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show Expectancy in pips, along with the one $
Suggestion Box
Sep 04, 2011 at 11:38
expectancy per unit risk should be based on the stop loss, so if you make a 100 trades, each with a stop 20 pips away on opening and each one of those trades closed out at +40 then expectancy would be 2 since you can expect to make 2 pips every time you risk 1 pip. Naturally I see the problems inherent in this such as moving stops, or not trading with a stop loss, however for those that trade with a fixed stop loss it would be a good method of evaluating system performance that takes account balance out of the equation..
Tag grouping.
Suggestion Box
Aug 30, 2011 at 13:14
I see a lot of views and few votes so perhaps I'll clarify a tad more: This feature would allow tagging trades not only with tags representing different strategies, but also tags relating to things like how well a trade was managed, wether the entry was good or bad, what the market conditions were at the time, etc. This would allow analysis of how well a strategy performs under different market conditions, how well it performs with poor entries and so on. Another way in which this could be done is to have a separate tag for every possible combination of strategies, market conditions and tr...
Tag grouping.
Suggestion Box
Aug 24, 2011 at 20:11
bumpty bump.
show Expectancy in pips, along with the one $
Suggestion Box
Aug 24, 2011 at 19:52
How about showing expectancy per unit of risk? For example expectancy in pips per pip risked, or dollars per dollar risked. It's almost the same thing that the author requests and definitely servers the same purpose (which is why I voted for this)...
Tag grouping.
Suggestion Box
Aug 16, 2011 at 23:51
Hey! I like the tagging feature a lot, but I have one issue with it - let's say I create one tag for a break out strategy called BO, and two tags to differentiate between trades with an optimal entry (OE) and trades with a poor entry (PE). Every time I trade a breakout I apply the BO tag and one of the other two depending on wether I got a good entry or not and I'd like to be able to do custom analysis that displays a dedicated curve for trades having the tags BO and OE applied to them and a separate curve for trades with the BO and PE tags, rather than having 3 curves - 1 for BO, 1 fo...
custom analysis by trade "tags"
Suggestion Box
Jun 16, 2011 at 21:28
It could be integrated into the comments section - we click on the comment button, the comment window slides down, like it does now, and along with it the come the strategy tag buttons. Voila!
custom analysis by trade "tags"
Suggestion Box
Jun 16, 2011 at 21:21
Hmm... Speki has reminded me that Oanda uses the comment section to store the ticket number, which would make tagging using the comment section impossible for us Oanda users unless the comment section is modified... The idea of predefining tags and applying them to trades using a dedicated button seems more convenient...
custom analysis by trade "tags"
Suggestion Box
Jun 15, 2011 at 21:51
4+ pluses ?!?! Monkey balls!!! That's like a billion people in the real world - with that kind of popular support, you are surely already working on implementing this ;). BTW Will's idea of tagging trades using the comment box is very good too. Personally I don't care if its done using a dedicated button or using the comments.
Reasonable monthly/ annual returns
Experienced Traders
May 28, 2011 at 14:55
The problem is that most of us here don't have the account balance to make 5% a moth enough to pay the bills, let alone live the millionaire-playboy lifestyle that we are after. That being said, what's reasonable depends on the risk taken to achieve it - making 5% a month whilst risking 10% per trade and trading 5 times a day is ridiculously inadequate.People who look at the likes of Warren Buffett, who averages about 30% a year as a benchmark for traders forget that he is not a trader. He can count the number of transactions he makes every year on the fingers of one hand and his prefe...
Oanda FIFO change May 30
Experienced Traders
May 28, 2011 at 14:36
That. The FIFO rule is pointless, but complaining about it makes no sense either - just like the inability to hedge in the same instrument, FIFO does not affect anybody's capacity to make (or lose) money. Anyone saying otherwise is fooling himself. It's best to think about your net exposure and net P/L rather than thinking about the P/L on constituent parts as if they can be treated independently of each other...
custom analysis by trade "tags"
Suggestion Box
May 05, 2011 at 05:12
May I ask why you voted "no" on this? Like I've said, I'm only asking that a feature available to MT4 users be extended everyone else. And I thought that it was clear from the context that "bastards" was used in a humorous manner, not an insulting one.
custom analysis by trade "tags"
Suggestion Box
May 04, 2011 at 19:33
If the dislike is from Ranesh of RBFX then please disregard it. We have personal differences stemming from my critique of his PAMM's performance and he is petty enough to dislike this suggestiong just because of that.
Permit Only Fully Verified Accounts To Be Made Public.
Suggestion Box
May 04, 2011 at 19:30
I think public accounts should also have their balance and open trades visible. Eh, Ranesh? (wink wink).To the MyFXbook staff: ignore this post, it's not a real suggestion, it's just me f***ing with Ranesh. He knows what I'm talking about.
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 19:23
For celebrities there is no bad publicity, for traders there very much is. As for your stupid hypothesis about me being forexscam - what is it based on? A simple check of the sign up date would show that I signed up about half a year before forexscam, another simple check of all my posts would be enough to see that I am a lurker and apart from this thread I hardly ever write here. Creating a sock puppet 6 months before creating the main account only to use it in one discussion is some genius mastermind troll shit. I wish I could plan my future that well, but alas, no. And finally If you don...
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 18:59
Aww man, you're a funny guy Ranesh. At this point I'm only here for the entertainment, because I see this thread heating up a bit soonish. Like I said, I've got nothing to sell or prove and no reputation to maintain so I don't care if you or anybody else thinks I'm some unsuccessful trader's sock puppet. FOR EVERYONE READING THIS - TREAT MY POSTS AS IF THEY WERE WRITTEN BY FOREXSCAM HIMSELF! There, that should do it.Now, could you please address your poor performance, I'm really curious as to why your account equity is taking such a pounding. I'm sure I'm no...
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 18:41
Nobody needs to care what I think or say. I don't need to know how to trade well to know a loser the same way I don't need to know how to play basketball to be tell a good player apart from bad one.My accounts are private because I have nothing to sell or prove. You claim you aren't selling anything, yet if you were offered to manage a million for someone I just don't see you turning them down. That's probably why your account was public in the first place. Stop trying to defend your utter lack of skill by attacking people who expose you. Even if you discredit them, that st...
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 18:14
Let's say that I am forexscam (which I'm not) - how does that make anything I've said about you invalid? Are you not down 20% a year into trading? is your peak to trough drawdown not over 40%? Is your broker reporting wrong stats? Face it, you're a lying, scamming, dishonest joke. Wheter I, forexscam, or anybody else hating on you here is a joke as well does not change the simple fact that you couldn't trade your way out of a paper bag. Stop pretending.
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 17:56
Ranesh, you're a loser and any credibility you had as a trader evaporated about an hour ago when your FXOpen account was exposed. Stop acting like account balance is more important than equity, because it is not - a floating loss is as good as a realized loss. Now, have some dignity and stfu.
PAMM (Managed Accounts) running for +1yr
Trading Systems
May 04, 2011 at 17:25
custom analysis by trade "tags"
Suggestion Box
Apr 28, 2011 at 18:23
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