Million Dollar Pips (de milliondpips)

Ganancia : +26241.17%
Disminución 39.44%
Pips: 5202.2
Transacciones 4497
Tipo: Demo
Apalancamiento: 1:200
Trading: Automatizado

Discusión Million Dollar Pips

May 20, 2011 at 02:45
Vistas 234,576
3,872 Replies
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 26, 2011 at 23:36 (editado Sep 26, 2011 at 23:37)
Dear fughe

if you read my thread you can understand that there is no possibility of hunting pips from difference of slow and fast data feed.
even if you can do this, that means you will never see the money in your account due the broker you have made profit is SCAM and will never pay to you.

there are different types of arbitrage methods. 2 weeks ago I have watched on Bloomberg about a company that they make profit of %2-%4 monthly for their clients with Arbitrage. anf the guy was not Dominic Milan.😉

dou you think that Bloomberg will advertise a company that make profit from dafa feed delays. 🙄

Arbitrage and what you are saying are totally different.


fughe posted:
Ok, the technical definition of arbitrage form wiki is "In economics and finance, arbitrage (IPA: /ˈɑrbɨtrɑːʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance, the profit being the difference between the market prices." Generally speaking....arbitrage will happen when you find two with a SLOWER price feed and the other with a FASTER price feed. This is exactly what is being hunted for by logging all these broker speeds from MDP.
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 26, 2011 at 23:36
my favorite 😉

pc8multifx posted:

walker36 posted:
- guys who has said that MDP is ARBITRAGE.
- ARBITRAGE ıs not the prıce dıfference between fast and slow feeds.

Arbitrage is "buy cheap and sell expensive". price feed difference is anothor topic but it is named as Arbitrage.


fughe posted:
Arbitrage is taking advantage of the difference between a slow price feed and faster price feed. MDP is NOT arbitrage.

Im sure now, your name is Jhonny Walker, not Steve..
Miembro desde Jan 31, 2011   posts 720
Sep 27, 2011 at 00:05

walker36 posted:
Dear fughe

if you read my thread you can understand that there is no possibility of hunting pips from difference of slow and fast data feed.
even if you can do this, that means you will never see the money in your account due the broker you have made profit is SCAM and will never pay to you.

there are different types of arbitrage methods. 2 weeks ago I have watched on Bloomberg about a company that they make profit of %2-%4 monthly for their clients with Arbitrage. anf the guy was not Dominic Milan.😉

dou you think that Bloomberg will advertise a company that make profit from dafa feed delays. 🙄

Arbitrage and what you are saying are totally different.


fughe posted:
Ok, the technical definition of arbitrage form wiki is "In economics and finance, arbitrage (IPA: /ˈɑrbɨtrɑːʒ/) is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets: striking a combination of matching deals that capitalize upon the imbalance, the profit being the difference between the market prices." Generally speaking....arbitrage will happen when you find two with a SLOWER price feed and the other with a FASTER price feed. This is exactly what is being hunted for by logging all these broker speeds from MDP.

My information about arbitrage comes from a guy who specializes in creating HFT arbitrage systems.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 27, 2011 at 00:15
I dont see any data feed delay here.


""High Frequency Trading System
High-Frequency Trading or (HFT) basically is a trading method which is based on speed on execution of trading signals. A high frequency trading system can process information in a split second making it quicker than a human can do and this is supposedly an advantage but is it? High frequency Forex trading is the big buzz word and very popular but can it give you a trading edge? Let's look at the logic of this trading method in more detail

High-frequency trading systems look to do a large-scale turnover of positions, with the objective of making small regular profits and the trades are normally always shut within minutes, although some may be allowed to run to the end of the day session.

The systems are based on three different ways of price analysis:

😎They can used to judge and trade investor sentiment. For example, news story comes out or there is an economic number realize. A trading signal can be placed in the market by the algorithm to get the order in, before the vast majority of traders have a chance to respond and then, the system quickly make a profit.

Different Trading Methodologies

HFT Volatility trading systems work on the basis of taking advantage of a relative price movement rather than absolute price movement. The objective is simply to harness volatility, to make money and the overall direction of the trend is not a major consideration.

HFT Arbitrage trading systems look to take advantages of imbalances within related markets and look to take advantage of moves which lead to re adjustment of these discrepancies.

😲Statistical arbitrage is popular with major banks and brokers, where there trading systems trade a wide variety of pairs which are correlated and looking for opportunities to trade them as a group to make profits.""

