1 BTC=2,00,000 USD by end of 2018

Dec 27, 2017 at 15:06
9,590 Paparan
181 Replies
Ahli sejak Aug 27, 2017   875 hantaran
Jan 17, 2018 at 12:56
The current value of BTC is 10,500$ USD! I’m scared!
keeping patience.......
Ahli sejak Nov 21, 2017   20 hantaran
Jan 17, 2018 at 13:01
...Another week for bitcoin and what do we see now? btc/usd reached 10000. What's next? It seems to me that bitcoin will constantly have such high volatility. And if we see a maximum in 2018, it will not last long, after growth again there will be a sharp decline.
Experienced investors start buying when falling, but I would not advise to push for now.
Find the Holy Grail of Trade
Ahli sejak Oct 12, 2016   778 hantaran
Jan 17, 2018 at 13:29
Adribaasmet posted:
The current value of BTC is 10,500$ USD! I’m scared!

There is nothing to be scared. Professional long term traders wait for such price levels for months for a good entry, because it is a quick gain for them. Because when next price pull back will happen, we may reach the total market capital of few trillion dollars so quickly.

By this I am not saying that BTC price will not go down further and BTC price may go even down even further for a short period of time, but recovery of Bitcoin price may happen suddenly in a matter of days or weeks and when it will happen, it may cross straight above 30K or even 40K and so at least a 300% to 400% gain is waiting within a couple of months.

So most large investors may simply pump at such price levels, but medium term investors trading trading with few thousand dollars should stay away from Bitcoin for now until a clear signal of uptrend.

But it is a very good buy for other good altcoins for small and medium term investors especially to buy those coins who have lost 30% to 50% due to this effect, but have a strong value in it. In those case, it can quickly give a 100% return within 1 to 2 weeks.
Artificial General Intelligence
Ahli sejak Jan 02, 2018   31 hantaran
Jan 18, 2018 at 06:49
If no more news in market for next few days all the coins will be up by 50% atleast.
Make consistent profit
Ahli sejak Aug 27, 2017   875 hantaran
Jan 21, 2018 at 07:49
leo23 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
The current value of BTC is 10,500$ USD! I’m scared!

it can quickly give a 100% return within 1 to 2 weeks.

I am actually waiting for such a bullish move; thanks for your reply mate!
keeping patience.......
Ahli sejak Apr 23, 2017   3 hantaran
Jan 22, 2018 at 06:06
Adribaasmet posted:
leo23 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
The current value of BTC is 10,500$ USD! I’m scared!

it can quickly give a 100% return within 1 to 2 weeks.

I am actually waiting for such a bullish move; thanks for your reply mate!

"Money Cant Buy Life"-Bob Marley
Ahli sejak Dec 11, 2015   1462 hantaran
Jan 22, 2018 at 15:18
giancarlo914 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
leo23 posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
The current value of BTC is 10,500$ USD! I’m scared!

it can quickly give a 100% return within 1 to 2 weeks.

I am actually waiting for such a bullish move; thanks for your reply mate!


Why are you scared? Do you have shorts?
Ahli sejak Aug 04, 2016   5 hantaran
Jan 22, 2018 at 15:37
By the way, I am not interested in arguments, but interested only in facts. There was no term called BCH or Bitcoin cash in cryptocurrency list before 5 years, but BTC or Bitcoin was there and BCH is a "New" cryptocurrency now listed under cryptocurrency list. So don't try to confuse new users by saying BCH is not a new cryptocurrency.

Ok, you are right in terms of BCH being a "new" crypto in terms of lifetime and appearance. But BCH is not "new" in terms of technology or invention.

The concept and ideology of BCH was always there in BTC itself, when it didn't have the scalability and network problems, like it has now. Thats why BTC had a hard-fork and thats why we have BTC and BCH now.

Maybe they should have called BCH "Bitcoin Classic", instead of "Bitcoin Cash". Or call "Bitcoin" = "Bitcoin Classic" and "Bitcoin Cash" = "Bitcoin". Maybe that would be less confusing.
But as I said before: There was (and still is) a big conflict of interest between BTC and BCH developers. BTC developers didn't want to change anything and prefered "bandaid" fixes to address the scalability and transaction problem, while BCH developers wanted to address to problem at its core.


If you are a supporter of BCH, then just provide me at least few website links where I can go and buy BCH fast using my credit and debit card or by direct cash payment without much hassle of long verification waiting time and all that stuff and without any upper limit of Buying Bitcoin cash. If so, then me personally will start massively using BCH and will promote all my clients to use BCH instead of BTC.

You can buy BCH with Credit card at https://cex.io/ https://bittylicious.com/ and https://www.coinbase.com/buy-bitcoincash
However, every "regulated" exchange will demand some sort of verification from its clients, because they have to comply to AT (Anti Terrorism) and AML (Anti Money Laundry) laws.

