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www.magicfxrobot.com (de EURUSD)

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Discusión www.magicfxrobot.com

May 12, 2011 at 11:55
Vistas 11,721
91 Replies
Miembro desde Mar 28, 2011   posts 942
Jun 03, 2011 at 08:33 (editado Jun 03, 2011 at 08:35)
EURUSD posted:

Reqoutes are normal with lots of brokers, even ECN. Trade contest is busy? Off quotes? I trade now with ECN and other good brokers, this happens all the time, it's unavoidable.

Your smoking something now. If you receive a requote from ECN, its not ECN.

You will receive Slippage, but you will not get a Pop up box, saying Requote/off quote like FXCM-Alpair-FXDD (non are which ECN) and the unregulated bunch.

The so called ""Requote BOX"" is a PLUGIN for MetaTrader BROKERS to delay execution and hinder the success of a scalping system.

Does Dukacopy Reqoute? Hell NO!
Miembro desde Feb 16, 2010   posts 1305
Jun 03, 2011 at 09:59

EURUSD posted:

forexcrazy posted:
1) Some trades they won't let you close while in profit and others you'll lose money when you close and ARE IN PROFIT.

2) They ignore takeprofits & stoploss to cheat you of money.

3) They also often manipulate price when you open/close orders.

4) Intentionally delay opening and closing orders when it goes against them.

5) No custom indicators besides the BASIC ones that comes with the install of the mt4.

First I tried to shut the orders WHILE IN PROFIT and it kept giving me error messages such as:

1) Off quotes

2) Modification denied. Order is too close to market

70-80% brokers have those problems. This is not a proof that a broker is a scam, it's a proof that the guy is desperate to accuse others for his losses.

If you go to FPA, almost all brokers have some negative reviews, Alpari, dbFX, FXDD, etc. So one trader had a bad experience with a given broker so it's a scam. Come on, in this way you can prove anything you want. One example is enough???

Reqoutes are normal with lots of brokers, even ECN. Trade contest is busy? Off quotes? I trade now with ECN and other good brokers, this happens all the time, it's unavoidable.

And if a trader loses money, the broker cheated him out of the Money. Find then another one where you can win. No matter which broker, 90% people lose. And 90% complain. So with MM people lose, with ECN people win??? No matter if MM/STP/ECN, the percentage is the same.

Why people complain so much about the brokers and don't choose the "GOOD" ones only? Where is the problem?

Show some brokers that have never ever had a single complain!!! There is none like that. So 100% brokers are scammers since one bad experience of a poor trader is enough to prove any conspiracy theory.

Having issues with every single broker is a part of the trader's everyday life.
By issues I mean:
1. Requotes few times a day(for a bucket shop type brokers)
2. Off quotes sometimes
3. Platform disconnects occasionally
4. Slippage

Those problems do not mean all those brokers are scam. What people are complaining about Forinvest is something very different from the issues above.

And yes, Will is right that you're smoking something. Your claim that ECN brokers requote is ridiculous. Have you ever traded with true ECN broker? If the answer is YES, then you should know there's sometimes slippage(positive or negative) but NEVER REQUOTES.
"In trading, winning is frequently a question of luck, but losing is always a matter of skill."
Miembro desde May 14, 2011   posts 25
Jun 03, 2011 at 10:45

ECN Version of the "MAGIC FX ROBOT" EA

Me and my programmer finally managed to create a new Version #6 of the "MAGIC FX ROBOT" working with ECN/STP and all other brokers.
This new Version #6 is much better, faster and more "trader-friendly" than the previous versions. We tested many good brokers and found the best and most reliable ones that the robot can operate very well on and make money as never before. "

This simple thing in ECN also don't know then he claim that he made ECN version . All i have to say GOTCHA ... :D
Miembro desde May 02, 2010   posts 17
Jun 03, 2011 at 13:11
Miembro desde May 21, 2011   posts 10
Jun 04, 2011 at 02:50
Guys, I have know this system..basically it's arbitrage between 2 platforms (one demo and one real account ), the difference is your profit because some of the dealers have their quotes delayed.. From what I heard it doesn't work in real trading..
Miembro desde May 24, 2010   posts 354
Jun 04, 2011 at 08:08
EURUSD posted:

Why do you hide an account given Alpari UK? I think that Alpari UK as one of the top as scamer FORINVEST. Please send Investor pasword account Alpari UK to week.
Miembro desde Jul 08, 2010   posts 2
Jun 06, 2011 at 12:48
всё это лажа!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)))
Miembro desde Dec 26, 2010   posts 9
Jun 13, 2011 at 09:44
Trade opened 06.13.2011 07:05 Trade closed 06.13.2011 07:05 and profit is 4 pips! WOW? Is it magic? I'm not sure.
MyFxBook.com admin should review this trading system and ... delete it.
Miembro desde Dec 26, 2010   posts 9
Jun 13, 2011 at 09:46 (editado Jun 13, 2011 at 09:46)

barli posted:
Guys, I have know this system..basically it's arbitrage between 2 platforms (one demo and one real account ), the difference is your profit because some of the dealers have their quotes delayed.. From what I heard it doesn't work in real trading..

It's not possible arbitrage and win spread. No one broker not allow spread + 5 pips win.

Miembro desde Jun 09, 2011   posts 183
Jun 13, 2011 at 17:06
actually most brokers do allow spread+5 pips win, but they probably won't allow an average holding time of 5 secs
http://www.freeforexrebates .info
Miembro desde Dec 26, 2010   posts 9
Jun 15, 2011 at 11:27

tigpips posted:
actually most brokers do allow spread+5 pips win, but they probably won't allow an average holding time of 5 secs

Miembro desde Mar 27, 2011   posts 32
Jul 08, 2011 at 20:28
really great
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