(de ForexTargets)

Ganancia : +34.95%
Disminución 26.93%
Pips: 671.5
Transacciones 168
Tipo: Demo
Apalancamiento: 1:100
Trading: Manual


Oct 25, 2012 at 10:27
Vistas 1,158
15 Replies
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Jan 15, 2013 at 07:05
What a week!

We went from -230 pips at the beginning of the week but had a 530 pips turn-around and the week ended with a very nice 300 pips profit!

This shows that patience and a good and solid money management system can reap huge rewards.

But this isn't uncommon for the ForexTargets Weekly Signals system. We have loss weeks that are around -100 to - 250 pips while the profit weeks are +100 to +450 pips. The goal is to have winning/profitable weeks at 40-50% of the time. With a high Risk Reward Ratio of up to 1:6, this system delivers our subscribers a nice and healthy ROI on average each month.

The ForexTargets signals had great success in 2012 and 2013 starts off with great strength!

ForexTarget's goal is to be the #1 Reliable Signal Service by providing High ROI, Consistency and Low Drawdown.

So to recap. Last week ended with 300 pips, or $3079 profit which equals 12.32% ROI.
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Jan 28, 2013 at 18:37
Last week was the worst in the history of ForexTargets! Sorry our clients had to go through it.

The week ended with -341 pips. This is not what we like to see or want to see, but something that can occasionally happen although last week was an unusually large loss. January so far is at a slight loss of 81 pips.

We head on into next week with high expectations and hope to recoup the losses and start making money again!
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Feb 09, 2013 at 08:48
Last week's Forex Signals ended by gaining our subscribers 142 pips. That's a $1375 profit!
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Feb 27, 2013 at 07:46
For the week ending February 22, 2013 the ForexTargets system made a total of 345 pips.
The Weekly Forex Signals made 288 pips while our Weekly Mixed Signals profited 57 pips.
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Mar 03, 2013 at 20:01
Looks like we are getting back to track after January, which was the biggest drawdown in our history and the only losing month in the last 6 months.
Last week made 420 pips with out Weekly signals (we only have weekly signals on MyFXBook and not our indice signals).

Last weeks profits alone are a 17.8% ROI. Not bad for a low risk system.

Profit for the last two weeks is a total of 765 Pips.

We welcome any questions :)
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Mar 09, 2013 at 11:58
188 pips in week ending March 8st, 2013!

Last week our Weekly Forex Signals made our subscribers 188 pips.

This makes the profit for the last three weeks a total of 889 Pips or $9452.

ROI for 2013 is 40.9%

We welcome any questions :)
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Mar 10, 2013   posts 1
Mar 10, 2013 at 19:42
I tried Forex Target free signal service for the past two weeks.
I do not trade commodities and indices so I did not trade the weekly mixed signals.
In two weeks I made 518 pips on Eurjpy and Gbpjpy. This result is phenomenal because I have not had a successful week like that. On average I made 259 pips. This is good for me. I also like their honesty that there cannot be 100% winners but on average 40- 50% winning trades, but what is important is the risk to reward ratio that makes the winners more profitable.
Forex Target signal is the real thing especially for new traders.
Miembro desde Mar 10, 2013   posts 1
Mar 10, 2013 at 19:46
I came across this site and started following their trading signals. I could not believe that such great performing signals were so easilly available! I am thankful for this service & support. Services such as theirs are really helpful for newbies like me. 100% legit. Would definitely recommend. Thanks a lot guys
Miembro desde Mar 03, 2013   posts 320
Mar 11, 2013 at 06:25
if the system is that great why u have it at demo???
Geht Nich Gibt´s Nich
Miembro desde Mar 10, 2013   posts 1
Mar 11, 2013 at 06:25
Ho provato i segnali di ForexTargets inizialmente con il periodo di prova e poi negli ultimi mesi, devo dire che a parte una anzi due settimane in loss,i segnali funzionano e mi hanno dato parecchie soddisfazioni! Mi sento di consigliarli! grazie
Miembro desde Mar 11, 2013   posts 1
Mar 11, 2013 at 21:20
i had received a two week free signals from, however, being sceptical, i didn't enter their suggested trades. at the end of the week, when i checked back the results, i really wanted to kick myself many many times for not jumping in the wagon with them because they had ended the two weeks with an awesome >600 pips profit. after checking their pass records, i found out that they had made some respectable results in the pass weeks, with reasonable risk.
now, if i ever wanted to purchase any forex signals, will be the first on my list.
Miembro desde Oct 22, 2012   posts 7
Apr 07, 2013 at 19:24
What an amazing week last week!

655 Pips with our Weekly signals that we use here on MyFXBook for last week alone.

Our subscribers also netted 467 Pips in Monthly Forex signals.

Will be very interesting to see how next week turns out!
Consistant Performance, Low Drawdown & High ROI
Miembro desde Sep 23, 2013   posts 8
Jan 13, 2014 at 12:31
Not sure they are honest.2 week in january gold made 100 pips minus,but they wrote 0.On 6 of january sell 1217.00
Miembro desde Sep 09, 2013   posts 2
Jan 13, 2014 at 14:52
Hello Roznik,

Not sure if you have the wrong service, but we had no open position in Gold last week (week 2).

There was a sudden drop of $30 for a second that recovered on January 6. We simply report what our account with FXCM tells us, and that position was not opened.

So we are not reporting anything but how our account behaves.
Miembro desde Sep 23, 2013   posts 8
Jan 13, 2014 at 19:08
Can be what you are saying,but on my ecn broker my possition was alive for 2 sec
Miembro desde Sep 09, 2013   posts 2
Jan 14, 2014 at 16:10
I understand. But "luckily" this anomaly didn't execute for us at FXCM and that is all we can really do, report what our account reflects.

Please let us know if you have any other questions!
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