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Sep 27, 2022 at 05:51
Some hycm reviews brought me here.My acquaintance with the broker was spontaneous. Earlier I never heard this name. Someday I discovered hycm reviews online and it was the first time I learned about the broker. I want to stress that such things as licenses and experience doesn’t interest me. It’s for those who write professional reviews. I perceive brokers more practically. For me trading conditions matter. Then I look for feedback left by ordinary people. I have a critical mind and know what to seek in reviews. I know what could be misleading and dangerous. Secondly, by the time I...
Choosing a new broker
Jan 11, 2022 at 18:47
Choosing a new broker isn't a very pleasant process, however it matters a lot for a trader. All people like to work when they are provided with awesome conditions. If we speka about ordinary people, then they just seek for these conditions and as a rule employer provides them with these conditions, while for a trader it's the hardest task. Nobody will provide you with something that you want until you find a broker which will offer the conditions which will suit your needs. The vast majority of traders are tired of searching for a proper broker, and they give up the whole idea of tradi...
Dec 20, 2021 at 08:28
Probably one of the main reasons why I decided to open an account with ActivTrades broker is a large number of assets. There really is something to trade. Come on. there are over 500 ETFs!I really like the large number of ETFs. It seems to me that this trading asset has become popular not very long ago, but now I often use it for long-term trading!
How to increase trading skills ?
नए ट्रेडरों
Nov 16, 2021 at 06:53
There are no particular techniques for improving skills, because every trader does itaccording to his abilities and opportunities. Traditional way to upgrade skills is to practice actually. Moreover, we shouldn't forget about learning theory, because it also matters in this case. The combination of learning and practicing can ensure your fruther success in particular activity, and everything is the same with trading activity.You have to understand that everything comes with practicing, experience, skills and knowledge. If you want to be the master of trading, you should dedicate lots of ti...
Why are Forex Legal documents relevant?
Sep 28, 2021 at 19:48
Documents are important, but for some reason they are the last thing people think about when your money is safe in the first place.
Both money management and trading psychology
Jan 25, 2021 at 18:23
I agree with the idea that all problems are in the head. If you can't handle something, it means you're not really committed to it - that's a 100% fact.
Robot Net89
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Oct 18, 2020 at 09:15
Everyone shares the positive results. And profit is, of course, just fine.On the other hand, we would always like to properly understand the current risks in order to make adequate decisions and not to doubt your choice...
fxblasterPRO high
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
Aug 18, 2020 at 16:08
Did you work without any leverage at all? Do you not use it at all or do you use large volumes? It's interesting, actually. But on the other hand, given that you get a good profit margin, it could bring you even more. Maybe you should change your approach.
myfxbook is doing a great job
Jul 14, 2020 at 10:08
I'm also very glad that I found this forum among many forums. Here I found a lot of useful information on topics that were related not only to trading. It is really impressive how much work has been done by admins and other managers to keep this forum running smoothly. Thank you, fellas!
Forex your second source of income
Jun 26, 2020 at 17:10
It is a pity that many people forget that this format of earning, despite its apparent simplicity, has many features and nuances that require detailed study.Everybody wants to see a quick profit and without much effort, but as I have understood over the years, the market does not like rush and false hopes.
Midaz Gold 21
ट्रेडींग सिस्टम
May 31, 2020 at 15:27
Don't worry too much, because you're on a demo account now and if something goes wrong or you make a mistake, you won't lose much. So experiment with your system completely, don't be afraid to do anything new. Good luck to you!
scalping easy ?
नए ट्रेडरों
Apr 28, 2020 at 16:40
It can bring great money, if you have a good understanding of scalping mechanism and understand its principles, I think many traders try to use it, but unfortunately it is not always effective.
Very tough business.
Apr 16, 2020 at 17:33
Well, no one ever said that it was going to be easy. Tough times do not last, it is the tough people that do. The ads we see about forex are usually made to attract potential clients. They make forex trading seem so easy. The person in the ad makes money in just 30 seconds without losing. That is not how things work as it turns out.
The GOAT: Bob Volman Fanatics
Apr 12, 2020 at 16:52
Nope. Because if it worked, he wouldn’t need to sell books with advice. The only time I take advice from a book is if I know he/she makes more from the book than the skill.I’m the case of Forex, the skill pays more than than the book, if they were any good then they wouldn’t be selling books.
How can we find a reliable platform?
नए ट्रेडरों
Mar 12, 2020 at 16:34
Honestly, I think the only way to be sure of a broker's quality is in person. Because you can find both positive and negative information about the same company. And you can be both a happy user and a dissatisfied one. This is the reason why I never give specific recommendations on the choice of broker, because what suits me may not suit you.
Feb 22, 2020 at 21:01
This is a normal practice for sure. The problem often arise with between broker and its client when they claim they have no withdrawal fees, but customers get less money on their account than they've originaly requested for withdrawal. This is because the bank or payment system is charging the fee anyway. To avoid these misunderstandings, brokers say there is a withdrawal fee, but they don't say who is charging it in fact: a bank or a brokerage.
Facebook currency libra
Feb 10, 2020 at 17:19
I am totally agree it will not work out. All this currencies simply do not work at all eithier anyway no matter how do you look at it. Can we change something like that or not? You need to create a lot more backed by real money system on that.
Jan 23, 2020 at 17:49
A lot of people do recommend to make it something like one percent to three percent, but I really do not know anything about you anyway for basically any reason out there. How we can only help with this? You need to trade and then trade even more.
What Are Your Golden Rules?
नए ट्रेडरों
Dec 12, 2019 at 18:48
The golden rule is to keep calm and never let emotions to overshadow logic and your thinking. If that will happen, you are likely to lose a lot, so emotions is your number one enemy.
Is it Trump Tweet Market manipulation ?
Aug 31, 2019 at 09:08
Better be prepared to what will be going on if the Trump will win in 2020, I am more than curious how markets will react. Please let me know. See many people hate him for what he is doing so it's basically something like that for markets too.
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