Mt4-107707 (de mkeropian)

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Discusión Mt4-107707

Apr 24, 2013 at 13:22
Vistas 515
1 Replies
Miembro desde Oct 15, 2011   posts 121
Apr 25, 2013 at 07:44
please change the point value for metal:

If SL = 175 TP=750 == FOREX

if SL = 1750 TP=7500 == Metal & CFD
simplicity and just simple... like a camel.
Miembro desde Oct 15, 2011   posts 121
Apr 25, 2013 at 07:44
Please use default "Slow" profile with 1% if 5K must open LotSize= 0.05 and LotSize 0.5 = 10% HighRisk

If SL = 175 TP=750 == FOREX

if SL = 1750 TP=7500 == Metal & CFD MUST SET ON H4

if SL = 1750 TP=7500
TrailingStart = 350
TrailingStop = 50
TrailingStep = 50
simplicity and just simple... like a camel.
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