Signal Start
Signal Start offers reliable 24/5 email support and a refund policy, ensuring dependable service. Additionally, the white label option for signal providers comes at no extra cost, making the product both superior and cost-effective, continuously enhanced based on user feedback.
What do you like best about Signal Start?
Excelllent user friendly platform.
Started as signal provider couple of month ago..
Ranking is steadily improving though no followers yet
What would you improve about Signal Start?
amount of live followers per signal provider
Excelllent user friendly platform.
Started as signal provider couple of month ago..
Ranking is steadily improving though no followers yet.
Happy with it
It has been 1 year since I started with my signal providing on SignalStart. So far so good. My EA has already 2 year history on live account
Signal providers must get paid based on the profits they make over the invested amount instead of fixed subscription fee.
Did not mean to leave a 1* rating! can't seem to undo it.
Been using Signal Start for a while now as a provider and personally I love it, its easy for a provider to set up an account and use, Iv not used it as a account follower so I cant comment on that, Glad I found this service when I did, would just like to be able to remove my 1* rating lol.
I propose considering the introduction of a "stop copying" or "stop and close all trades" option if a custom balance or drawdown level is reached. The current options only stop at not opening new orders. If we stop only at this option, it poses a risk if the price goes in the wrong direction, leading to heavier losses. Therefore, providing an option to close all trades and stop copying is necessary.
Good provider, thanks
You can copy our trades quite easily,..
We have started to use SignalStart a few months back, and have found it to be a reliable and down to the ground platform where we can host our signals. Though we started not that long ago, the process will take some time to prove (or disprove) our signals' strategies. So far we have been making good progress, and gaining subscribers on our signals steadily, and hope to continue doing so while providing our specific strategy signals service through this platform.
The platform is awesome!
I have my own provider account.
The best platform ever!
I deal amazingly
choose traders with a history of at least 3 years, a number of trades over 2000, and a high rank
Have you tried making YouTube videos?
As a signal provider SignalStart has no way of attracting new trade copiers. I just have to keep trading and hope people find me. That's a major downside but I will remain patient and let my trading do the talking. Hopefully they add more features in the future.
Good platform with a variety of signals and reasonable information on each one of them, but it lacks a very important characteristic to be a professional service and not a toy: YOU CANNOT CONFIGURE THE AUTOMATIC CLOSURE OF THE TRADES OF A CERTAIN PROVIDER WHEN THEY REACH CERTAIN SITUATIONS . FOR EXAMPLE, OVERCOMING A CERTAIN DRAWDOWN. Therefore it is necessary to monitor it manually.
Very good service and information to see each trader's trading result. I have focused on a very interesting signal. He doesn't earn much, but it's constant. Very good for me, I want to win in the medium to long term.
Great opportunity for me,
I recently connected my account there and now I have several followers who copy my trades.
But it is true that ranked too unhealthy profiles in the first places in the rankings.
I totally agree with you. I started recently on SignalStart and I'm so far performing great but still no good growth in terms of copiers. I have only 1 copier at the moment who is following me since day 1 and hence in profit of 10% monthly. But I see that SignalStart website seriously lacks a lot of features which makes it nearly impossible to attract more followers. I hope developer team of MyFxBook and SignalStart is reading these comments and hopefully will do something about it soon.
Yes, good service, soon and my signal will be broadcast there!
I now have been subscribing for 2 weeks to signalservice.com. To make money the lazy way.
All I can say is... I made money - LOTS of it -, I made 20% but lost 30% of the profit on Friday i.e. made $10k lost 3k. I am extremely analytical and need to know why (there were no EXTREME fundamental bias at the time of loss except it was the dreaded FRIDAY, the week as such had many more ups & downs in news - BIG PROFIT during fundamentals because of volitility).
Of my 13, only one followed the drop in EURUSD, the rest fell with a bang on the concrete floor pricing the pair and correlations opposite, bg loss instead of close the positions. They will now rely on martingale to recover the loss, scary for Mon & Tue.
Whatever you may deduce from the below, just know this: signalstart.com is the premium service for making money passively through subscribing to signals that have all history open for you to decide your own fate... or doom.
The signals that are most profitable (for short term i.e. 1 - 4 months), use martingale as a method of showing a high % of win. Even with 0.01, an EA will possibly multiply with each loss i.e. 0.01 -> 0.02 -> 0.04 -> 0.08 lots, some have more extreme multiplication. That does not seem like a train smash, but if an EA (or manual method) opens multiple positions the 0.01 and lose, they will open a sum of positions at 2.4 lots total after a very short time. You just wanted to subscribe to a low lot, right? Think again. And then you use a crazy multiplier factor.. check the provider's balance with his lots size, the do a calc to apply to yours. If you do not understand any of this... use a DEMO account first. Then play around with the factors, you will get it, I promise.
Read above posts about analyzing and reading history of trades, knowing history is the only way to make sure it doesn't happen again while you are in charge of your own destiny. I decided my own destiny is important, but this service is the best signal service, I enjoy the fruits, I want others to get 100% of what the purpose is of signalstart.com - TO MAKE MONEY, with as little as possible loss in between.
This weekend I looked at every single 800+ signal and realised martingale is the rise and fall of most of them. Period, ignore any comments they may write - they are lying "no martingale or grid", use your magnifying glasss and inspect their history. They do well until the initial lot size is multiplied between 13 to 26 times to show a 80 -100% win, but a huge drawdown AND OPEN POSITIONS do not count to losing positions, but they can be 3 months in a drawdown already.. or a Black Swan crash (0,01 lots became something like 3 to 5 lots)... but nothing serious happened technically or fundamentally at the time of a specific lot increase, it is just keeps on adding to your losing position.
And then I found the gems, the ones that are not even ranked or low ranked. No martingale. They use the same or 'slightky elevated' lot size with drawdown LESS than the top 200 tier. Vary from prices $30 to $300, but their win rate is high, but profits do not spike, so they are never seen on your dashboard... they have some drawdown, sure, but not the same as a winning or losing top tier over the same period of time.
I am giving 10 new signals a bash the next 2 weeks to prove my point, if you win 70-80% and lose 30-20% you should make money right? Well, most probably if based on an EA with Martingale/Grid, you wont within 2-3 weeks. In fact you will crash your account.
Love signalstart.com. I will make $100k in 4 months, but means lots of homework... and heart attacks. I am confident in the service and wish all martingale provders luck, but know the high % overall-win guys will eventually win, the ones who chose a lot size and not get tempted in recovering the losses, those who chose a winning strategy/EA and keep faithfully believing in their strategy/modus operandi. I am inviting more followers to find you guys, who are extremely successful at proving a quality, and reliable signalstart.com provider service. WE will find you and pay your subscription (please not more than $100 tho'...!!)
Again, good luck all.