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Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jul 02, 2014 at 00:12
Of all the other things which you could do you decide to post about me. Are you guys here to blog or to trade? I sat back for an entire day, only to see over 10 messages directed towards me. Come on do something productive with your time. Maybe like trading.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jul 02, 2014 at 00:02
[Message deleted]
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jul 01, 2014 at 23:01
You seem to have a very small attention span. Didn't you say about 2days ago you were off this thread. It looks like when you see my name here you get turned on and can't help to post.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jul 01, 2014 at 22:59
Jesus christ. You guys are still posting about? You have nothing else better to do? Seriously guys get a life.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 30, 2014 at 17:13
Hi guys. I'm busy trading right now, and earning. You queers try to have a productive week, instead of posting crap every chance you get. I am sooooooooooo looking forward to comparing the two old accounts, and the 3 new ones I obtained access to over the weekend to your accounts. Speak to you guys later this week. Until then get a life, or deposit into a real account, or actually place some trades.
MyFxBook, who is a millionaire?
Jun 30, 2014 at 03:09
:) There is your answer.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 18:37
Well for anyone who simply has no funds to deposit in order to wager in forex please feel free to click those links. Some of those brokers give you 50usd which can be turned into real cash and withdrawn. I would suggest trading that way, as if you trade well enough you can actually pay your light bill with those funds, instead of just trading in demo and posting results and "profits" which in reality mean NOTHING.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 18:29
Why would trading with 10usd be "pointless" when you are currently trading with....... Never mind.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 15:53
Since you say that I don't provide any content which is useful here is the very first one which I know you will love.http://www.bestforexbonus.com/nodeposit-bonus Click that link, and pick any broker. You can simply open an account, and after making certain amount of trades your demo money becomes real cash. Hopefully you can trade well, and make some money my friend. Enjoy the rest of your week my friend.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 14:02
Hello mate. It doesn't even make any sense responding to his post. All he does is troll, and earns no real money in forex. It is evident in his trades. That fool lives in a bubble in which he feels everything is exact. As if after a loss people don't increase their lot sizes or become bias to the last position which they closed. Notice most of the trolling here is done by DEMO queens, or guys who can't even break 100% profit. Which is why they attack anyone who has stats better then them. Just like CODE MONKEY who margin called his 5k account in 3 days. I also find it funny how ...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 01:08
Your an idiot. You took the same account and changed the start date, but guess what.... Your dd% based on what myfxbook says when you don't have the custom start date says that in the month of june your dd was over 40%, and not 50% as I mentioned before..... Allow me to post the picture again for you.http://www.myfxbook.com/files/Master_Kiwa/omg_vE.PNG That's of your account dumb arse. I'm simply posting what you had up, and have recently taken out!
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 00:29
I would love to know how you deposited 0 eurs. hahahahahhaha and turned profit with 0 EURS
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 00:26
It's more then possible. Many people have accounts which real an incredible % change profit. Either follow them, or do some serious studying. If someone else can do it, then you would be able to do it as well.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 29, 2014 at 00:25
That's just it. People get more focused on "amount of pips" INSTEAD of how much each pip is worth. If I can earn 3 pips and make 3% profit without every losing 3% of my account while in the process, then I would take that trade every time. Some people aim for 100-200 pips, and it doesn't even equal to 1% of their account. Trading is 1000% subjective. All in all you simply should focus on making as much % change as you can. EVERYONE losses. EVERYONE margin calls at some point in the life of an account, yet if you can withdraw well over 100% profit before you margin call, then ...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 28, 2014 at 17:46
I knew you were going to post another account. You forgot I have all the trades of yours. The account which you opened for the "dirty girl competition" started on the 15th of June not the 18th. You are such a dishonest french queer. Please post the REAL demo account, and not this other bs account which you claim to be the one.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 28, 2014 at 17:15
Have a look at my dd% compared to my % change.......My dd% is almost 30x LOWERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR then what my total profit is. That is called "MAKING SOME PRETTY FREAKING GOOD TRADES" Something which you lack the ability of doing even in DEMO.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 28, 2014 at 17:12
Load your demo account. If you didn't margin call it or have a dd% higher then 60% I will send you 500usd right now via moneybookers or neteller. Yes I didn't earn 500%, but it doesn't mean that it won't happen. Nor does it mean that I don't have the ability of doing it. I am simply taking my time, and trying to keep my dd% as low as I can. Hey if I take 3 pips, then 3 pips is much better then - 3. It has nothing with being a pussy, it's all about trading my system, and what works. So if you want this money come and get it noob cake. Load that account RIGHT NOW! You'...
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 28, 2014 at 17:09
Don't you understand how to read the dd graph? Say someone decided to copy all your trades, the last 30 days. There account would of been in red at the current moment well over 50% 50 FREAKIN 50%. I don't want to hear about test account or none of that BS. Your trading with real money, even if it is 100 usd. You're a horrible trader, and you don't even have the ability of recovering that 50% loss quickly.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 28, 2014 at 17:05
Ummmmmm have you seen the last account which has been uploaded? The on with 10k usd. The one with dd% less then 1%. The one with over 20% profit! Open your trade history. Let's see those big losers you have as crazy demo drag queen mentioned. Until then you are simply barking up the wrong tree.
Do you think you can turn $200 into $400 in six weeks?
नए ट्रेडरों
Jun 28, 2014 at 15:54
I'm going to sit back and watch the pissing match between the DEMO QUEEN who erased his demo account, and mr HIGH DRAWDOWN % with 1 zillion trades.
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