Inner Circle Trader (de forex_trader_72724)
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Discusión Inner Circle Trader
Feb 10, 2013 at 21:57
Miembro desde Jan 09, 2012
posts 8
In my opinion, he's teaching people to think for themselves. I think the majority of people complaining are the ones who expected to be spoon fed trading signals.
Like ppforex said have a look at his losing trades. If people put the research in they may have learnt something.
Like ppforex said have a look at his losing trades. If people put the research in they may have learnt something.

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:14
(editado Feb 11, 2013 at 07:15)
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
OohYA posted:
I've had a look at this guy's stuff on, or rather what is left of it. Seems like he was a decent guy but then he went and deceived everyone by trading negatively. Weird, why didn't he have the decency to tell you guys that he wasn't trading properly? I can't say I've seen many professional traders who deliberately lose when there are alternatives such as making trades private.
Your comments are based on speculation, please take the trouble to do some research and find out the why's and wherefore's, otherwise please don't bother, you will only make a fool of yourself.
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:16
Miembro desde Feb 07, 2013
posts 22
Haha, I am intrigued by this guy after reading these generic comments! Inner Circle Trader, if you read this, could you perhaps answer my question yourself?
Why not just hide the open trades and make the closed trades public so that people can learn from it? Same result, but massive difference in your perceived integrity...
Why not just hide the open trades and make the closed trades public so that people can learn from it? Same result, but massive difference in your perceived integrity...
Yeah, trading ain't that hard...

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Feb 11, 2013 at 07:18
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
OohYA posted:
Haha, I am intrigued by this guy after reading these generic comments! Inner Circle Trader, if you read this, could you perhaps answer my question yourself?
Why not just hide the open trades and make the closed trades public so that people can learn from it? Same result, but massive difference in your perceived integrity...
Patience, you have no patience whatsoever, wait 6 weeks, keep an eye on the account and you will get the answers.
Feb 11, 2013 at 08:44
Miembro desde Feb 07, 2013
posts 22
pp_forex posted:OohYA posted:
Haha, I am intrigued by this guy after reading these generic comments! Inner Circle Trader, if you read this, could you perhaps answer my question yourself?
Why not just hide the open trades and make the closed trades public so that people can learn from it? Same result, but massive difference in your perceived integrity...
Patience, you have no patience whatsoever, wait 6 weeks, keep an eye on the account and you will get the answers.
The one thing I don't understand is the enormous animosity surrounding this guy and particularly exhibited by his so called "followers". It really says a lot about him when the people following are so utterly rude and presumptuous.
I WILL keep an eye on the account, you don't seem to understand my question in the slightest. I am not at all doubting the guy's performance, I am asking why he chose to use deception instead of merely hiding the trades. Do not provide me with the generic response "to throw off signal followers" because even the dumbest of traders knows that this business is all about carving your own space in the market, not following someone else. That, and the fact that he could've hidden the open trades like I said.
Also, if he is buying at highs and selling at lows, the EXACT same educational value would've been conveyed had he merely left the open trades private and the closed trades public. Genius this myfxbook thing, isnt it?
And how will he trade from now on? Oh, by hiding his open trades and leaving closed trades public...
Yeah, trading ain't that hard...

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Miembro desde Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:03
Miembro desde Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Hey Purple Patch mate. How are you m8, how's your trading, good I hope. I saw that ICT's thread closed on babypips...That really blows in my opinion. Do you think mods might reopen it in the future because it was a nice place to share some past trades and future ones.
Carpe diem
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:04
Miembro desde Oct 20, 2011
posts 13
All the presumptions aside all we have is the stats. And currently ICT is losing money. So he is not profitable. When he starts making money then we can say he is profitable. Speculations will not take us anywhere. All we have is the stats available here. Again I have studied the ICT tools enough to know it can me used to justify every money swing on the left side if you pick and choose. Again, all we have are the stats here so all points should be based on that. If he turns it around, the stats will show that.
I believe