Miembro desde Sep 22, 2011   posts 10
Sep 27, 2011 at 00:48
In FX context ARBITRAGE is selling the price difference in different feeds!! I know this for a fact and if others want to believe otherwise that's their choice :)

In general Finance sense (in terms of definition), yes ARBITRAGE means buying low and selling high (or vice versa)...

And, MDP is not an Arbitrage bot. If it was you'd be better off trading a slow feed and in that case the broker would be losing money all the time!! In contrary, most retail brokers who operate on commission (like ECN or STP) tend to welcome MDP.

Look at Perpperstone, they're aggressively investing on good server location and fast feed and promoting HFT with their clients coz that's a killer money maker for them.

For example, I've my self traded 250lots last week only with HFT and have to say it's made more money to the Liquidity provider and Broker than for me... But, you've got to pay the spread.. no way out of that..
Miembro desde Jan 31, 2011   posts 720
Sep 27, 2011 at 01:17

walker36 posted:
I dont see any data feed delay here.

""High Frequency Trading System
High-Frequency Trading or (HFT) basically is a trading method which is based on speed on execution of trading signals. A high frequency trading system can process information in a split second making it quicker than a human can do and this is supposedly an advantage but is it? High frequency Forex trading is the big buzz word and very popular but can it give you a trading edge? Let's look at the logic of this trading method in more detail

High-frequency trading systems look to do a large-scale turnover of positions, with the objective of making small regular profits and the trades are normally always shut within minutes, although some may be allowed to run to the end of the day session.

The systems are based on three different ways of price analysis:

😎They can used to judge and trade investor sentiment. For example, news story comes out or there is an economic number realize. A trading signal can be placed in the market by the algorithm to get the order in, before the vast majority of traders have a chance to respond and then, the system quickly make a profit.

Different Trading Methodologies

HFT Volatility trading systems work on the basis of taking advantage of a relative price movement rather than absolute price movement. The objective is simply to harness volatility, to make money and the overall direction of the trend is not a major consideration.

HFT Arbitrage trading systems look to take advantages of imbalances within related markets and look to take advantage of moves which lead to re adjustment of these discrepancies.

😲Statistical arbitrage is popular with major banks and brokers, where there trading systems trade a wide variety of pairs which are correlated and looking for opportunities to trade them as a group to make profits.""

You know what? It went right over your head. You completely missed it. You are so completely determined to be right that you can't think outside your box.

HFT arbitrage takes advantage of the differences in price feeds from the major sources. This causes the re-balancing of the price between the sources. The arbitrage that is being referred to in this forum discussion is NOT HFT arbitrage. They have been seeking the speed of execution of different brokers to be able to take advantage of the different prices. If the speed of execution was unimportant, then it would be standard HFT-type arbitrage. It isn't. From what I have read, the search is for the fastest and slowest brokers. So it is mt4-style arbitrage which is the difference caused by a slow and fast brokerage. Yes, it is still buying low and selling high, or selling high and buying are all intended transaction in forex. I am trying to point this stuff out so it doesn't confuse people. Stop trying to enforce your need to be right. Just accept the fact that we are explaining the same thing in different ways.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 27, 2011 at 01:23
I guess you have to take your head out of the box. can you please tell me price of EURO if you dont mind?


fughe posted:

walker36 posted:
I dont see any data feed delay here.


""High Frequency Trading System
High-Frequency Trading or (HFT) basically is a trading method which is based on speed on execution of trading signals. A high frequency trading system can process information in a split second making it quicker than a human can do and this is supposedly an advantage but is it? High frequency Forex trading is the big buzz word and very popular but can it give you a trading edge? Let's look at the logic of this trading method in more detail

High-frequency trading systems look to do a large-scale turnover of positions, with the objective of making small regular profits and the trades are normally always shut within minutes, although some may be allowed to run to the end of the day session.

The systems are based on three different ways of price analysis:

😎They can used to judge and trade investor sentiment. For example, news story comes out or there is an economic number realize. A trading signal can be placed in the market by the algorithm to get the order in, before the vast majority of traders have a chance to respond and then, the system quickly make a profit.

Different Trading Methodologies

HFT Volatility trading systems work on the basis of taking advantage of a relative price movement rather than absolute price movement. The objective is simply to harness volatility, to make money and the overall direction of the trend is not a major consideration.

HFT Arbitrage trading systems look to take advantages of imbalances within related markets and look to take advantage of moves which lead to re adjustment of these discrepancies.

