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Please where are you guys?
We have missed your excellent services.
The EA open buy/sell pending order when ( X ) pips moves with ( y ) pips distance gape
when new pending order open old pending orders closed in same time...
Is it possible to build an indicator tracking the lot size of the last trade,currency by currency.
and then,i can upload it in a EA builder.
example,if lot size of last trade >1 lot,EA will not open a new trade
This indicator will be uploaded in an EA builder (eabuilder.com)
thank You
Thank you for your mail, then i can see the performance
After all those good comments ... I m ready to give a try to those pro! for the first time of my life.
I hope it will be a good one ^_^
Hi Colin,
We are getting your emails, we got two emails in the last 3 hours from you.
One of us will get back to you in a few hours on the relevant questions and update.
Kind regards,
Hi Paul.
Im just following up. I have sent you guys emails and they are not being delivered. Are you experiencing problems.
Thank you very much Darryl.
We appreciate the kind comments as well as the updates and will continue to work with you until you are fully satisfied.
BONUS: Additional bonus found out: programmer somehow - through the many revisions to fix errors - got the bot to be able to place Trailing Stops at ANY level of points/pips. The MT4 minimum provided by the broker is not an issue with this programmers tweaks to the bot he is working on for me!
UPDATE: They are not scammers.
Although they did not give a refund, they have continued - over time - giving revisions to fix the problems. This is still ongoing.
I have now said that if they can fix all the errors so the bot runs without freezing, etc. that if the price is right I will have them add an extra feature to the bot (multiple open orders on the same instrument).
So, things appear to be finally progressing to a mutually beneficial conclusion.
If all the errors are fixed and final, any talk of refund shall be withdrawn on all fronts - and I shall change my rating here as well.
Hello Darryl,
Thank you for making a new post to reflect the fact that we said it would not cost extra.
I can understand being frustrated (who would not?) but honestly a public forum isn't going to help or change anything. All it does force a response from CandleFOREX which costs extra time, time that we would much rather be using to serve you.
As for a bot closing trades without an obvious reason, it has been pointed out a few times that this is from setting the TP or SL too close to the price (BID or ASK depending on the trade).
Other reasons a bot can freeze up is if you have too little RAM and or not enough processing power (CPU). I do recall you are on a VPS and its not uncommon for low cost VPS providers to throttle the CPU without you being aware of it, which naturally will make any program (eg: MT4) freeze up. So your bot can be working perfectly as designed but it will freeze up if your CPU is throttled. Thats not a fault of your bot, thats an issue you take up with your service provider.Thats what happened in my opinion when seeing the screenshot. You said both platforms froze up which pretty much confirms my suspicion.
CandleFOREX owns a cloud server company and all the staff have over 10 years experience managing servers (15 in my case), so trust me I know what to look for when I say its down to CPU throttling.
You mention being highly unprofessional, and I honestly cannot see what your referring to. There are plenty of people who if they were in our position, would have lost their cool and said something silly or refused to work with you. I /we have not however.
Expecting a full refund for your time and frustration is also naive and inconsiderate when part of your frustration and wasted time is due to you either mixing up the bid/ask prices (leading you to think your bot dosent work when in fact it does) and refusing to accept the explanations for whatever scenarios come up.
Your programmer has made a video (or was it two?) of it working exactly as you asked for.
I have never made any admission of errors that I have generated Paul.
I just looked again at the email and I missed one word - 'not' - costing an extra $120.
After the many emails and versions that continued not to work, I was fed up - still am, actually - with the service and their blaming me for their errors. So, I apologize for the oversight of missing 'not' in the sentence regarding the extra charge.
If the bot had not been buggy from the beginning, we would not be having this discussion.
I believe about 8 or nine versions have been sent. As of today, I have the latest one and am still testing it...all the others did not work. If they did there would have been no need for so many revisions...
When one gets fed up seeing errors, no trades when there should be trades (bot just stops working, period), crazy Ivan trades with no reason behind them & being closed out without SL or TS even coming on, no SL or TS placed at all as per user inputs, etc., it is easy to miss one word of a sentence where dollar amounts are being mentioned. (This was after many emails & logs being sent over and over.)
The slippage you mention shouldn't cause the bot to stop trading, as it did in the earlier version - from the "slippage" forward into the future. The bot just froze up. This is what happened as well as the other errors identified.
It is also highly unprofessional to do what Paul has done in his reply.
