24
29503150 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35835 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35859 0 0 0 -24
29503151 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35835 0 0 0 -21
29503152 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35859 0 0 0 -27
29503153 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35835 0 0 0 -21
29503154 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35859 0 0 0 -27
29503155 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35835 0 0 0 -21
29503156 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35859 0 0 0 -27
29503157 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35835 0 0 0 -21
29503158 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35859 0 0 0 -27
29503159 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35841 0 0 0 -15
29503160 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35832 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35868 0 0 0 -36
29503161 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35856 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35844 0 0 0 -12
29503162 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35833 0 0 2013.12.05 01:44 1.35863 0 0 0 -30
29503177 2013.12.05 01:44 buy 1 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35842 0 0 0 -23
29503178 2013.12.05 01:44 sell 1 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35866 0 0 0 -25
29503179 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35842 0 0 0 -24
29503180 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35866 0 0 0 -24
29503181 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35842 0 0 0 -24
29503182 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35866 0 0 0 -24
29503183 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35842 0 0 0 -25
29503184 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35841 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35866 0 0 0 -25
29503185 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35842 0 0 0 -23
29503186 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35866 0 0 0 -24
29503187 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35842 0 0 0 -24
29503188 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:45 1.35866 0 0 0 -24
29503201 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35838 0 0 0 -28
29503202 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35868 0 0 0 -26
29503203 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35844 0 0 0 -23
29503204 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35868 0 0 0 -25
29503205 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35844 0 0 0 -23
29503206 2013.12.05 01:45 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35867 0 0 0 -24
29503207 2013.12.05 01:45 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35843 0 0 0 -24
29503208 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35867 0 0 0 -24
29503209 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35843 0 0 0 -24
29503210 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35867 0 0 0 -24
29503211 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35843 0 0 0 -25
29503212 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35838 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35867 0 0 0 -29
29503225 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35843 0 0 0 -24
29503226 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35867 0 0 0 -24
29503227 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35844 0 0 0 -23
29503228 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35868 0 0 0 -26
29503229 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35844 0 0 0 -22
29503230 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35868 0 0 0 -26
29503231 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35844 0 0 0 -24
29503232 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:46 1.35868 0 0 0 -24
29503241 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:47 1.35845 0 0 0 -21
29503242 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:47 1.35869 0 0 0 -26
29503243 2013.12.05 01:46 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:47 1.35838 0 0 0 -29
29503244 2013.12.05 01:46 sell 1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:47 1.35869 0 0 0 -26
29503245 2013.12.05 01:47 buy 1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:47 1.35845 0 0 0 -22
29503251 2013.12.05 01:47 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35846 0 0 0 -1.84
29503252 2013.12.05 01:47 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.3587 0 0 0 -2
29503253 2013.12.05 01:47 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35845 0 0 0 -1.92
29503254 2013.12.05 01:47 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35871 0 0 0 -2.08
29503255 2013.12.05 01:47 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35874 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35847 0 0 0 -2.16
29503256 2013.12.05 01:47 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35871 0 0 0 -2
29503257 2013.12.05 01:47 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35847 0 0 0 -1.84
29503258 2013.12.05 01:47 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35848 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35876 0 0 0 -2.24
29503259 2013.12.05 01:47 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35852 0 0 0 -1.36
29503260 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35876 0 0 0 -2.48
29503261 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35847 0 0 0 -1.76
29503262 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.3585 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35871 0 0 0 -1.68
29503263 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35874 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35847 0 0 0 -2.16
29503264 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.3585 0 0 2013.12.05 01:48 1.35871 0 0 0 -1.68
29503279 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35871 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.24
29503280 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -1.68
29503281 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.16
29503282 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -1.76
29503283 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -2
29503284 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -1.84
29503285 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.08
29503286 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -2
29503287 2013.12.05 01:48 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -1.84
29503288 2013.12.05 01:48 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -2
29503289 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -1.92
29503290 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -1.92
29503291 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35843 0 0 0 -1.92
29503292 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:49 1.35867 0 0 0 -1.92
29503308 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.3585 0 0 0 -1.44
29503309 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35874 0 0 0 -2.4
29503310 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35854 0 0 0 -1.12
29503311 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35876 0 0 0 -2.48
29503312 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35852 0 0 0 -1.28
29503313 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35876 0 0 0 -2.56
29503314 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.36
29503315 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35875 0 0 0 -2.48
29503316 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35872 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.68
29503317 2013.12.05 01:49 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.3585 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35875 0 0 0 -2
29503318 2013.12.05 01:49 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35874 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.84
29503319 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35875 0 0 0 -1.92
29503320 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.92
29503321 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35875 0 0 0 -1.92
29503322 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.92
29503323 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35875 0 0 0 -1.92
29503324 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35874 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.84
29503325 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:50 1.35875 0 0 0 -1.92
29503345 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.8 eurusd 1.35874 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -20
29503346 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.8 eurusd 1.3585 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -18.4
29503347 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.8 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35848 0 0 0 -21.6
29503348 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.8 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -17.6
29503349 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.8 eurusd 1.35874 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -20
29503350 2013.12.05 01:50 sell 0.8 eurusd 1.35848 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -20
29503351 2013.12.05 01:50 buy 0.8 eurusd 1.35871 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -17.6
29503352 2013.12.05 01:51 sell 0.8 eurusd 1.35847 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -20.8
29503353 2013.12.05 01:51 buy 0.8 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -16.8
29503354 2013.12.05 01:51 sell 0.8 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -21.6
29503355 2013.12.05 01:51 buy 0.7 eurusd 1.35873 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -16.8
29503356 2013.12.05 01:51 sell 0.7 eurusd 1.35849 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -16.8
