FCS FinFx Demo (de mlollar)

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Discusión FCS FinFx Demo

May 22, 2012 at 16:29
Vistas 727
3 Replies
Miembro desde Sep 10, 2009   posts 3
May 22, 2012 at 18:42
The first trade is missing on the chart?
Miembro desde Jan 24, 2010   posts 44
May 22, 2012 at 19:45
The first 2 trades were closed on the same day. That's probably why the chart looks like it does.
The World's Currency Market is Our Oyster.
Miembro desde Sep 10, 2009   posts 3
May 22, 2012 at 20:41
Thats a point.
Miembro desde Jan 24, 2010   posts 44
May 30, 2012 at 16:03
Had profit target set too aggressive. Resetting from 2% to 1% to see how it recovers.
The World's Currency Market is Our Oyster.
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