After losing my career in the medical field, then divorce; I spent a few years depressed and hopeless, only recovering in the past few years. I'm extremely limited in my options for making any money as I can no longer drive and live in a small, rural town. Last fall my brother and nephew asked my opinion on some biotech stocks. One thing led to another, I discovered this crazy world of Forex Trading and have immersed myself in quality fundamental and technical analysis teachings. Although my age made me a BIT cynical coming into this, knowing there were likely MANY "get rich quick" scams just waiting for someone like me; I was able to skirt most of the schemes, scams and heavy marketing types, and found some experienced, successful traders and groups whom have led me to this point-preparing to go live in the next few weeks. I'm greatly indebted to these fine folks who shared their knowledge, and most of all, their patience these past 6 months. I'm not delusional, I fully realize that with strict risk management it's going to take awhile before I can start adding to my very limited income; but I'm extremely excited and beyond grateful to those who've helped restore HOPE in my life again!
Estilo de trading
I'm primarily a Fundamental Trader who uses simple Price action to time entries and exits
"Your Best Teacher is Your Last Mistake"