29503357 2013.12.05 01:51 buy 0.7 eurusd 1.35873 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -16.8
29503358 2013.12.05 01:51 sell 0.7 eurusd 1.35849 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -16.8
29503359 2013.12.05 01:51 buy 0.7 eurusd 1.35873 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -16.8
29503360 2013.12.05 01:51 sell 0.7 eurusd 1.35849 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35873 0 0 0 -16.8
29503361 2013.12.05 01:51 buy 0.7 eurusd 1.35873 0 0 2013.12.05 01:51 1.35849 0 0 0 -16.8
29503379 2013.12.05 01:51 buy 0.6 eurusd 1.35872 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35848 0 0 0 -14.4
29503380 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.6 eurusd 1.35848 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35872 0 0 0 -14.4
29503381 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.6 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35848 0 0 0 -16.2
29503382 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.6 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35872 0 0 0 -12.6
29503383 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.6 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35848 0 0 0 -16.2
29503384 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.6 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35872 0 0 0 -12.6
29503385 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.6 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35848 0 0 0 -16.2
29503386 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.6 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35872 0 0 0 -12.6
29503387 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.6 eurusd 1.35875 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35848 0 0 0 -16.2
29503388 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.6 eurusd 1.35851 0 0 2013.12.05 01:52 1.35872 0 0 0 -12.6
29503399 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.5 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35846 0 0 0 -12
29503400 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.5 eurusd 1.35847 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.3587 0 0 0 -11.5
29503401 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.5 eurusd 1.35871 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35846 0 0 0 -12.5
29503402 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.5 eurusd 1.35847 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.3587 0 0 0 -11.5
29503403 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.5 eurusd 1.35871 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35847 0 0 0 -12
29503404 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.5 eurusd 1.35847 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35871 0 0 0 -12
29503405 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.5 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35847 0 0 0 -11.5
29503406 2013.12.05 01:52 sell 0.5 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35871 0 0 0 -12.5
29503407 2013.12.05 01:52 buy 0.5 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35847 0 0 0 -11.5
29503408 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.5 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:53 1.35871 0 0 0 -12.5
29503420 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.5 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -13.5
29503421 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.5 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -10.5
29503422 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -10.4
29503423 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.4 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -8.8
29503424 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -10
29503425 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.4 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -9.2
29503426 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -10
29503427 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.4 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -9.2
29503428 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -9.6
29503430 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.4 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -8.8
29503431 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -10
29503433 2013.12.05 01:53 sell 0.4 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -9.2
29503434 2013.12.05 01:53 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35843 0 0 0 -10
29503435 2013.12.05 01:54 sell 0.4 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35867 0 0 0 -9.2
29503436 2013.12.05 01:54 buy 0.4 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:54 1.35844 0 0 0 -9.6
29503454 2013.12.05 01:54 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.6
29503455 2013.12.05 01:54 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -5
29503456 2013.12.05 01:54 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.6
29503457 2013.12.05 01:54 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503458 2013.12.05 01:54 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.8
29503459 2013.12.05 01:54 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503460 2013.12.05 01:54 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.6
29503461 2013.12.05 01:54 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -5
29503462 2013.12.05 01:54 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.6
29503463 2013.12.05 01:54 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -5
29503474 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35845 0 0 0 -4.6
29503475 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503476 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.8
29503477 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503478 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -5
29503479 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.6
29503481 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -5
29503482 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503483 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:55 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.8
29503484 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503485 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.8
29503486 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35868 0 0 0 -4.8
29503487 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35844 0 0 0 -4.8
29503488 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35869 0 0 0 -5
29503489 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35845 0 0 0 -4.6
29503490 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35869 0 0 0 -4.8
29503491 2013.12.05 01:55 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35845 0 0 0 -4.8
29503492 2013.12.05 01:55 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35869 0 0 0 -4.8
29503511 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -5.2
29503512 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.6
29503513 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -5
29503515 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.6
29503516 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -5
29503517 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.6
29503518 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -5
29503519 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.6
29503520 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -5
29503521 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.6
29503522 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -5
29503523 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.8
29503524 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.8
29503525 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:56 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.8
29503540 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35842 0 0 0 -4.8
29503541 2013.12.05 01:56 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.8
29503542 2013.12.05 01:56 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.8
29503543 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -5
29503544 2013.12.05 01:57 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.8
29503545 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.8
29503546 2013.12.05 01:57 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.8
29503547 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -4.8
29503548 2013.12.05 01:57 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.6
29503549 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -5
29503550 2013.12.05 01:57 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.6
29503551 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -5
29503552 2013.12.05 01:57 buy 0.2 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35843 0 0 0 -4.6
29503553 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.2 eurusd 1.35842 0 0 2013.12.05 01:57 1.35867 0 0 0 -5
29503568 2013.12.05 01:57 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503569 2013.12.05 01:57 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.4
29503570 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503571 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35868 0 0 0 -2.5
29503572 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35844 0 0 0 -2.3
29503573 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35868 0 0 0 -2.5
29503574 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35844 0 0 0 -2.3
29503575 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35868 0 0 0 -2.5
29503576 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503577 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.4
29503578 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503579 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.4
29503580 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.5
29503581 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.3
29503582 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.5
29503583 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.3