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:08
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Turtlesrus posted:
Hey Purple Patch mate. How are you m8, how's your trading, good I hope. I saw that ICT's thread closed on babypips...That really blows in my opinion. Do you think mods might reopen it in the future because it was a nice place to share some past trades and future ones.
The thread I think you refer to is the new and Aspiring thread, that was closed a while back, for the purpose of it being in a prominent position, I don't think ICT will be using Babypips anymore, the whole thing has become overwrought with trolls and bitches, I've certainly had enough of it and I've closed my account.
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:08
(editado Feb 11, 2013 at 09:12)
Miembro desde Jan 09, 2012
posts 8
OohYA posted:pp_forex posted:OohYA posted:
Haha, I am intrigued by this guy after reading these generic comments! Inner Circle Trader, if you read this, could you perhaps answer my question yourself?
Why not just hide the open trades and make the closed trades public so that people can learn from it? Same result, but massive difference in your perceived integrity...
Patience, you have no patience whatsoever, wait 6 weeks, keep an eye on the account and you will get the answers.
because even the dumbest of traders knows that this business is all about carving your own space in the market, not following someone else. That, and the fact that he could've hidden the open trades like I said.
It's become prevalent that this wasn't the case through people own admissions and people were copying trades. The lesson here is to do your own research and as you put it "carve out your own space in the market". ( I believe this was the reason)
Had prior research been conducted the reverse positions could have easily been identified.

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:13
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
liftoff posted:
All the presumptions aside all we have is the stats. And currently ICT is losing money. So he is not profitable. When he starts making money then we can say he is profitable. Speculations will not take us anywhere. All we have is the stats available here. Again I have studied the ICT tools enough to know it can me used to justify every money swing on the left side if you pick and choose. Again, all we have are the stats here so all points should be based on that. If he turns it around, the stats will show that.
We have a little more than the stats, we have had a clear illustration of why the trades were loosers, it was shown clearly in the livestream presentation last week.
The thing is though, it's not rocket science what he teaches, it's basically just using long term support and resistance and a few nice entry techniques, you will find this stuff elsewhere on the internet, Technical Templates on for example, except, where that is a here it is do as you will with the information, ICT has gone to a lot more trouble to explain his techniques and it is more detail with more tools, but fundamentally it's the same approach, and it just works.

