KeltnerPRO - Jared (de keltnerpro)

Ganancia : +5645.75%
Disminución 58.74%
Pips: 4744.8
Transacciones 1003
Tipo: Real
Apalancamiento: 1:100
Trading: Desconocido

Discusión KeltnerPRO - Jared

Jul 11, 2014 at 16:41
Vistas 54,386
1,325 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 06, 2014   posts 249
Jul 14, 2015 at 06:50
Seems that FGProbot EA is not anymore available for downloading. Anyway from the BTs showed in the web, the FGProbot settings are very similar to the Forex Growth Bot settings, so seems confirmed that Keltner is not a clone: they are 2 completely different eas: Kletner a BO on Keltner channels; FG PG something more close to FGB (they do not use Keltner channels at all)
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Miembro desde Feb 09, 2011   posts 313
Jul 14, 2015 at 08:50
RobinVOL, GrowthBot, FGProbot are kind of the same strategy with different money management and settings (and if You think it's "only money management", then think twice, because small things done different can make a whole game different).

KeltnerPro seems to use another approach, but is kind of the same strategy that is based on breakouts, when there is big breakout it puts orders and expects the trend to continue. Also this is only begining, because what each EA will do with open positions in such conditions makes difference between winners and losers.
Better to lose an oportunity than a money
Miembro desde Jan 07, 2015   posts 37
Jul 14, 2015 at 11:38
you all keep bagging out keltner...with your lies and bullshit

ignore the facts

all i have to do is look at the history and amazing results

your words mean nothing - zero - the stats dont lie

you have no facts, you have no truth but the only thing you have is fluff, lies and a deceiving mouth

keltner is amazing

reading your comments makes me laugh!


Miembro desde Jan 07, 2015   posts 37
Jul 14, 2015 at 11:40
keep hiding on the internet behind your keyboard

keep spreading your lies...means nothing

in a court of law, you need to show evidence!!!

keep hiding....losers

thank you jared for keltner and thank you jared for not keeping it to yourself
Miembro desde Jan 06, 2014   posts 249
Jul 14, 2015 at 11:40
chrisgo22 posted:
you all keep bagging out keltner...with your lies and bullshit

ignore the facts

all i have to do is look at the history and amazing results

your words mean nothing - zero - the stats dont lie

you have no facts, you have no truth but the only thing you have is fluff, lies and a deceiving mouth

keltner is amazing

reading your comments makes me laugh!


Don't know to who u refer; as for me i have told that Keltner is a different strategy from the other mentioned and i am earning a lot on Keltner
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Miembro desde Jan 07, 2015   posts 37
Jul 14, 2015 at 11:51
i am talking to the liars

i am talking to the ones that dont own keltner and spread lies

i am talking to the deceivers

to the ones who bag everything out with no proof

who think we r going to believe their accusations with no proof

who open their filthy mouths full of lies and spreads lies and nothing but lies...

jealous human beings...hiding behind their computer flapping the mouths with lies

show proof you who speak....or shut your mouths and move on

youre not needed or wanted here
Miembro desde Nov 27, 2014   posts 118
Jul 15, 2015 at 17:22
I have to say i used Keltner for a few months and it did nothing but loose money for me
Miembro desde Jan 06, 2014   posts 249
Jul 15, 2015 at 19:57 (editado Jul 15, 2015 at 19:58)
On my account all of the 3 gbpusd trades were closed in gain. Using it from this winter and in very good gain. Do not understand How some users are losing money. Trades do not match with the ref account?
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Miembro desde Oct 07, 2014   posts 15
Jul 16, 2015 at 14:19
OMG, learn to trade with you brain, and what you see on chart (support, resistance, retesting some levels and fake bo be) EA are for puppies LONG TERM, do you understand this or not?!

You really thinking "investing 500$" you will be rich ??!??!?!!?!?

What it happened 15 jan 2015? -300k and more of loss...

Ah yes... "nobody knows"...sure?!

History repeat.

My english is not so perfect, who care...sorry.
Miembro desde Jan 06, 2014   posts 249
Jul 16, 2015 at 14:26
There is not only 1 way leading to success 😁
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Miembro desde Sep 10, 2014   posts 135
Jul 16, 2015 at 17:46
corre71 posted:
There is not only 1 way leading to success 😁

Does it require zero effort and lets me be lazy?
Miembro desde Jan 06, 2014   posts 249
Jul 16, 2015 at 18:11
saaedb posted:
corre71 posted:
There is not only 1 way leading to success 😁

Does it require zero effort and lets me be lazy?