29503584 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503585 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.4
29503586 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:58 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503587 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.4
29503588 2013.12.05 01:58 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.4
29503589 2013.12.05 01:58 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35843 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35868 0 0 0 -2.5
29503612 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35844 0 0 0 -2.4
29503613 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35868 0 0 0 -2.4
29503614 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35844 0 0 0 -2.4
29503615 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35869 0 0 0 -2.4
29503616 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.6
29503617 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.2
29503618 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.6
29503619 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.3
29503620 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 01:59 1.35843 0 0 0 -2.5
29503621 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35871 0 0 0 -2.7
29503622 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35847 0 0 0 -2.1
29503623 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35871 0 0 0 -2.7
29503624 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35847 0 0 0 -2.3
29503625 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35874 0 0 0 -2.8
29503626 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.3587 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.3585 0 0 0 -2
29503627 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35846 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35867 0 0 0 -2.1
29503628 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35869 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.8
29503629 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35845 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35875 0 0 0 -3
29503630 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.7
29503631 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35875 0 0 0 -3.1
29503632 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.7
29503633 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35875 0 0 0 -3.1
29503634 2013.12.05 01:59 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35868 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35851 0 0 0 -1.7
29503635 2013.12.05 01:59 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35844 0 0 2013.12.05 02:00 1.35875 0 0 0 -3.1
29503668 2013.12.05 02:00 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35888 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.3587 0 0 0 -1.8
29503669 2013.12.05 02:00 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35872 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35894 0 0 0 -2.2
29503670 2013.12.05 02:00 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35896 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.3587 0 0 0 -2.6
29503671 2013.12.05 02:00 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35873 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35894 0 0 0 -2.1
29503672 2013.12.05 02:00 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35896 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.3587 0 0 0 -2.6
29503673 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35872 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35894 0 0 0 -2.2
29503674 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35896 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.3587 0 0 0 -2.6
29503675 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35872 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35894 0 0 0 -2.2
29503676 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35896 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.3587 0 0 0 -2.6
29503677 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35894 0 0 0 -2.7
29503678 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.1 eurusd 1.35891 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35874 0 0 0 -1.7
29503679 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.1 eurusd 1.35867 0 0 2013.12.05 02:01 1.35894 0 0 0 -2.7
29503696 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35908 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35873 0 0 0 -2.8
29503697 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35882 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35897 0 0 0 -1.2
29503698 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35902 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35873 0 0 0 -2.32
29503699 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35897 0 0 0 -1.52
29503700 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35902 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35873 0 0 0 -2.32
29503701 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35894 0 0 0 -1.28
29503702 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35902 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35872 0 0 0 -2.4
29503703 2013.12.05 02:01 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35878 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35894 0 0 0 -1.28
29503704 2013.12.05 02:01 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35902 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35871 0 0 0 -2.48
29503705 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.3588 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35894 0 0 0 -1.12
29503706 2013.12.05 02:02 buy 0.08 eurusd 1.35901 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.3587 0 0 0 -2.48
29503707 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.08 eurusd 1.35873 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35895 0 0 0 -1.76
29503721 2013.12.05 02:02 buy 0.07 eurusd 1.35887 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35864 0 0 0 -1.61
29503722 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.07 eurusd 1.35863 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.3589 0 0 0 -1.89
29503723 2013.12.05 02:02 buy 0.07 eurusd 1.35887 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35865 0 0 0 -1.54
29503724 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.07 eurusd 1.35863 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35893 0 0 0 -2.1
29503725 2013.12.05 02:02 buy 0.07 eurusd 1.35887 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35866 0 0 0 -1.47
29503726 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.07 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.3589 0 0 0 -1.68
29503730 2013.12.05 02:02 buy 0.07 eurusd 1.35889 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35865 0 0 0 -1.68
29503731 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.07 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35891 0 0 0 -1.82
29503732 2013.12.05 02:02 buy 0.07 eurusd 1.35886 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35867 0 0 0 -1.33
29503738 2013.12.05 02:02 sell 0.07 eurusd 1.35864 0 0 2013.12.05 02:02 1.35889 0 0 0 -1.75
29503745 2013.12.05 02:03 buy 0.06 eurusd 1.35891 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35865 0 0 0 -1.56
29503746 2013.12.05 02:03 sell 0.06 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35889 0 0 0 -1.38
29503747 2013.12.05 02:03 buy 0.06 eurusd 1.3589 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35865 0 0 0 -1.5
29503748 2013.12.05 02:03 sell 0.06 eurusd 1.35865 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35889 0 0 0 -1.44
29503749 2013.12.05 02:03 buy 0.06 eurusd 1.35889 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35865 0 0 0 -1.44
29503750 2013.12.05 02:03 sell 0.06 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35889 0 0 0 -1.38
29503751 2013.12.05 02:03 buy 0.06 eurusd 1.3589 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35865 0 0 0 -1.5
29503752 2013.12.05 02:03 sell 0.06 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:03 1.35889 0 0 0 -1.38
29503762 2013.12.05 02:05 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.3589 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35863 0 0 0 -1.35
29503763 2013.12.05 02:05 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35887 0 0 0 -1.05
29503764 2013.12.05 02:05 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.3589 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35863 0 0 0 -1.35
29503765 2013.12.05 02:05 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35887 0 0 0 -1.05
29503766 2013.12.05 02:05 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.3589 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35863 0 0 0 -1.35
29503767 2013.12.05 02:05 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.35866 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35887 0 0 0 -1.05
29503768 2013.12.05 02:05 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.3589 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35863 0 0 0 -1.35
29503769 2013.12.05 02:05 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.35864 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35887 0 0 0 -1.15
29503770 2013.12.05 02:05 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.35887 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35863 0 0 0 -1.2
29503771 2013.12.05 02:05 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.35863 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35887 0 0 0 -1.2
29503772 2013.12.05 02:05 buy 0.05 eurusd 1.35887 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35863 0 0 0 -1.2
29503773 2013.12.05 02:05 sell 0.05 eurusd 1.35863 0 0 2013.12.05 02:05 1.35887 0 0 0 -1.2
0 0 0 -10,957.24
Closed P/L: -10,957.24
Open Trades:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Price Commission Taxes Swap Profit
No transactions
0 0 0 0
Floating P/L: 0
Working Orders:
Ticket Open Time Type Size Item Price S / L T / P Market Price
No transactions

