Systems by fxxmomentum
Nombre | Ganancia | Disminución | Pips | Trading | Apalancamiento | Tipo |
Core Liquidity Markets - Active. | 100.56% | 12.87% | 10427.7 | Automatizado | 1:400 | Real |
FXPro - Funds moved to another broker. | 683.58% | 14.39% | 8343.0 | Automatizado | 1:500 | Real |
SmartTradeFX - Funds moved to another broker. | 3659.80% | 14.40% | 12161.1 | Automatizado | 1:100 | Real |
FXEthos - Funds moved to another broker. | 2129.28% | 10.87% | 25853.2 | Automatizado | 1:400 | Real |