Not unfortunately there is no easy way to earn from trading. It requires a lot of work and attention, also about Automated trading. The most difficult is in discerning EAs which potentially can be profitable from craps. You have no guarantee, but splitting ur funds on several "good" strategies You have good chances
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Miembro desde Sep 10, 2014   posts 135
Jul 16, 2015 at 20:55 (editado Jul 16, 2015 at 20:56)
corre71 posted:
saaedb posted:
corre71 posted:
There is not only 1 way leading to success 😁

Does it require zero effort and lets me be lazy?

Not unfortunately there is no easy way to earn from trading. It requires a lot of work and attention, also about Automated trading. The most difficult is in discerning EAs which potentially can be profitable from craps. You have no guarantee, but splitting ur funds on several "good" strategies You have good chances

Most of the commercial EAs are probably crap, but some are not. Keltner if you asked my opinion, i think is a very good EA.
Now what makes it dangerous? The vendor sets up high risk to get these mammoth gains to attract greed. People want to replicate the vendor's results and crank up the risk too... a couple of blows and you're out where as the vendor got lucky on his account attempt# X and made it.

So if you treat the EA right, and don't over risk/leverage yourself and allow the EA to be able to sustain a reasonable draw down... I think you could make money from certain EAs and Keltner in my books is one of those EAs.

And for Manual trading... if you have the time and skills, no EA can beat manual trading.
Miembro desde Jan 06, 2014   posts 249
Jul 17, 2015 at 10:25
saaedb posted:
corre71 posted:
saaedb posted:
corre71 posted:
There is not only 1 way leading to success 😁

Does it require zero effort and lets me be lazy?

Not unfortunately there is no easy way to earn from trading. It requires a lot of work and attention, also about Automated trading. The most difficult is in discerning EAs which potentially can be profitable from craps. You have no guarantee, but splitting ur funds on several "good" strategies You have good chances

Most of the commercial EAs are probably crap, but some are not. Keltner if you asked my opinion, i think is a very good EA.
Now what makes it dangerous? The vendor sets up high risk to get these mammoth gains to attract greed. People want to replicate the vendor's results and crank up the risk too... a couple of blows and you're out where as the vendor got lucky on his account attempt# X and made it.

So if you treat the EA right, and don't over risk/leverage yourself and allow the EA to be able to sustain a reasonable draw down... I think you could make money from certain EAs and Keltner in my books is one of those EAs.

And for Manual trading... if you have the time and skills, no EA can beat manual trading.

Completely agree: run Keltner with 0.01 for each 1k and u will not suffer in DD periods. If the account is small u can also run at 0.02 x 1K. If u want to earn more, do not rise the risk, but simply diversify ur EA portfolio with some other good strategy
Running only Expert advisors with good long term backtests and nice forward tests
Miembro desde May 03, 2012   posts 226
Jul 17, 2015 at 10:30
this ea on longterm is the best .... dont understand why some people cry always when there is a loosing month.... this is nearly a set and forget robot .... and the bigger tp then sl always this ea will win and dont need always updates....

best is to take 2 or 3 different brokers.... 1 time one is better other time other is better...

start on each broker with 500 $ and in a few years you are happy. :)

this whats happen on 15 january with swiss, was not the fault from the ea... was the fault from the brokers.... a lot lost all the money and a lot make good wins .... no ea in the world can manage this spikes from 15 january ....this spikes was brokerdepend

Miembro desde Jun 01, 2015   posts 39
Jul 18, 2015 at 08:02
it is recovering from that recent draw-down period.. The R:R is good for recovering faster
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Miembro desde Apr 15, 2015   posts 38
Jul 18, 2015 at 10:58
Sinergy not ScamBroker?
Miembro desde Oct 07, 2014   posts 15
Jul 19, 2015 at 11:45
Every stupid EA have DD period, of course, stupid EA can perform very well on different tf (and pairs) for years!

My doubt is still the same..."so works"?!

Why sell it?

Cause don't "works" so well LIVE (only the different broker on 2 accounts live have loss +300k $ !!!, the same broker...the same vendor with different name/ea...won).

Change size from 19.00 to 0.01 on vendor real account cause "GREEK CRISIS" is not sense.

You really don't understand this.

EA is stupid, 500$ for buy it is more stupid!

IF you put real 6000$ and HOPE +4K % in profit after 1 year are stupid too!!!

My last post, bye.

R:R are so bad with this system/EA.
Miembro desde Jun 01, 2015   posts 39
Jul 21, 2015 at 14:46
the record speaks for itself unless you got proof it means nothing
Work Hard Play Hard... Signal App(Google Play Store):
Miembro desde Apr 15, 2014   posts 224
Jul 25, 2015 at 10:46
If EA works on 1m time frame it trades differently for every broker, it's proved
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