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Posts by forex_trader_81773
TheFullLife 10
Trading Systems
Jul 24, 2015 at 01:04
Hello Sir.The system I am talking about is not the FullLife because this one is arbitrage and make 10% - 15% profit with my only capital (20k U$).I have contacted one of the most impressive traders one month ago. He manages accounts directly from his server.The only problem is that he can not manage an account under 500k U$ because is very risky for money management.If you are still interested and you have the capital or knows who could have, let me know.Best regards.Diego Cano
Show your profitable account here.
Jul 23, 2015 at 06:49
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
TheFullLife 10
Trading Systems
Jul 23, 2015 at 04:23
Yes Sir I have from 2015 and 7 months for 2014. I sent a message to you let me know if you are still interested.
TheFullLife 9
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2015 at 19:00
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
TheFullLife 9
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2015 at 18:54
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
TheFullLife 10
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2015 at 18:54
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
TheFullLife 8
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2015 at 18:53
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
TheFullLife 6
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2015 at 18:53
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
TheFullLife 5
Trading Systems
Jul 22, 2015 at 18:53
I have the contact of an amazing trader:450% in 7 months.Smooth profit trend.2713 trades in 7 months to make this profit.Average consecutive wins: 160.Profit factor: 304.75Recovery factor: 889.14Profit Trades (%of total): 2565 (94.54%)Maximum consecutive wins: 653Maximum consecutive losses: 40Balance Drawdown Relative: 0.12%If you are intersted let me know.Diego Cano
Managed Accounts
Jun 26, 2015 at 12:51
Tha same to you dear your curves are not the best for a portfolio! and again look at the Drawdown. The newbees could get enought for a crazy profit but they are no carefull with the losses!!
Managed Accounts
Jun 26, 2015 at 12:50
Sorry BUT 5.85% Drawdown for a +28.17%PROFIT in 4 months is not an option.
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 18, 2014 at 21:09
Please if there is a loosing strategie....WHY and I repeat WHY are the evil people trying to take advantage from others wealth??This is not a good management in the spiritual live and for the proper families, sorry for my english but is over me!!best😉
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 04, 2014 at 07:46
Yes that is true when a trader is performing well with control, the best way to increase his profits is no t increasing his lot size but putting more wood in the fire!... Then the PAMM,Best😉
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 03, 2014 at 21:30
Dear friend, I know what is your question and is reasonably well funded but here is waht I am saying>https://www.myfxbook.com/members/fxOGEDI/thefulllife-10/885273for the time is currently knowed by profitable traders that the brokers or the liquidity providers do not want the outgoing money of their pockets!Best,😉
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 03, 2014 at 06:21
INVEGLING ??? My dear friend, That explain why your aproach can not consider the possibility of the absolute control of the Drawdown! Look:http://www.myfxbook.com/members/fxOGEDI/thefulllife-10/629786
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 02, 2014 at 18:24
I ask >It could be possible to have a 0.48% drawdown, and 52% of profits in 21 days?best😉
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 02, 2014 at 15:26
Dear OptimoIf your system comprising a strategy and a money management that can predict you max DD it will no matter what the market do. I must to insist because it could be that it only exist the traditional aproach to the investment in financial markets. But since a few years ago it exist the mathematical and probabilistic aproach, that well combined with the fundamental analisis can result in a piece of Swiss watch!And YES you can predit your DD!😉
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 02, 2014 at 14:17
My dear friends the Drawdown YES is predictable if the system can !!! If you need exmples tell me please😉
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 02, 2014 at 06:50
Dear OphiliThis is true when we talk about manual systems with no very sophisticated algorithms.But automated system with a very complex program that can interpret the fundamental data through a mathematical aproach and (no the technical and classical aproach) can control at the millimeter, the DrawDown!all the best my friend!
PAMM recommendation
Experienced Traders
Apr 01, 2014 at 07:12
Hi Dear Omeh, I would like to explain my opinion like this:ex1 if you risk 11 DD......... you should go to ...55% for example in ...one month or even two....or eeeven 3 months.. ii is ok.ex2 if you risk 50%DD........you sh......g...t.....200 or 300%...............1m .............2m or even 3 it will be okand the curve (in the graph) must to say : every single day more and more close to the heaven! Not the bipolar madness do you show in your link.All the best my friend!😉
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