
Приветствую посетителей моего профиля! Меня зовут Андрей. Я проживаю в Краснодаре. Занимаюсь автоматической торговлей роботами на финансовых рынках. На странице моего профиля можно увидеть работу различных стратегий. Дополнительно Вы можете ознакомиться с результатами тестирования роботов на исторических данных. Напишите мне, если у Вас есть предложение о сотрудничестве.

Hello visitors to my profile! My name is Andrey. I live in Krasnodar. I am engaged in automatic trading with robots in the financial markets. On my profile page you can see the work of various strategies. Additionally, you can see the results of testing robots on historical data. Write to me if you have a proposal for cooperation.
Gaya perdagangan

Использую различные стратегии: скальпинг, дейтрейдинг и свинг. С перечнем инструментов Вы можете ознакомиться во вкладке "Systems" моего профиля.

I use various strategies: scalping, day trading and swing. You can find the list of tools in the "Systems" tab of my profile.


Systems by GlobalProfitKRD

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Berdagang Leveraj Jenis
143060111 6.29% 12.74% 33.6 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
aud/cad strategy 30.13% 9.49% 276.4 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
aud/nzd strategy 22.05% 28.61% 261.3 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
eur/chf strategy 51.64% 9.85% 163.7 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
eur/chf strategy 22.12% 10.00% 85.0 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
aud/nzd strategy 12.88% 17.43% 485.2 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
eur/chf strategy 91.44% 33.58% 1086.5 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
combined (gbpcad,audnzd,audcad,eurusd,eurchf) 92.86% 39.18% 540.3 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
YouBank 35.41% 9.93% 205.5 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
JustDoProfit 14.84% 2.81% 120.5 Automatik 1:100 Nyata
BM usd/jpy 40.51% 27.51% 1944.0 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
BM aud/nzd 5.08% 9.77% 78.6 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
2023 World Cup Championship of Forex Trading -16.48% 17.77% -76.8 Automatik 1:50 Nyata
Portfolio A (ecn account) 6.86% 6.47% 477.2 Automatik 1:1000 Demo
Portfolio A (pro.ecn account) 2.92% 3.28% 172.8 Automatik 1:1000 Demo
AN eur/chf 27.03% 52.05% 306.1 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
KL eur/chf 29.72% 42.12% 363.5 Automatik 1:1000 Nyata
MZ_audcad 5.03% 1.16% 67.9 Automatik 1:500 Nyata
Smart Portfolio 7.63% 32.35% -2849.5 Automatik 1:1000 Nyata
PAMM Smart Portfolio 1.85% 1.65% 195.3 Automatik 1:1000 Nyata

Strategies by GlobalProfitKRD

Nama Keuntungan Drawdown Pip Prestasi
backtest_account 143060111 +368.15% 58.05 904.6 backtest_account 143060111 performance
backtest_aud/cad strategy +1851.13% 66.86 2283.7 backtest_aud/cad strategy performance
backtest_aud/nzd strategy +366.86% 19.07 1523.4 backtest_aud/nzd strategy performance
backtest_strategy eur/chf +1514.56% 26.63 1216.1 backtest_strategy eur/chf performance
backtest_strategy eur/chf +1363.5% 31.95 1124.7 backtest_strategy eur/chf performance
backtest_strategy aud/nzd +273.45% 48.51 3042.7 backtest_strategy aud/nzd performance
backtest_strategy eur/chf +9446.14% 82.33 7488.1 backtest_strategy eur/chf performance
backtest_YouBank +2107.93% 32.12 2169.7 backtest_YouBank performance
backtest_JustDoProfit +189.28% 23.86 1138.1 backtest_JustDoProfit performance
backtest_BM usd/jpy +2190.59% 31.38 9579.0 backtest_BM usd/jpy performance
backtest_BM aud/nzd +1651.79% 68.04 1495.8 backtest_BM aud/nzd performance
backtest_AN_eur/chf +22867.58% 90.36 8499.9 backtest_AN_eur/chf performance
backtest_KL_eur/chf +22867.58% 90.36 8499.9 backtest_KL_eur/chf performance
backtest_MZ_audcad +7286.24% 61.31 2977.8 backtest_MZ_audcad performance