FXPro - Magic Champ II (de MarioW1972)
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Discusión FXPro - Magic Champ II
Miembro desde May 05, 2010
posts 3
Jul 25, 2011 at 09:31
Miembro desde May 05, 2010
posts 3
Yes, Wall Street Forex is running in addition to the Magic Champ II within the last 2 months (but not continously).
The MC II will definitely go on on this account, but WSF may be not. I consider WSF as a "test" on this account to see, how it performs on a non-ECN broker environment. It may go on another 1-2 months or longer (as long as I don't need the license on another account). Therefore I did not mention it explicitly.
Since WSF is spread sensitive I prefer to run this on ECN brokers (especially when you consider the other pairs than EURUSD and GBPUSD).
Note: Pls. check my comments concenring the evaluation of performance just ignore the S2 trades (or reduce from the overall performance with filter applied).
The MC II will definitely go on on this account, but WSF may be not. I consider WSF as a "test" on this account to see, how it performs on a non-ECN broker environment. It may go on another 1-2 months or longer (as long as I don't need the license on another account). Therefore I did not mention it explicitly.
Since WSF is spread sensitive I prefer to run this on ECN brokers (especially when you consider the other pairs than EURUSD and GBPUSD).
Note: Pls. check my comments concenring the evaluation of performance just ignore the S2 trades (or reduce from the overall performance with filter applied).
Miembro desde May 05, 2010
posts 3

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