😲Statistical arbitrage is popular with major banks and brokers, where there trading systems trade a wide variety of pairs which are correlated and looking for opportunities to trade them as a group to make profits.""

You know what? It went right over your head. You completely missed it. You are so completely determined to be right that you can't think outside your box.

HFT arbitrage takes advantage of the differences in price feeds from the major sources. This causes the re-balancing of the price between the sources. The arbitrage that is being referred to in this forum discussion is NOT HFT arbitrage. They have been seeking the speed of execution of different brokers to be able to take advantage of the different prices. If the speed of execution was unimportant, then it would be standard HFT-type arbitrage. It isn't. From what I have read, the search is for the fastest and slowest brokers. So it is mt4-style arbitrage which is the difference caused by a slow and fast brokerage. Yes, it is still buying low and selling high, or selling high and buying are all intended transaction in forex. I am trying to point this stuff out so it doesn't confuse people. Stop trying to enforce your need to be right. Just accept the fact that we are explaining the same thing in different ways.
Miembro desde Oct 18, 2010   posts 33
Sep 27, 2011 at 01:51 (editado Sep 27, 2011 at 01:51)
And again, i really need some help here, MDP support is not answering, it have been 1 week now since i sent them an e-mail. This is the error message im getting for the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD:

2011.09.26 17:22:07 MillionDollarPipsGBPUSD_1.2.0 GBPUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:03 MillionDollarPipsEURUSD_1.2.0 EURUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:20 MillionDollarPipsUSDJPY_1.2.0 USDJPY,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9

I frankly dont know what to do. Im running this on a faster VPS with only 16ms to my Thinkforex LIVE account.

Any clues?

MAX BARS IN CHART: 2147483647
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 27, 2011 at 01:57 (editado Sep 27, 2011 at 01:58)

you are killing your system resources

Right Click On the chart and refresh it.

this may help

csa1234 posted:
And again, i really need some help here, MDP support is not answering, it have been 1 week now since i sent them an e-mail. This is the error message im getting for the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD:

2011.09.26 17:22:07 MillionDollarPipsGBPUSD_1.2.0 GBPUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:03 MillionDollarPipsEURUSD_1.2.0 EURUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:20 MillionDollarPipsUSDJPY_1.2.0 USDJPY,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9

I frankly dont know what to do. Im running this on a faster VPS with only 16ms to my Thinkforex LIVE account.

Any clues?

MAX BARS IN CHART: 2147483647
Miembro desde Jan 31, 2011   posts 720
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:05 (editado Sep 27, 2011 at 02:05)

csa1234 posted:
And again, i really need some help here, MDP support is not answering, it have been 1 week now since i sent them an e-mail. This is the error message im getting for the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD:

2011.09.26 17:22:07 MillionDollarPipsGBPUSD_1.2.0 GBPUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:03 MillionDollarPipsEURUSD_1.2.0 EURUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:20 MillionDollarPipsUSDJPY_1.2.0 USDJPY,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9

I frankly dont know what to do. Im running this on a faster VPS with only 16ms to my Thinkforex LIVE account.

Any clues?

MAX BARS IN CHART: 2147483647

I would implement all the changes recommend by Steve Walker. Although I would probably keep the history at 5000. On a 1 minute chart that is about 3.5 days of history. You may also consider opening up the history center and downloading the history for the one minute on those pairs. It is not that good of quality, but you obviously have history errors as it is. It may be enough to repair the gaps. If that doesn't work. Then you are looking at un-installing and re-installing mt4 again.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:10
reinstall make no sense. this is broker or connection issue. but downloading history is ok. refreshing is the short cut of downloading history. result the same.

BTW I dont recommend running 3 paris of MDP on the same platform and same account at least same serer proxy, if so.


fughe posted:

csa1234 posted:
And again, i really need some help here, MDP support is not answering, it have been 1 week now since i sent them an e-mail. This is the error message im getting for the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD:

2011.09.26 17:22:07 MillionDollarPipsGBPUSD_1.2.0 GBPUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:03 MillionDollarPipsEURUSD_1.2.0 EURUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9
2011.09.26 17:22:20 MillionDollarPipsUSDJPY_1.2.0 USDJPY,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.26 21:22 offset:9

I frankly dont know what to do. Im running this on a faster VPS with only 16ms to my Thinkforex LIVE account.

Any clues?