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:17
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Moose40 posted:
Had prior research been conducted the reverse positions could have easily been identified.
Yes, some people figured it, to be honest I didn't, it was quite clear that something was going on, but I never figured he was taking opposite trades, some had figured it, but I'm not good with cryptic clues, i.e. the one on Twitter about the EURUSD being framed, it makes sense now of course, but there was a number of traders that had sussed it.
Miembro desde Oct 25, 2012
posts 6
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:26
Miembro desde Jan 09, 2012
posts 8
pp_forex posted:Moose40 posted:
Had prior research been conducted the reverse positions could have easily been identified.
Yes, some people figured it, to be honest I didn't, it was quite clear that something was going on, but I never figured he was taking opposite trades, some had figured it, but I'm not good with cryptic clues, i.e. the one on Twitter about the EURUSD being framed, it makes sense now of course, but there was a number of traders that had sussed it.
Yeah took myself awhile to catch on. Regardless of all the haters I found what Michael did useful as it consolidated the need to be an independent thinker/trader..... thats what I took away from it anyway.
Miembro desde Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Feb 11, 2013 at 09:28
Miembro desde Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Purple, keep in mind tho that Babypips is a forum primarily made for newcomers to trading. The reaction isn't so surprising then, is it. When Michael makes a recovery from this drawdown, there will be plenty of "noobs" praising him too. THe real fing question is - "Why cant we all just get along?? XD later m8
Carpe diem
Miembro desde Feb 18, 2010
posts 82
Feb 11, 2013 at 10:08
Miembro desde Feb 18, 2010
posts 82
People are not "trolls" or "haters".
This is a game of real money.
The score is kept with real money.
So far this is losing real money.
Is that clear enough for you to get some clue purple pp forex?
Talk about trading, money and result, instead of showing everyone how much of a spastic you are.
Your in a public forum here, so if you can't handle the scrutiny of the trading and results go back up your tree and trade peanuts & bananas.
No. If you'd paid attention you'd know. But I see your busy losing money.
Really? And where might those results be?
Why not link to myfxbook and show these very successful results.
Lol Is it not obvious that most have not really traded much at all?
This is a game of real money.
The score is kept with real money.
So far this is losing real money.
Is that clear enough for you to get some clue purple pp forex?
Talk about trading, money and result, instead of showing everyone how much of a spastic you are.
Your in a public forum here, so if you can't handle the scrutiny of the trading and results go back up your tree and trade peanuts & bananas.
Inner_O_Trader posted:
I am sorry are you talking to me? :)
No. If you'd paid attention you'd know. But I see your busy losing money.
pp_forex posted:
He has taught his methods to hundreds of people through forums, with a very large number of us trading very successfully.
Really? And where might those results be?
Why not link to myfxbook and show these very successful results.
OohYA posted:
The one thing I don't understand is the enormous animosity surrounding this guy and particularly exhibited by his so called "followers". It really says a lot about him when the people following are so utterly rude and presumptuous.
Lol Is it not obvious that most have not really traded much at all?
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:08
Miembro desde Feb 07, 2013
posts 22
Moose40 posted:pp_forex posted:Moose40 posted:
Had prior research been conducted the reverse positions could have easily been identified.
Yes, some people figured it, to be honest I didn't, it was quite clear that something was going on, but I never figured he was taking opposite trades, some had figured it, but I'm not good with cryptic clues, i.e. the one on Twitter about the EURUSD being framed, it makes sense now of course, but there was a number of traders that had sussed it.
Yeah took myself awhile to catch on. Regardless of all the haters I found what Michael did useful as it consolidated the need to be an independent thinker/trader..... thats what I took away from it anyway.
Come on man, are you serious? I struggle to understand how any half decent trader would need a professional to purposely lose trades in order to arrive at the conclusion that you can't succeed in this game by copying someone else. I think if you guys weren't so close to the epicentre of this entire debacle, you'd see the ridiculousness of it.
Believe me, I've been exposed to group-think before, a few of us used to take similar trades at our firm and we all ended up getting sub-par results. You can never succeed in forex if you rely on someone else. You won't get nice bonuses either, LOL!
Yeah, trading ain't that hard...

Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:11
Miembro desde Jan 14, 2013
posts 24
OohYA posted:
Come on man, are you serious? I struggle to understand how any half decent trader would need a professional to purposely lose trades in order to arrive at the conclusion that you can't succeed in this game by copying someone else. I think if you guys weren't so close to the epicentre of this entire debacle, you'd see the ridiculousness of it.
Believe me, I've been exposed to group-think before, a few of us used to take similar trades at our firm and we all ended up getting sub-par results. You can never succeed in forex if you rely on someone else. You won't get nice bonuses either, LOL!
May I suggest you keep quiet, leave it for a few weeks and then come back, you seem to be just rambling.
Feb 11, 2013 at 11:59
Miembro desde Feb 07, 2013
posts 22
pp_forex posted:OohYA posted:
Come on man, are you serious? I struggle to understand how any half decent trader would need a professional to purposely lose trades in order to arrive at the conclusion that you can't succeed in this game by copying someone else. I think if you guys weren't so close to the epicentre of this entire debacle, you'd see the ridiculousness of it.
Believe me, I've been exposed to group-think before, a few of us used to take similar trades at our firm and we all ended up getting sub-par results. You can never succeed in forex if you rely on someone else. You won't get nice bonuses either, LOL!
May I suggest you keep quiet, leave it for a few weeks and then come back, you seem to be just rambling.
Ironically enough, that seems to be all that you guys do every moment of every day; rambling on and on about this poor dude. Am I wrong? Regardless, point taken; I'll keep quiet.
Thankfully, my life (and my trading) doesn't revolve around horribly unjustified faith in this Inner Circle Trader. Let's see whether a "hyper-inflationary" ego is a trait worthy of success. We'll reconvene at the end of February, agreed?
Yeah, trading ain't that hard...

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