Deposit/Withdrawal: 11,022.82 Credit Facility: 0
Closed Trade P/L: -10,957.24 Floating P/L: 0 Margin: 0
Balance: 65.58 Equity: 65.58 Free Margin: 65.58


Gross Profit: 0 Gross Loss: 10,957.24 Total Net Profit: -10,957.24
Profit Factor: 0 Expected Payoff: -26.6
Absolute Drawdown: 10,957.24 Maximal Drawdown: 10,957.24 (99.41%) Relative Drawdown: 99.41% (10,957.24)

Total Trades: 412 Short Positions (won %): 203 (0.00%) Long Positions (won %): 209 (0.48%)
Profit Trades (% of total): 1 (0.24%) Loss trades (% of total): 411 (99.76%)
Largest profit trade: 0 loss trade: -185
Average profit trade: 0 loss trade: -26.66
Maximum consecutive wins ($): 1 (0.00) consecutive losses ($): 411 (-10,957.24)
Maximal consecutive profit (count): 0.00 (0) consecutive loss (count): -10,957.24 (411)
Average consecutive wins: 1 consecutive losses: 411
Miembro desde Dec 17, 2013   posts 4
Dec 18, 2013 at 07:56
هناك اتفاقية بينهم وبين لكودماركتز لتوسيع السبريد 1.5 نقطة ..وبموجبه يحققون 16 دولار عن كل لوت على اليورو/دولار ..والذي حصل في حسابي انهم تداولوا نحو 600 لوت في اربعين دقيقة اي انهم حققوا عمولات قدرها 600*16 = 9600
اي انهم في واقع الحال حولوا رصيد حسابي الى عمولات في حسابهم
وهذا هو النص الذي يتيح لهم فعل ذلك مع تنصل لكود ماركت من المسؤولية
وهم في الواقع شركاء
According to this Letter of Consent terms and clause, it is agreed that the Business Introducer receives up to__1.5___ pip per lot per round turn transaction (on EURUSD) associated with the trading account for which this Letter of Consent is signed; as a result, Clients signing this Letter of Consent are aware that the trading account for which this Letter of Consent is signed will be charged (via spread widening) up to __1.5___ pip per lot per round turn transaction (on EURUSD) associated with the aforesaid trading account.
LQD MARKETS LTD does not endorse or guarantee for the services provided by the Business Introducer. LQD MARKETS LTD does not endorse or guarantee for the services provided by the Business Introducer. Since the Business Introducer is not an employee or agent of LQD MARKETS LTD, it is the account holder’s (client’s) responsibility to perform necessary due diligence on the Business Introducer before using any of their service
Miembro desde Dec 17, 2013   posts 4
Dec 18, 2013 at 07:56
بعد عمليتهم كتبوا الي على سكايب:
[05/12/2013 05:48:56] ahmed Fakhruddin: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