MAX BARS IN CHART: 2147483647

I would implement all the changes recommend by Steve Walker. Although I would probably keep the history at 5000. On a 1 minute chart that is about 3.5 days of history. You may also consider opening up the history center and downloading the history for the one minute on those pairs. It is not that good of quality, but you obviously have history errors as it is. It may be enough to repair the gaps. If that doesn't work. Then you are looking at un-installing and re-installing mt4 again.
Miembro desde Jan 31, 2011   posts 720
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:26
Re-installing makes perfect sense but only if you put thought into it. It is a complete re-initialization of the history. That is why, I suggest this as a last resort if downloading the history doesn't work.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Miembro desde Jan 31, 2011   posts 720
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:31
I concur that it is a bad idea to run all three pairs in the same mt4 install. It has been noted previously that the pairs often trade at the same time. MT4 is not capable of multi-threaded order processing so you will have conflicts between the EAs. Simplest solution is to just install your mt4 in multiple folders...for instance when you install the second, add "#2" to the end of the name of the install folder. Makes it easy to keep track of. Further, I recommend changing the magic numbers of the EAs to separate numbers. It shouldn't interfere if they are the same, but it will reduce the chance of conflicts.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 27, 2011 at 02:36
Dear fughe

I have educated for this. reınstall only repair system files if they demaged or lost it does not load history. I am not offensıve or digging you posts to find mistakes. but giving uncorrect advise does help this trader. you can reinstall it 1000 times but the error that he mentioned will happen again. it is connection or broker data feed issue. Mt4 does not refreshing charts. also there is no command for that at mql4 language so it cant be done automaticly by the EA. so this has to be done manually. and the issue this tarder has is that.

he should refresh the charts to fill the gaps or missing bars. thats all. the problem he is facing is a common problem for MDP. especially when market is fast and during the asia sesion open.

having <50 ms latency does not mean that connection is healty.


fughe posted:
Re-installing makes perfect sense but only if you put thought into it. It is a complete re-initialization of the history. That is why, I suggest this as a last resort if downloading the history doesn't work.
Miembro desde Jan 31, 2011   posts 720
Sep 27, 2011 at 03:02
You are correct that if he were to just re-install mt4, it would not fix the history. That is why I said he would need to un-install first. This would wipe the previously downloaded historical data and force mt4 to download the data from server in its entirety. A completely new install of mt4 would fix the history problem if nothing else does....with the exception that the broker's data is not also corrupted. Anyway....the new install is a last resort effort and will most likely not be necessary.

You may not be intentionally trying to attack me, but you are so assured of being right that you are missing little details that I have been saying.

Also, i was not aware of the chart refreshing. Thanks for pointing that out.
Make losses, but always come out a winner at the end.
Miembro desde May 13, 2011   posts 1329
Sep 27, 2011 at 03:36

good luck!

fughe posted:
You are correct that if he were to just re-install mt4, it would not fix the history. That is why I said he would need to un-install first. This would wipe the previously downloaded historical data and force mt4 to download the data from server in its entirety. A completely new install of mt4 would fix the history problem if nothing else does....with the exception that the broker's data is not also corrupted. Anyway....the new install is a last resort effort and will most likely not be necessary.

You may not be intentionally trying to attack me, but you are so assured of being right that you are missing little details that I have been saying.

Also, i was not aware of the chart refreshing. Thanks for pointing that out.
Miembro desde Sep 20, 2011   posts 12
Sep 27, 2011 at 04:46
I have this error :

2011.09.26 21:41:06 MillionDollarPipsEURUSD_1.2.0 EURUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.27 04:41 offset:3

Any idea
Robots Forex - Robots trader communauté francaise.
Miembro desde Mar 04, 2011   posts 286
Sep 27, 2011 at 05:25

Adharna posted:
I have this error :

2011.09.26 21:41:06 MillionDollarPipsEURUSD_1.2.0 EURUSD,M1: WARNING M1 Graph gap found 2011.09.27 04:41 offset:3

Any idea

please read all the previous post
Fughe & WaLKER
had a long discussion on it.
Press F1 for help or Dial 911.
Miembro desde Sep 20, 2011   posts 12
Sep 27, 2011 at 05:43
I do, I just change the VPS for CNS
Robots Forex - Robots trader communauté francaise.
Miembro desde Mar 04, 2011   posts 286
Sep 27, 2011 at 05:47
good luck for today's trade news are coming to head..
do check your risk for avoiding any big loss.
Press F1 for help or Dial 911.
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