Profitable EA like this exist?

May 28, 2016 at 10:37
1,113 Paparan
18 Replies
Ahli sejak Nov 27, 2014   139 hantaran
May 28, 2016 at 10:37 (disunting May 28, 2016 at 10:38)
It uses stoploss, doesn't martingale and profitable with spread.
Ahli sejak Mar 18, 2016   118 hantaran
May 29, 2016 at 15:23 (disunting May 29, 2016 at 15:25)
Yeah, I use one like that.. Not for sale though..
Mind you, no, it doesn't fit the profile - it's success is very dependent on low spread..
My accounts will ALWAYS show high DD. This is done purposely to maximize our withdrawals every week.
Ahli sejak Nov 06, 2015   88 hantaran
May 30, 2016 at 14:38
Hello Summy Chan,

Martingale, Grid, averaging are risky. That is out of question. But these are perfectly valid strategies if you know how to deal with them. Manage your risk and you will be able to make money even with these EAs.

Ahli sejak Jun 11, 2016   9 hantaran
Jun 18, 2016 at 17:30
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.
Ahli sejak Feb 22, 2011   4573 hantaran
Jun 19, 2016 at 09:56
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.
Ahli sejak Jun 11, 2016   9 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 01:58
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.
Ahli sejak Feb 22, 2011   4573 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 07:50
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.

Do you have an account to compare both strategies?
Ahli sejak Jan 22, 2010   77 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 09:13
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.

I am contrarian. I see myself as not perfect market timers. So rather than try to catch the absolute top or bottom with 1 huge position, I spread out my smaller entries and exits over time
Ahli sejak Jun 11, 2016   9 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 15:14
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.

Do you have an account to compare both strategies?

Yes, the account(s) I've had using martingale, averaging, etc., have all been blown to bits. So currently, I don't have any of those accounts to compare since they're in FOREX heaven, or hell.

As for my current methods, see my demos.

Before you say 'but it's only a demo,' analyze some of the statistics and if you know what key things to look for, you'll see that these demo performances don't benefit from a demo environment. For example, one statistic you can look for, is the number of pips. Generally, the strategies that benefit from a demo environment are ones that depend on broker execution since usually they're looking in grab a pip or two and we all know that execution isn't an issue on demo accounts; well, unless a demo server goes down temporarily.

Like I've mentioned before, I'm running a live next to a demo and I don't see any difference. I'll soon be setting up brand new live accounts so that I can publish those for demo-haters.
Ahli sejak Jun 11, 2016   9 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 15:19
chamchoun posted:
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.

I am contrarian. I see myself as not perfect market timers. So rather than try to catch the absolute top or bottom with 1 huge position, I spread out my smaller entries and exits over time

Contrarian, that's cool that the method works for you but like I said, it is too risky for me.
Ahli sejak Feb 22, 2011   4573 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 15:37
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.

Do you have an account to compare both strategies?

Yes, the account(s) I've had using martingale, averaging, etc., have all been blown to bits. So currently, I don't have any of those accounts to compare since they're in FOREX heaven, or hell.

As for my current methods, see my demos.

Before you say 'but it's only a demo,' analyze some of the statistics and if you know what key things to look for, you'll see that these demo performances don't benefit from a demo environment. For example, one statistic you can look for, is the number of pips. Generally, the strategies that benefit from a demo environment are ones that depend on broker execution since usually they're looking in grab a pip or two and we all know that execution isn't an issue on demo accounts; well, unless a demo server goes down temporarily.

Like I've mentioned before, I'm running a live next to a demo and I don't see any difference. I'll soon be setting up brand new live accounts so that I can publish those for demo-haters.

I have live accounts. Running for years. Averaging does work if you know what you are doing.
Ahli sejak Jan 22, 2010   77 hantaran
Jun 20, 2016 at 15:38
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
togr posted:
G9GX75 posted:
Any strategy that makes more than one entry is risky for me (unless it's a second one to hedge, etc.)

Stay away from martingale, averaging, etc. They will blow your account if you use them long enough. It could be days, weeks, or months before it does but, it does and will blow your account.

I hope this helps.

Well not necessary. It does not matter if you open one 0.5 lot position or 10 0.05 positions.
You still have the same risk. But actually 10 smaller positions could average the trades in your favor.
Its all about risk mgmt - how much you risk for all open positions.

I understand that they're equivalent in terms of margin requirement but which would (you) rather do, 1 trade or 10 trades? For me, opening more than 1 (unless it's another opposite direction trade to hedge), implies that the strategy isn't looking to make the 'best' entry and therefore, not a strategy I want to keep polishing to make better.

Do you have an account to compare both strategies?

Yes, the account(s) I've had using martingale, averaging, etc., have all been blown to bits. So currently, I don't have any of those accounts to compare since they're in FOREX heaven, or hell.

As for my current methods, see my demos.

Before you say 'but it's only a demo,' analyze some of the statistics and if you know what key things to look for, you'll see that these demo performances don't benefit from a demo environment. For example, one statistic you can look for, is the number of pips. Generally, the strategies that benefit from a demo environment are ones that depend on broker execution since usually they're looking in grab a pip or two and we all know that execution isn't an issue on demo accounts; well, unless a demo server goes down temporarily.

Like I've mentioned before, I'm running a live next to a demo and I don't see any difference. I'll soon be setting up brand new live accounts so that I can publish those for demo-haters.

I have live accounts. Running for years. Averaging does work if you know what you are doing.

To each their own. If it works for them, why not. All about risk appetite.
Ahli sejak Apr 18, 2017   700 hantaran
Jun 17, 2017 at 07:55
Sunnyday posted:
It uses stoploss, doesn't martingale and profitable with spread.

Maybe yes. But I don’t know the name of this trading EA! Unfortunately I have very horrible experience with trading EA, yes I lost my trading capital for 5 times when I tried with others trading EA/robot! I believe, profitable trading EA is very rare!
Ahli sejak Mar 01, 2015   14 hantaran
Sep 17, 2017 at 11:04
Ahli sejak Apr 18, 2017   700 hantaran
Sep 18, 2017 at 14:40
Sunnyday posted:
It uses stoploss, doesn't martingale and profitable with spread.

Stop Loss is obvious here! Because, there is nothing like certainty in Forex! By the way, I have never seen a real profitable trading EA, I seem manual trading is much better!
Ahli sejak Oct 13, 2009   17 hantaran
Sep 19, 2017 at 06:50
Sunnyday posted:
It uses stoploss, doesn't martingale and profitable with spread.

This matches all of your listed criteria,

Ahli sejak Feb 22, 2011   4573 hantaran
Sep 19, 2017 at 06:50
AniLorak posted:
Sunnyday posted:
It uses stoploss, doesn't martingale and profitable with spread.

Maybe yes. But I don’t know the name of this trading EA! Unfortunately I have very horrible experience with trading EA, yes I lost my trading capital for 5 times when I tried with others trading EA/robot! I believe, profitable trading EA is very rare!

did you do your homework?
Backstest EA with 99.9 precision
Running demo for months
Running small real before large real?
Ahli sejak Feb 22, 2011   4573 hantaran
Sep 19, 2017 at 06:50
bobtsai88888888 posted:
see if this works:

It is verifed account
though it is fresh martingale system
Ahli sejak Feb 22, 2011   4573 hantaran
Sep 19, 2017 at 07:19
traderjcl posted:
Sunnyday posted:
It uses stoploss, doesn't martingale and profitable with spread.

This matches all of your listed criteria,

Nope it is too fresh and dont match the criteria
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