Hot Forex PAMM, FX Power Club - Growth (de fastpipsjpy)

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Discusión Hot Forex PAMM, FX Power Club - Growth

Feb 12, 2012 at 23:39
Vistas 9,031
114 Replies
Miembro desde Nov 24, 2011   posts 10
Mar 29, 2012 at 11:04
AUDJPY & GBPJPY is very cool ~~😂
Miembro desde Mar 01, 2012   posts 8
Mar 29, 2012 at 11:05
great job! :-)
En la vida hay que fijarse metas... Cuanto más metas, mejor.
Miembro desde Aug 13, 2011   posts 6
Mar 29, 2012 at 11:54
Thank you! Your strategy and execution if perfect, in an imperfect World! Please keep up the great trading, I want to be with you a long, long time!
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Mar 29, 2012 at 16:58
Thanks! I received an email from Hot Forex saying they are getting many emails daily now asking when I will close all trades in this PAMM to allow new funded clients in. That, along with the emails I receive, makes it very apparent that we have been in the eurchf too long and we will begin scaling out today. The profits today will be partially used to cut the draw down so we can close the month. We have added two other pairs to the trades today to help and grow enough to recover the draw down entirely, we will see how the market runs...

Thank you.
Miembro desde Dec 15, 2011   posts 22
Mar 29, 2012 at 17:51
Wow,,, it's martingale system ? Pips: -99027 ? high risk 😑
Forex is my friend, where we can be friends and do the opposite where they went
Miembro desde Mar 08, 2012   posts 44
Mar 29, 2012 at 18:04
Tommorow is KOF Economic Barometer for chf. I wonder if this will have any impact on the currency.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Mar 29, 2012 at 18:17
Mr Craig. Pips is not accurate here due to gold and commodity trading. 10 pips in EURUSD is about equal to 1,000 pips in GOLD. Take a closer look friend and you will see what I mean. Since we trade commodities and indicies, pips means nothing here. :) Have a nice day! (click on "Summary" for more details and you will see more clearly regarding this) This is not Martingale, that strategy does not work over time. Thank you.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Mar 29, 2012 at 18:19
Also, you will see that this month we are down over 140,000 "pips", but up over $90,000. Surely you can see how you are not understanding as of yet. Please take a closer look at the stats. :) Thanks for writing and have a nice day.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Mar 29, 2012 at 18:22
I am not certain that the KOF Barometer will move the doesn't move for anything in any pair or news lately. I will work to scale out and then re-enter at a new price for the next month if the market will allow. :) Thank you.
Miembro desde Feb 02, 2012   posts 9
Apr 01, 2012 at 14:54
Is your success fee of 30% based on the current balance at the end of the month or on the Equity at the end of the month. There is over 100K difference between these and you the best part of 30K richer if it is based on current balance. This surely cannot be right. I am confident you can get the account out of the current drawdown down but this will at least soften your blow if it is the case. Do you know? Does anyone else know? I am hoping for positive news but what are we presently holding in our 100+K of margin. Good luck
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Apr 01, 2012 at 16:38

Everything is based on equity. The balance really means nothing. I am not 30K richer.

Thank you.
Miembro desde Feb 02, 2012   posts 9
Apr 01, 2012 at 16:51
I thought that was the case. How are you doing. Seem to have got more open orders when i was expecting you to tighten up a little. What are we waiting on? Are the signs]s favourable? Good luck with the trading
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Apr 01, 2012 at 17:13
So far the SNB has been able to defend the level of 1.20, but there were calls over the weekend from Switzerland's Social Democratic Party (SP) to move the cap to 1.40 per euro to prevent Swiss jobs from being moved abroad. (Reporting by Katie Reid; Editing by Greg Mahlich) Waiting on the swiss franc. If no action today or tomorrow we will close all trades. China news was better than expected this weekend, we went with the majority (85%+) and planned for worse than expected news as this was the safer trade. We will see what market open does in a few hours. Plan to be closed in all trades in 1 day or less if the market allows and then reset for the new month. Our strategy works great over time, except when the eurchf trade held the large draw down and we worked to recover. Once we are flat it will be off to the races once again.
Miembro desde Feb 02, 2012   posts 9
Apr 02, 2012 at 18:10
Very strange today the equity grew to a much better figure and some profits must have been available only to drop back later on in the day but with no reaping the benefits of the upturn and now back to square one. Hopefully you have a plan and know what you are doing and not that you have taken your eye off the game for a fair few hours today. I wish you the best but I wish I knew your plan.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Apr 02, 2012 at 18:36
I watch the charts and news all hours of the day. Every 10-15 minutes during the day and every hour overnight.....without fail. You may withdraw your funds at anytime and have a go on your own if you would like, no hard feelings. Best wishes. Some trades were negative and became nearly back to zero before falling again. There were no profits to take my friend. Yes, I have a plan....but thanks for asking. :)
Miembro desde Feb 02, 2012   posts 9
Apr 02, 2012 at 21:23
With the current drawdown I would be mad to withdraw any funds. I believe you have the ability and knowhow just sometimes seems strange when nearly back to level comparatively and then it drops by 25% again. You are my FM not my friend by the way!
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Apr 02, 2012 at 21:34
OK, I will email Hot Forex to have your removed. Why the smart ass remarks.....asking if I know what I am doing or if I have a plan. No shit sherlock......I just trade all the money and have no clue. Trade your own money. I will have Hot Forex remove you ASAP. I am taking down this page as well. I don't need this shit from people like you. I bust my ass and people love me when I make money and think I am a scammer and stealing money when I don't make profits. All the people in this program are still in nice profits, so take your money elsewhere. Peace.
Miembro desde Feb 02, 2012   posts 9
Apr 02, 2012 at 21:36
Really no need for that
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Apr 02, 2012 at 21:54
Then have a little respect and you will get the same in return. I've deleted it all. Take your money out by tomorrow pyeman, or I will have you removed.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2010   posts 104
Apr 02, 2012 at 22:25
This thread and myfxbook account is now closed. I trade without emotions as that is the key to success. I have received >30 emails today with negative comments so I will close this thread and page so I can better focus on building the account. You can still monitor the account from the Hot Forex PAMM page as you can with any other account manager. This myfxbook account was setup with the clients best interest in mind, so the account could be analyzed in greater detail....unfortunately I will not waste any more time with complainers. My goal is to make clients money...not to babysit and calm nerves, etc. If you do not want your funds in this program, please remove them. If you are willing to be patient and let the trading play out, then I welcome you and your account with open arms and will do my best to protect and grow it. This will be my last post/response here. Thanks for your support. :)
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