You be the judge.
If there is to be a completed bot that does not execute these errors, I will share that here - with the caveat emptor already in place. (For my time and frustration, I still believe I should be refunded...even if the final version finally works.)
Hello Darryl McDowell,
Your EA was programmed to specifications given to us by you, Sir. You and you alone designed the EA. We simply program according to your specifications. Since you have chosen to take this to a public forum and embarrass yourself, we have no choice but to point out your error and obvious trading inexperience and defend ourselves.
As it has been pointed out multiple times to you concerning the EA you designed:
(1) The entries, exits and stoplosses are correct and what you are experiencing is called slippage. Any experienced FOREX trader will tell you this is common during:
(a) High impact news releases
(b) Brokers with low liquidity
Some brokers like to play what we call "stop spiking." This is not our fault and, ironically, it's not your EA's fault either. Some of the brokers you chose to run your EA on engage in this unethical practice. Is it illegal? Yes! But since forex is not on a centralized exchange, there isn't anything you can do about it other than change brokers and hope that you eventually find a broker that dosent do that.
(2) It has been pointed out as well that the latency to your broker is over 180ms. This is very high. For comparison, most traders' latency to their broker is under 10ms. So right now, your orders to buy/sell/ move stoploss reach your broker 18 times slower than they should. DID YOU READ THAT? 18 TIMES! That's a little like owning a Hennessey Venom GT (the fastest car in the world with a top speed of 240 MPH), and then complaining said car is slow because you're trying to drive it on a muddy dirt track.
If you actually ran your EA on a broker that doesn't stop spike and ran your EA on a low latency VPS, most if not all of your issues will go away. Most traders try multiple brokers (feel free to ask them if that's the case or not).
(3) We offered a FREE solution to add a hidden stoploss, which in our opinion might solve (or at least reduce) the slippage and/or situations where your stop loss is not being honored by your broker.Again, we offered to do that *at no cost* to you but you refused. We said this was a $120 value since it would involve significant changes to your EA (the one YOU designed). Never once did we say we would bill you $120. To imply that we did is an outright lie and we have the documentation to prove this.
(4) Your complaint that the trading results are not exactly the same shows your lack of understanding of how the FOREX market works, broker to broker.
The same EA run on several different brokers will present different results. That's just the way it is. The FOREX market is not on a centralized exchange and as such does not have exactly the same price (feed source). Therefore, expecting entries, exits to be exactly the same across all brokers is unreasonable. Every broker also usually has a different liquidity provider so one broker might not be able to get you into the trade at all or at a different price.
This is not a fault or a problem or a bug with an Expert Advisor. Any EA programmed by anyone will have this fact to contend with.
We wish you all the best with your trading endeavors and hope you take this opportunity to learn more about the Forex market and how it works. No refund is due because the problems you are experiencing have nothing to do with programming. This is an admission you've already made. To ask for a refund after that is simply ridiculous.
They charged me $300 US for an EA that continues to give errors, despite weeks of back and forth.
Paul then wants to charge me $120 US MORE to program more on it!
They sold it to me with errors that never got fixed and then want to charge me more!
I demanded REFUND many times and Paul refused to comply.
Service was second to none, EA was finished ahead of schedule and worked flawlessly.
Will definitely use again.
My experience with them was good. They made me two EAs and the second was little complex, despite this they was very helpful and honest to make me the best solution in agreement with my requests.
I agreed with Paul the realization of a little simplier, alternative EA, considering that after all they had already worked a lot even if with no result for me.
The new programmer did not have any problem to encode the strategy; in addition, I requested an additional function and I got it within a reasonable time.
As for me, I consider the bad past experience only as a parenthesis already exhausted. Good example of custom retention. I can again consider Candleforex for my next EAs.
Hello Iceman,
We do apologize for not responding within the 90 minutes stated in that email.
Your point has been noted and action-ed on so that stated response times will be met (outside of extenuating circumstances).
I responded promptly as requested and was advised that I would have a full response in under 90 minutes, that was three days ago and no response since. I would advise that if you are going to respond to comments received regarding your service that you do so in the timeframe you set yourselves as you are just now enforcing the view that you provide a sub standard service and especially very poor customer service.
Hi Chris,
I am sorry to hear of all the trouble you have been having.
Could you please respond as soon as you to the email we sent you a few moments ago.
Thank you!