HAMSTER TURBO (de eleanna74)

El usuario ha borrado este sistema.


Sep 16, 2018 at 17:06
Vistas 26,209
519 Replies
Miembro desde Nov 25, 2018   posts 5
Jan 08, 2019 at 08:05
Rixxx posted:
Are you talking about the night from Sunday to Monday? Tthere is an open trade on signalstart from this morning with -250 EUR at the moment.

The same, an EURESDBuy 1.14 lot size.

Really scaring
Miembro desde Dec 18, 2018   posts 23
Jan 08, 2019 at 10:58
It has been a major resistance point where she set a buy trade. If you look at the last days it doesn't make any sense.
Miembro desde Nov 28, 2016   posts 6
Jan 08, 2019 at 11:03
hello Elenna - can you write how ist the position size calculated - its depends obviously from the balance size, but what ist the rule, now I have a 0,03lot - by balance 100€ - and yours is 0,52lot by 650€ depo.

Miembro desde Sep 28, 2013   posts 19
Jan 08, 2019 at 11:21
Hello ATC211215,

You say you have an account with ICMarkets and that is great, but is it a ECN? Also you do not have to start with 650 Euro, like you said that is what Eleni Anna was on, you can start with 100 Euro if you wish.
Also "Lot Size" is worked out automatically, so you do not have to take care of that.

Plus I know some people are worried right now and please follow Eleni's management rules as that is a major "Must Do". For those that are worried if you have followed Eleni's rules, then all will be fine. She even states there can and will be "Margin Call Out" at some stage / stages, and while this post goes online it is currently at DD of 25%, but she has had larger DD and come back on that trade.

Stephen Smith.
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 08, 2019 at 11:22
This is how HAMSTER TURBO works, we wait.
Miembro desde Nov 25, 2018   posts 5
Jan 08, 2019 at 11:29
I hope we hit break even during the day....
Miembro desde Nov 28, 2016   posts 6
Jan 09, 2019 at 08:13
fistral posted:
hello Elenna - can you write how ist the position size calculated - its depends obviously from the balance size, but what ist the rule, now I have a 0,03lot - by balance 100€ - and yours is 0,52lot by 650€ depo.

it ist true that by different depo (which is related to the different position size) the SL (85% depo) will be on deferent price level ?
Miembro desde Nov 28, 2016   posts 6
Jan 09, 2019 at 08:15
it seems the engagement (position size vs depo) look as follow:
depo 100€ - position 0,03lot - 3% engagement
depo 500€ - position 0,31lot - 6% engagement
depo 650€ - position 0,53lot - 16,3% engagement

correct ?

Miembro desde Nov 28, 2016   posts 6
Jan 09, 2019 at 08:16

Archivos adjuntos:

Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 09, 2019 at 08:18
Dear HAMSTER TURBO subscribers, I am monitoring our current situation and I believe that we will be back at break even or profit soon. So far we had a maximum of 35% drawdown in the 1/4 or 1/2 of our signal capital, so you are encountering a 9% to 18% temporary drawdown in your total capital and I don't think that this is a cause for panic. I want you to know that my system and filters protected us from opening a 2nd position, so we have a 120 pips tolerance and not 60 pips, if we had opened 2 buy positions.

I hear that some subscribers have 2 open positions instead of one and this is due to a 'mistake' they have made (even though I've warned many times in my instructions against it) by ticking the: Enable realtime signal subscription, in Signals settings, causing the opening of my position twice, since they are copying my signal 2 times, one on their VPS and one locally in their computer. Please use my synchronization guide to correct this situation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PR-9pmuF7K3JAKnPds31yiH8Y2r7IW26/view

Thank you very much for your understanding.
Miembro desde Jun 20, 2017   posts 4
Jan 09, 2019 at 08:27
Hi Elina

If i subscribe can I control the lot size or is that automatically controlled by the signal and the size of my account?
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 09, 2019 at 11:11
If you subscribe through SignalStart you can control the lot size, both upwards and downwards.

If you do through MQL5 you can only control it downwards.
Miembro desde Nov 25, 2018   posts 5
Jan 10, 2019 at 07:38
1.14 position closed with - 6.95€... Really Happy with that. We have the whole month to recover.
Thanks Eleni!
Miembro desde Sep 23, 2018   posts 9
Jan 10, 2019 at 07:38
why position closed in very good candle ?
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 10, 2019 at 08:05
Dear HAMSTER TURBO subscribers, our open position closed almost at break even. The reaction of EURUSD this last few minutes over 1.15, was what I was expecting yesterday, but I wouldn't risk for a second time not to close our trade in order to make some profit. We will have plenty of time to make good profits in 2019. I want to thank you all for your great patience and support during this waiting 'game' and I would really appreciate your positive reviews for HAMSTER TURBO, if you think that I am doing a good job making profits and protecting your hard earned money at the same time. I also would like to ask from all those subscribers who left negative reviews in the past 2 days to reconsider and maybe modify those if they feel that they were too severe.

Thank you very much for your patience and support!

Eleni Anna Branou
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 10, 2019 at 11:37
Its easy to say that you've seen the completed move. EURUSD had touched 1.14790 this same morning and instantly collapsed 50 pips, so I had to protect our capital. Safety is always first for me.
Miembro desde Nov 28, 2016   posts 6
Jan 10, 2019 at 12:42
eleanna74 posted:
Safety is always first for me.

Miembro desde Jan 03, 2018   posts 150
Jan 10, 2019 at 14:29
you are doing an excellent job,don't mind about the litle greedy inexperienced ones
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 11, 2019 at 06:55
Thank you very much for your support!
Miembro desde Jan 29, 2017   posts 568
Jan 11, 2019 at 07:03
Dear HAMSTER TURBO subscribers, I had our sell criteria toughened last night and we didn't open a sell trade, while a buy order was not triggered. Please remember that this is a 100% automated trading system and I adjust its settings almost on a daily basis in order to adapt to the current market conditions. I am really 'tired' of answering questions about why I didn't trade for the last few days. You pay me a $40 monthly subscription not only for making you profits, but also to exercise my judgement as to if we will enter the market or not. Please remember that 0% is better that -85% over a certain period. On the 14th of December I've announced on my HAMSTER TURBO news update section that we will not trade from the 24st of December to the 4th of January, due to low liquidity and dangerous conditions in the forex market. I din't take time off for my holidays, I decided not to trade because it wasn't safe. I also had a red warning in my signal's description for this 2 week period, explaining that I will not trade for these 2 weeks. So don't ask me why I haven't traded for 3 weeks, because you should read my signal's description and my news updates before you subscribe. The bottom line is that if you don't like my signal management and my strict and disciplined way of trading you are always free not to renew your subscription. I just want you to know that many HAMSTER TURBO subscribers took advantage of our 2 week 'break' and subscribed to other top signals with their HAMSTER TURBO capital and now they are telling me how they lost it, through the holiday season over a careless signal provider. So, take a minute and think about it, is $40 a big price for saving your hard earned money over this dangerous time of the year?

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Eleni Anna Branou
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