كلمني الان الاخ سطيفان مارتيني وقد ارتكب خطا فادح في تنصيب الاكسبيرت وفق الاعدادات المضبوطة
وهذا كلفه عمله معنا الى الابد وصارت عندنا حالة تاهب في الشركة بسبب ما جرى
والله والله والله ما عندي وجه ابدا اكلمك بيه وافضل الموت على مواجهتك
ارسلي الان حسابك البنكي والسويفت كود وستجد مبلغ احداش الف دولار بالاضافة الى ست الاف دولار تعويض من جيبي الخاص
الشركة ما لها دخل بالموضوع لانو العقد بيناتنا واذا صار لنا اي مشكل مع الشركة راح نكون احنا وانت خسرانين

واذا لم تجد المبلغ في حسابك البنكي في ضرف يومين يمكنك انذاك اتخاذ اي اجراء تراه مناسبا
ولا نريد خسارة سمعتنا لاننا راح نخسر كل العملاء وراح تتفقر اسر باكملها

وهناك حل ثاني

خلي اي شخص تعرفه في المغرب يلتقي بي اليوم ارسل لي رقمه وانا بروح لعنده اينما كان حتى لو كان باقصى الصحراء اسلمه المبلغ كاش وهو يتصرف بمعرفته

واذا لم اسلمه مبلغ 17000 دولار اليوم اعلم انني لا دين ولا ملة لي والله يصيبني ويصيب اولادي بجميع المصائب والكوارث

انتظر ردك والله يخليك لا تتاخر علي
وفي 6/12/2013 كلمني محمد الشامي واخبرني انه خارج من البنك وقد حول لي مبلغ 11000 دولار .. ووعدني ان يرسل لي صورة عن السويفت عندما يصل الشركة ..ولم يصلني شيء حتى اليوم 17/12/2013
Miembro desde May 24, 2011   posts 14
Dec 19, 2013 at 17:46
really this is other scam
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