FOREXPRESS MT4 (de eleanna74)

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Mar 25, 2020 at 15:08
Vistas 2,697
45 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 16, 2020 at 18:48
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, after extensive tests, I managed to improve AUDCAD performance (in backtesting), by using a variation of the EA used in FOREXPRESS strategy. Potential profit has been doubled, while maximum drawdown was reduced by half. I also improved the settings and results of EURJPY and EURUSD pairs by more than 30%. We will trade with these new setups on Monday night (GMT+3 time), after the Easter Monday holiday.

AUDCAD MT5 100% quality, previous setup:

AUDCAD MT5 100% quality, new setup:

EURJPY MT5 100% quality, previous setup:

EURJPY MT5 100% quality, new setup:

EURUSD MT5 100% quality, previous setup:

EURUSD MT5 100% quality, new setup:

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 16, 2020 at 18:48
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, I want to make my position crystal clear. I have 10 years of forex trading experience and I've spent the last 4 trying to create the best algorithmic system possible. FOREXPRESS is the result as every form of investment requires patience, persistence and discipline in order to flourish. My strategy has achieved some good results with relatively low drawdown so far, but that doesn't mean that will always go up and that will never suffer any kind of correction. All solid strategies go through periods of consolidation, following the market and currency pairs moves. I understand that some subscribers have lost all their patience and a lot of money in previous signals, that didn't apply any kind of risk management or stop loss and at some point suffered total failure. This will never happen to us, but by using a strict stop loss in every position, we record some losses quite often, in order to protect our accounts from greater disappointment. As for profit taking, I receive some messages asking me why we didn't close this profit or that profit, the answer is that I've performed countless tests with every break even, stop loss, trailing stop loss and take profit combination and my current setup (different for every pair) is the best possible in terms of maximum profit and low drawdown, in the long term. I am not making adjustments in my settings over a few days of bad or good results, I always test my final settings for each pair over the past 6 month period. The bottom line is that I am doing the best I can for me, my personal investments and I believe for my subscribers. All of you that feel that this suits you, please relax and enjoy our ride, it will not always be nice but at the end of each period (week to week and month to month) we will be in higher levels.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 17, 2020 at 19:16
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, we've lost some ground this week, but this is all part of a solid strategy and a consolidating market. I know that the subscribers who joined over the last 10 days are in the red, but others that follow this signal from its earlier days are still in good profit. If we have patience, persistence and discipline we will succeed in this journey together.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 20, 2020 at 14:35
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, the new week started with most pairs not going anywhere and that doesn't help in finding a trend. I would like once again to draw your attention to the way this strategy works. This system goes through periods of consolidation with small losses and small wins, when the market has a similar non directional behaviour, but then some bigger trends occur and substancial profits are recorded. Please take a look on this EURJPY backtest below, where this type of advancement its easier to understand. If you don't have the necessary patience to go though these flat periods, you will not enjoy the reward of upward movements when they come.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 21, 2020 at 07:26
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, the moment we've opened a sell USDSGD trade earlier this morning, there was a rumour out that North Korean leader Kim is brain dead, driving USD up and us hiting a SL in a few minutes. What were the odds of that? Anyway, we will continue with our normal trading and soon we will find our footing.!/us-media-report-north-korea-leader-kim-jong-un-is-brain-dead-20200421

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 22, 2020 at 04:54
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, everything that could go wrong has gone wrong and we are losing 20% from our high. I strongly feel that this is a very solid strategy that was introduced on the 18th of February, just before this global crisis broke out, has given 90% of profit in a month and a half and now corrects 20% from its high, something within my signal's description and expectations. I know it doesn't look nice at all for those who joined at the top, but my advice was to use only spare money that you will not need for the next few months. I am in this for the long run and I strongly believe we will recover soon, but given that since I've started this signal the whole world stop moving for 2 months and now an unprecedented oil crisis with negative future contract prices that were never seen has striked, we are in uncharted waters.

PS. AUDCAD's performance is really unexplicable, since my latest setup has given more than 80% in the past 6 months, but for the past few weeks its doing the exact opposite of what we expect. Earlier this morning AUD popped without any reason (again) and our virtual 700 points SL couldn't work, so the emergency SL stepped in as it should at 820 points.

