Manhattan FX (de fxrobotreviews)

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Discusión Manhattan FX

Apr 19, 2016 at 11:07
Vistas 5,807
20 Replies
Miembro desde Jan 20, 2015   posts 41
Apr 19, 2016 at 11:33
Here is a full review of Manhattan FX EA with other verified results and various backtests!
Miembro desde Jan 20, 2015   posts 41
Apr 25, 2016 at 14:30
Broker Requirements for Manhattan FX EA:

Raw Spreads and Commission (ECN/STP Accounts).
5 Digits Price Feed.
Large Leverage (1:100 Minimum).
Miembro desde Jan 27, 2013   posts 427
Apr 25, 2016 at 16:23
Demo account!!! Scalper with trades under 1 min. On a real account the slippage will kill it.
Miembro desde Nov 19, 2014   posts 91
Apr 26, 2016 at 06:25
Stay away Tell they show REAL account.

Miembro desde Sep 28, 2013   posts 19
Apr 26, 2016 at 06:36
Dear Members,

For starters "Ovisun" is spot on, and to "Forex Robot Reviews", this is what "Manhattan FX" actually show you as "Real" money traded, when you read their ridiculous and full of holes newsletter. Please take a good look and tell me what is wrong and if you cannot, then please get out of the game as you have no right to sell E/A's on a affiliation basis for your own financial gain.

Miembro desde Jan 20, 2015   posts 41
Apr 26, 2016 at 17:38
Assume that some Forex noob has come across this statement with such impressive results - there are many similar ones here on MyfxBook - and he doesn't recognize the difference when he run such EA on a demo and a real accounts.
How high would the chance for him be to decide to get a copy of that EA?
Absolutely High!
Thanks to MyfxBook, traders can post their comments and opinions about others' statements, to give a better chance for the newbie to have a clear view about what is shown in these statements! So, every one is welcome to disclose his experience!
I'm in your side!
The EA developer is requested to provide a Real Account to show the real performance of his EA!
Till then, we are just watching, reviewing and discussing!
Miembro desde Sep 28, 2013   posts 19
Apr 27, 2016 at 06:38
Dear Members,

@fxrobotreviews I understand fully what you are trying to say also in your first paragraph and even on your second, if you are on side about so called "E/A" sellers, that results, shall we just say, are some what no revealing the truth.

I am not sure why, as you can post links, but on my previous post, I actually posted what "Manhattan FX" show you as real proof and real traded money, but my link was not in my post. So I will show you all a screen shot of today's trading results 26/04/16.

Just so you know, they claim to of started with 20K, but check out the "Balance" and tell me nothing is wrong. Also I have written to this E/A provider many days ago and guess what, no reply and I was offering assistance.
Not sure what they would do if you slated them, ah yes, NOT answer you !!!!!!!

Archivos adjuntos:

Miembro desde Sep 28, 2013   posts 19
Apr 27, 2016 at 06:40
Dear Members

@fxrobotreviews I am sorry to add yet another post so soon, but I have just looked on your "Review" website and you claim this about "Manhattan FX".
"Trading Limits"
"Manhattan FX Trading is limited to 10 lots (1000,000 units) in the 2-License version and 5 lots (500,000 units) in the other 2 versions, this is useful for disallowing unnecessary high positions and is considered a good safety measure."

Are you kidding me and others my friend, 10 Lots in the 2-License and 5 Lots in the other 2 versions, well again I have proof, of 100 Lot trades and watch, given another week or so, will be 150+ Lot sizes, any views on that please?
Miembro desde May 10, 2016   posts 1
May 17, 2016 at 10:25
Where is the real account trades??
Everybody knows that the behavior of these kind of scalpers is very very different in demo account. In a real account the slippage will make that you lost all your money.

Believe me.

Miembro desde Jun 04, 2016   posts 2
Jun 05, 2016 at 06:58
I have been running Manhattan FX for a month now. The positive results shown on all the websites reviewing Manhattan FX that I have seen, are completely different to the actual loss incurred in the last month on my account. I have a Roboforex ECN account as was recommended, running 24/5 on a Roboforex VPS offering. The Manhattan FX settings are as given and recommended to me by Manhattan FX. After installation and setup there is no longer support. Emails go unanswered.
Based on my live account, Ovisun Apr 25 is spot on.
Miembro desde Mar 18, 2014   posts 107
Jun 06, 2016 at 06:54
Franco1 posted:
I have been running Manhattan FX for a month now. The positive results shown on all the websites reviewing Manhattan FX that I have seen, are completely different to the actual loss incurred in the last month on my account. I have a Roboforex ECN account as was recommended, running 24/5 on a Roboforex VPS offering. The Manhattan FX settings are as given and recommended to me by Manhattan FX. After installation and setup there is no longer support. Emails go unanswered.
Based on my live account, Ovisun Apr 25 is spot on.