However, I don't want to push anyone into anything. I can't foresee the future. My point is just that with all the BTC hype, majority of people seem to either have no idea or deliberatly ignore the problems BTC has lurking in its shadows. These problems will naturally never allow it be the "money of the future" because of the high fees and slow transaction times. VISA processes 2,000-4,000 transactions per second (tps), capable of 56,000 tps. Bitcoin can process 3-7 tps and is "bribable", this means if you are willing to pay higher fees, your transaction will be processed faster.
And as we can see, a ~40% price drop in just one month doesn't make it a "store of value" either. I'd rather prefer USDT as a more secure "store of value". ;)

If not, then please don't argue blindly regarding how BTC doesn't have value and BCH has value etc, because probably you don't know that nothing has any value if you don't use it and the assets gain value from users and from them who use it.

Well, US$ is used all over the world every day. But has it a value or a "bottom price"? No. Just look at US debt.
And same is true for any cryptos. I'd like to pay with cryptos. But the current "JUST HODL" mentality makes it literally impossible. People don't want to spend their cryptos, because they are only in for the fiat profits. And Exchanges make it even worse. A few days ago I wanted to pay ~$20 in XMR (0.065). Exchange said it will charge me 0.05 XMR fees ... WTF.
So what is the fundamental value of any crypto if people don't even use it but are just in for the fiat profits?

BTC is like a doorway or gateway for fiat crypto exchange by which you can convert fiat to crypto and crypto to fiat. Then, once you have BTC you can carry on with other cryptos. That's how BTC has survived so far.

Yes. And thats not good. They need to get rid of measuring other cryptos in value of BTC. If BTC drops, it drags all other cryptos with it. Howevery, you can also buy any other crypto with BCH or XRP, if the Exchange supports it.
Ahli sejak Apr 18, 2017   659 hantaran
Jan 22, 2018 at 16:24
Now the price is above 10K, I hope the recent support level will hold!
Ahli sejak Oct 12, 2016   778 hantaran
Jan 25, 2018 at 13:46
26th January is an important date to watch out for Bitcoin price movements since Bitcoins futures contract will expire on that day.

The bullish move of BTC price didn't happen as expected by me during January since such a healthy and strong correction was was absolutely necessary after a huge rally till 20K within a short span of time, because next rally will bring the total market capital to trillions.

Considering the technical analysis of Bitcoin price, everything seems to be going perfectly fine.

However, BTC price can very easily and quickly move to 30K to 40K within next 1 to 2 months at anytime. So it is an interesting time to watch out for when total market capital will cross 1 TRILLION USD may be within few weeks to few months.
Artificial General Intelligence
Ahli sejak May 21, 2015   8 hantaran
Jan 26, 2018 at 13:23
Ahli sejak Aug 27, 2017   875 hantaran
Jan 26, 2018 at 13:30
leo23 posted:
BTC price can very easily and quickly move to 30K to 40K within next 1 to 2 months at anytime.

That would be amazing! But, till now no strong-movement!
keeping patience.......
Ahli sejak Dec 06, 2017   6 hantaran
Jan 30, 2018 at 07:08
Возможно и такое развитие....


The plan is 120%
Ahli sejak Oct 12, 2016   778 hantaran
Jan 31, 2018 at 07:50
I didn't expect a slowdown in BTC price in January though some more experienced traders say that it is a common pattern which occurs every year before Chinese new year.

Though BTC price can explode at anytime, but fundamentally we can expect a rapid price growth as usual after mid February. Technical analysis price projections are still okay.
Artificial General Intelligence
Ahli sejak May 21, 2015   8 hantaran
Jan 31, 2018 at 08:00

Bitcoin is dropping.

Leo23 are you still around? want to hear your view on the matter.
Ahli sejak Apr 18, 2017   659 hantaran
Jan 31, 2018 at 14:32
Yes, now it’s below 10K; I don’t know when the buyers will be active here.
Ahli sejak Oct 12, 2016   778 hantaran
Jan 31, 2018 at 14:38
TradingWaves posted:

Bitcoin is dropping.

Leo23 are you still around? want to hear your view on the matter.

Yes, I am always around with cryptos and Bitcoin.

There is no one single reason for Bitcoin price to drop though some traders say that it is because of the coming Chinese new year and some say it's because of south korea and some say it is because of India freezing bank accounts of crypto exchanges and so on. I will agree on all of these reasons and many more reasons for this slow down of price of Bitcoin.

So though there are many more reasons, but in my point of view the biggest reason is because of the pump and dump of few hundred billion dollars which happened in December due to launch of Bitcoin futures market manly from banking industry.