AUDCAD new setup:!/aud-nzd-jump-20200422

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 22, 2020 at 04:56
* inexplicable
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 24, 2020 at 17:08
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, a tough week comes to an end, with most currency pairs ranging and that has given a lot of false signals. We've managed to form a base and I believe we will be able to recover at higher levels soon. This is no ordinary pediod with markets in turmoil on a global scale, so a correction of 20-22% from our recent high seems normal. In better times this system can produce very good results of 20-50% per month and with patience and persistence we will get there again.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Apr 29, 2020 at 17:13
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, with the FED meeting a few minutes away, I didn't want to leave us exposed to some sudden moves and danger, so I closed our trades and I will resume our system tomorrow, after the ECB meeting and press conference is over. The market is giving us a hard time with no clear trend and continuous ups and downs for some days now. We will persist and we will win in this journey together.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
May 01, 2020 at 20:17
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, the week ended with some gains, followed by a small setback today. We will continue our normal trading with small adjustments in our setups, in order to reflect the best possible settings over the past 6 month period (November - April). From this week all positions, including USDSGD ones, will be closed before the weekend in order to protect us from any surprises. This is a long term investment project and requires patience, persistence and discipline.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
May 05, 2020 at 08:59
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, with the market changing trend every few hours, our strategy is struggling, but this is only temporary. The market always finds its footing and our system will find it too, as long as we have the necessary patience and persistence. In any case bookmark FOREXPRESS and check its performance every few weeks to see how is doing and you will see that a 15-20% correction is not the worst thing that can happen in forex trading. Last week 2 subscribers told me that they are leaving for a better signal, because were losing with my signal and that other signal was doing much better. You can see the result in that signal's link below.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
May 08, 2020 at 20:12
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, we are still struggling but this is normal in long term strategies. We will continue trading next week and I hope we will climb higher soon.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
May 15, 2020 at 19:47
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, we are still having a hard time, but we will get in better shape soon. With patience, persistence and discipline we will accomplish our goals.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
May 22, 2020 at 20:28
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, another tough week has ended. I strongly believe that this strategy has a lot of potential but it can't cope with this period's consolidation and/or sudden - violent changes of direction. I will continue to trade with this system for a long time and I am confident thay much better days are ahead. In the coming days I will introduce FOREXPRESS EA, for those who want to try with their own settings and variations in order to achieve something better.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
May 29, 2020 at 20:05
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, we've had some small progress this week, thanks to some trends that they were developed in most currencies, even though the market roller coaster continued as usual. We will continue trading normally next week.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jun 05, 2020 at 18:13
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, most currency pairs recorded some large solid trends this week and even though we've missed some of them due to the lack of any retracements, we've managed to climb about 20% higher. This is a very solid trading system with great potential and time will confirm this in the coming months.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jun 12, 2020 at 18:20
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, the market is trending again and this is great for our strategy. As a result we've climbed to new heights this week, taking a glimpse of our trading system's potential. We will continue trading normally next week.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jun 19, 2020 at 17:03
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, we've managed to climb higher this week and we've reached the 50% growth mark for June so far. We will continue trading normally next week.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jun 23, 2020 at 11:59
Dear FOREXPRESS subscribers, I never stop to improve our trading system, so I am introducing 2 updates that are applied to FOREXPRESS signal. The first is already in place since Monday and refrains the EA from closing a trade at break even, when there is a same direction trade about to open right away after the close. From now on the running trade will reset break even and continue as it is, as long as there is a same direction (buy or sell) valid signal in place (this was an issue for EURJPY mainly). The 2nd change will be applied during the weekend and has to do with the trading hours in the beginning of the week (late Sunday/early Monday). I've observed that the first trades of each week are usually lost or strugling, because the trend in the early hours of Monday is following Friday's close and then changes direction after the London opening, due to news or changes in risk apetite. So, from next week, Monday start trading hour will be different from the other days of the week, decreasing the number of lost trades. The improvement during backtesting came to 20% for GBPUSD and nearly 15% for USDSGD. EURUSD and EURJPY are not traded on Monday right now, so they won't be affected.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jun 24, 2020   posts 9
Jun 26, 2020 at 10:18
Thank you for keeping us updated. Looking forward to more of it :)
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