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Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Apr 22, 2014 at 02:05
great stats master kiwa 😄
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Jan 30, 2014 at 08:21
I agree with you absolutely Master_Kiwa, folks are just obsessed drawdown percentage without getting the true picture
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Jan 15, 2014 at 19:24
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Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Jan 02, 2014 at 03:00
lol 😄 so thats the big issue with you Optimofx...not a problem check after sometime I have got them verified. As for the system under Phoenix Capital Management its a medium term strategy and hence short term floating losses could be there since its a swing trading strategy on a higher time frame. The other systems are for scalping. All systems are manual and not some crap EA which I am looking forward to sell here. I am aware that many people here run 'EAs' in there demo accounts and try to hawk their wares here which ultimately will all crash and burn in a few weeks 😄...
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Jan 01, 2014 at 18:09
@ optimofx :-) I definitely have a clear idea where I need to improve and I have done it substantially over the last few months. Stats are all there. So there is no point of getting into a war of words brother. Trading is a personal journey where several roads lead go the same destination that is profits. I am a better trader now than I was the past year and the year before. So let our stats do the talking rather than just fighting over it with words :-). Wish you a Happy and a Prosperous New Year
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Jan 01, 2014 at 17:43
@ Aston As I said earlier the high draw down happened a year back when the account was very very small. Everyone in the forex market have experienced freak spikes. My average drawdown in the last several months has been less than 20 %. You can look at my newer accounts where I use different strategy. FYI in the new Hotforex PAMM system my PAMM under the name of Phoenix Fund is currrently ranked 10 with almost 0 % drawdown.Regards
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Jan 01, 2014 at 17:35
@ Optimus thats not going to happen pal check back the same account in 5 years....:-) I assure u it will cross a million bucks
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Jan 01, 2014 at 04:52
@ vijay High DD happened at the begining when the account balance was very low. Since then the DD has been below 15 %. You can also look at my new systems which have very low DD. In the new hotforex pamm, I run a PAMM in the name of Phoenix Fund currently ranked 10 with very low DD if you are interested😄
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 27, 2013 at 11:24
Very good advice. Yet the reality is many individuals lack the ability or experience to not "margin call". Which is why they ask for help like professionals as myself. I simply want to be judged on the stats which I present. As those are things which can be discussed. 20% is 20% a month no matter how larger or small your account is. As money management will determine the amount of money you shall risk.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 27, 2013 at 03:57
We take investors money for the very same reason banks do so. To create a name brand. When you provide a service, and succeed as we are doing the notaraity is much more important then the profit you are actually making.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 26, 2013 at 22:01
We aren't confident that we can earn 20% a month. It is actually something we have done consistently. Your pessimistic attitude has been noted. Feel free to join our PAMM anytime you like. I am utterly certain that we will out preform your system.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 26, 2013 at 11:34
PAMM managers aren't assigned one. As PAMM managers work directly with the brokers, and not the clients. The broker itself is responsible for all the paper pushing, and have a legally binding contract with those who want their money to be managed.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 26, 2013 at 04:19
We've been fully transparent with our account. We continue to perform with less then a 20% monthly drawdown. We are the best options for those who are in need of assistance.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 25, 2013 at 18:43
At the moment their is something wrong with the server of myfxbook which doesn't allow me to upload the snapshot of my account. Yet, by clicking my name........ then selecting "Phoenix Capital Management" followed by clicking the 5th tab which says "Drawdown" you can clearly see our drawdown % per month. 80% was within the very first days of creating the aforementioned PAMM account.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 25, 2013 at 18:37
I've taken the time to provide you with my Pamm account. The picture reveals my monthly drawdown. It is clear to see that my drawdown over the last 8 - 9 months has been less then 20% As far as investing "large sums of money" is a very subjective point of phrase. We've gained many clients over the last 9 months, simply because of our money management and overall profit. As far as starting a fund, a PAMM is very much one. Our company doesn't have to take care of any back office work which a fund itself would have to do. I for one don't believe hotforex is shady in any ...
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Nov 25, 2013 at 02:15
Good evening. I run two PAMM accounts, and currently am ranked number 1 on hotforex's pamm list. Please click my name and give my stats a look. I am rather confident that you would feel safe having me as your PAMM manager.
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 25, 2013 at 02:06
Not sure why you would have to call me a dufus when you can simply click my name to see my stats. 😲
Phoenix Capital Management is here to service you.
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 24, 2013 at 15:38
Good afternoon all,I've received several private messages in which help was requested. Help in the form of sending an EA, even help in the form of managing accounts. I've been lucky enough to come across a reliable method of swing trading which in turn has allowed me to gain the profits which is posted within myfxbook . We are also the top ranked PAMM manager at hotforex.com It would be my pleasure to speak to anyone here in public about currency or GOLD trading. My intent is to be your PAMM manager, and an inspiration for those who forex hasn't been kind to.Based on my trading kno...
I want only a safe 4% each month... Which EA?? Thank you
Pieredzējuši treideri
Nov 24, 2013 at 15:33
Please have a look at our stats. We are the number 1 PAMM manager over at hotforex.com Our drawdown over the last 9 months has been under 20%, and on avg we earn over 20% profit per month. We take pride in not being a "crash and burn" type of PAMM manager. Simply follow us, and it will be the best decision you would of ever made. Our stats back us up. We're looking forward to serving you.Alexander Perez
Runic Forex Model 3
Tirdzniecības sistēmas
Mar 17, 2013 at 07:25
yes it is fxmasterguru
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