If you pay close attention to the BTC price before december, then it was almost going up in a slow and steady manner till 8300 USD/BTC and within a matter of 2 weeks, the price shoot up to 19000 USD/BTC and hence, an obvious correction was needed.

But the correction is taking too long to recover in my expectations is because the pump and dump happened from major players in banking industry who can easily put billions and take it out for a quick buck and many of them have done it using ripple and that's why temporarily ripple was also rallying when Bitcoin was increasing. So it is better to stay away from centralised and banking cryptos like ripple.

I don't care about any price drop of BTC at all, because I am not going to sell any major BTC amount no matter whatever price drop happens, because I am sure BTC to rally for at least 1 MILLION USD per BTC within 2 to 3 years maximum by 2020 and it is not a long time to make such massive gains. So may be the nearest target to sell some BTC will be around 50K or 100K.

BTC price may drop even further till the last support levels like 8870 USD within next few days. But there is no guarantee though for such a drop. But when it will rally again it is going to be huge again may be till 30K to 40K within few weeks period of time, because the banks have got the taste of making quick bucks once and hence, they may try it again to pump and dump the BTC. So it is always better to be careful for retail investors not to sell of the BTC at low price if they have bought it at high price.

Just HOLD any BTC or major cryptos which you have and someone can sell partially small amount of BTC when it reaches higher resistance levels like 20K or 30K or 40K etc, but only if it is absolutely necessary to sell.
Artificial General Intelligence
Ahli sejak Jan 31, 2018   16 hantaran
Jan 31, 2018 at 15:41
Why do you think it will spike up again in February?
Ahli sejak Apr 18, 2017   700 hantaran
Jan 31, 2018 at 15:49
leo23 posted:
TradingWaves posted:

Bitcoin is dropping.

Leo23 are you still around? want to hear your view on the matter.

Yes, I am always around with cryptos and Bitcoin.

There is no one single reason for Bitcoin price to drop though some traders say that it is because of the coming Chinese new year and some say it's because of south korea and some say it is because of India freezing bank accounts of crypto exchanges and so on. I will agree on all of these reasons and many more reasons for this slow down of price of Bitcoin.

So though there are many more reasons, but in my point of view the biggest reason is because of the pump and dump of few hundred billion dollars which happened in December due to launch of Bitcoin futures market manly from banking industry.

If you pay close attention to the BTC price before december, then it was almost going up in a slow and steady manner till 8300 USD/BTC and within a matter of 2 weeks, the price shoot up to 19000 USD/BTC and hence, an obvious correction was needed.

But the correction is taking too long to recover in my expectations is because the pump and dump happened from major players in banking industry who can easily put billions and take it out for a quick buck and many of them have done it using ripple and that's why temporarily ripple was also rallying when Bitcoin was increasing. So it is better to stay away from centralised and banking cryptos like ripple.

I don't care about any price drop of BTC at all, because I am not going to sell any major BTC amount no matter whatever price drop happens, because I am sure BTC to rally for at least 1 MILLION USD per BTC within 2 to 3 years maximum by 2020 and it is not a long time to make such massive gains. So may be the nearest target to sell some BTC will be around 50K or 100K.

BTC price may drop even further till the last support levels like 8870 USD within next few days. But there is no guarantee though for such a drop. But when it will rally again it is going to be huge again may be till 30K to 40K within few weeks period of time, because the banks have got the taste of making quick bucks once and hence, they may try it again to pump and dump the BTC. So it is always better to be careful for retail investors not to sell of the BTC at low price if they have bought it at high price.

Just HOLD any BTC or major cryptos which you have and someone can sell partially small amount of BTC when it reaches higher resistance levels like 20K or 30K or 40K etc, but only if it is absolutely necessary to sell.

Thanks again leo for your response! Yes, I am also holding my BTC.
Ahli sejak Jun 10, 2011   52 hantaran
Feb 02, 2018 at 01:43
My two cents...

I'm sorry to say you are deluded if you think these cryptos are suddenly going to melt up the same way they did during the initial upward move of this bubble. The biggest players moved out at the end of last year, initially replaced as the general public moved in on mass to the market from places like china, south korea etc. But, the equilibrium looks like its now shifted, and that's permanent.

All that will remain soon are those who got in too late and the diehard crypto nutters who believe these coins are the future of money. BTC is far too slow and unreliable for that.

Blockchain tech, and the idea of the universal ledger is of course fantastic idea.
But one problem is that each new coin/token is just a 'copy and paste' of the other. Just a new website and a vague description of some industry that needs decentralization.... each with a promise of more security, better transaction speeds, blah blah blah. Please look up "' dogecoin' - the only token with a mascot!!" FFS!

The real money in this space is working with the relevant real world companies and regulators trying to get blockchain adopted ...Some of these tokens might go to the moon, but many will go to zero....
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