Exactly the same here..
EA doesn't work, only losses..
And you can adjust only very less...
Seems like another big scam again.

I already got refunded...
Miembro desde Mar 22, 2010   posts 24
Jun 09, 2016 at 18:14
Hi Friends,

i have Manhatten FX ask for 3 Live Accounts.
The Answer here:

Hi FxChampion,
Thank you for your email!
I can show you the following real verified accounts:

I think it's worth to have a look at them!

Best Regards

Looks great, but I trust the system does not.


Miembro desde Dec 04, 2010   posts 1447
Jun 10, 2016 at 04:42
upandgo posted:
Franco1 posted:
I have been running Manhattan FX for a month now. The positive results shown on all the websites reviewing Manhattan FX that I have seen, are completely different to the actual loss incurred in the last month on my account. I have a Roboforex ECN account as was recommended, running 24/5 on a Roboforex VPS offering. The Manhattan FX settings are as given and recommended to me by Manhattan FX. After installation and setup there is no longer support. Emails go unanswered.
Based on my live account, Ovisun Apr 25 is spot on.

Exactly the same here..
EA doesn't work, only losses..
And you can adjust only very less...
Seems like another big scam again.

I already got refunded...
that's enough for me to stay away from this one. Thanks for feedback guys.
Miembro desde Jun 04, 2016   posts 2
Jun 10, 2016 at 06:45
Hello FxChampion

Thanks for your feedback. Please let us know what settings you are using and what broker you are using as I have the settings as exactly what ManhattanFx has advised and I am using the broker and ECN account as per their suggestion. Comparing to your examples, for the same periods in time, your examples show profit whereas my account shows losses. Thank you
Miembro desde Mar 22, 2010   posts 24
Jun 10, 2016 at 09:45
Hi Franco1,

the Links for the 3 real Accounts send ManhattenFX to me. Not my Accounts !!!!
I don't know what broker Manhattan FX use for the 3 Accounts.

Miembro desde Jul 20, 2016   posts 1
Jul 20, 2016 at 06:39

The robot was installed two weeks ago. I send them an email and ask for refund because the performance of EA is not the same as they claim , 90% losess..
It place a lot of pending orders, then most of the orders was cancel later. Only a few orders was triggered but it plays like a nervous novices, stop-lost point setting is quite close to the entry point, then market bound back and eating out of my fund.

Here is the reply from them:

I'm afraid I have to say that we cannot give you a refund because we have experienced some issues regarding this in the past.

Let me note that this is a long investment. You cannot judge a robot on its few days or weeks of performance, it takes time to realize that the robot does earn a lot of profit. I'm sure that in a month you will get amazing results.
You might consider choosing another broker or changing the settings of your EA.

The minimum broker requirements of Manhattan FX Robot are the following:
• Metatrader 4 platform
• low spread with commission fee (ECN account)
• 5 digits price feed

Although you can use any brokers you like if they meet our requirements detailed above, we have the best experiences with Roboforex. They offer low trading fees, really fast execution, deep liquidity and 1:300 leverage. We have experienced that Manhattan FX does its best with this brokerage.

Miembro desde Dec 04, 2010   posts 1447
Jul 20, 2016 at 06:40
initiate a chargeback with your credit card company.
Miembro desde May 06, 2016   posts 1
Jul 26, 2016 at 06:49
i bought the EA, has some issue "Error in connection, Please make sure you have proper internet connectivity, without any firewall blocking the communication"

Emailed support yesterday, hope they will reply me soon :)
Miembro desde Jul 14, 2017   posts 1
Aug 07, 2017 at 18:00
Do not buy this EA it will not bring profits. You also will not be able to get a refund.
Even using the carrier and settings indicated.😕😡
Miembro desde Jan 03, 2017   posts 7
Sep 17, 2017 at 11:14
Can you tell me to set up risk parameters? Please tell me your settings
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