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Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Dec 06, 2016 at 20:11
Jason Rogers to answer you, I didnt mean to say that I know you are targeting them, it appears that way though, however if so, you would target Sell stoplosses by punching your Ask line up from like 3 pips to 30 pips or more to close out the sell. How can you target a long using your Ask price if the trader pays the spread up front? Punching the Bid line 10X away from its price would be too obvious. and I know a sell is closed at Ask price, that doesnt even address it, its like you didnt read the issue, you just copy and pasted a form reply when someone mentions the suspicious Ask price.If you...
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Dec 05, 2016 at 16:21
USA regulators only help the Broker - their peers... no way they will help the small investor. If that was the case they woudln't have passed the draconian laws to prohibit Forex for USA citizens. That's ok, I don't need them and I will have the last laugh
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 27, 2016 at 09:58
Hi Nina. I thought stop-hunting is when market makers actually move the Bid price with massive orders of millions of dollars to hit obvious stop areas. here is a good read on it.http://www.investopedia.com/articles/forex/06/stophunting.asp
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 26, 2016 at 15:39
im really sorry to hear of anyone losing real money. Not to stir the pot but my ea on backtest made 5% on EURGBP the day of breaxit., it was just a backtest but a trillion dollar market is going to heave and ho. CHF unpairing from EUR, and other sipkes make you better prepare for it because you know its coming.
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 24, 2016 at 16:31
yes spread widening. considering a 3 pips spread for the last 6 hours and you see a selloff coming in the next few minutes, if your stoploss is hidden the broker still knows its there with hundreds of other people's at the logical place you put stoploss such as before the last fractal or something, the broker still knows its there. if you see a 3 pip spread and put Stoploss at 30 pips to be safe, and the Ask jumps up to hit your 30 pip Stoploss....or could FXCM broker be popping up the Ask price on individual platforms? Such as Bid stays same for everyone but each individual's Ask pric...
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 24, 2016 at 13:09
I'm not complaining. I'm setting the record straight for the original poster here (and everyone else) that its NOT "market manipulation" but for example an individual broker may be shady such as FXCM CHEATS the small and new investor by unfairly and deceptively manipulating their Ask price immediately before a selloff just in time for all investors (specific to small accounts/ small investors/ new investors with tight sell stoplosses under 50 pips) to set their stoploss so they can steal the persons money by jumping the Ask line up and closing their order.the only way to fix...
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 24, 2016 at 13:08
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 24, 2016 at 11:09
you work for FXCM dont you. You are trying to bury my post. The above post is totally irrelevant and NON interesting compared to what im saying...... ok ill put it in my signature and reply to everything you post."I would bet if you balanced their book, FXCM gets 100% of their revenue from this scamming small and new investors short positions by unfair manipulation of their Ask price by a factor of x10 just before a selloff to close the orders and pocket the money."
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 24, 2016 at 10:45
you also miss the point. Let me ask you this, if you open a buy, do they jump the ask price up a factor of 10 between the time you order and the time your order is filled? No they dont, why? because its too obvious.Whereas, during a sell, often people dont even have the ask price showing, as who would expect spread to jump from 3 pips to 30 pips for about 20 times immediately before a selloff?Its a very quick jump of Ask price up from 3 to 30 pips to pop everyones sell stoplosses. How is that relatable to going Long--once you put in your order you can forget spread, you already paid it. but fo...
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 24, 2016 at 10:37
Well, to my understanding what you are saying is pure stop hunting. And stop hunting applies to both long and short positions as stop losses can be set to both. I understand that you are referring to shorting particularly, though. What you say makes sense only if the broker trades against the client and is able to see where the client sets its stop losses. I read the questions posted by Ben and it would be useful to all of us to get the answers.Once again - thank you for raising up this issue.Guys,it may be perhaps better to use hidden stop loss instead accusing broker ...
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 23, 2016 at 19:27
I didn't say FXCM hunts stops. i said THEY CHEAT by jumping their Ask line up a factor of 10 immediately before a selloff. Furthermore the USA government regulators channel customers to FXCM based on the fact that they are USA regulated and naive USA clients think thats a good thing, whereas in fact, the over-restrictive rules are not conducive to increasing acct balance for tiny accounts; the govt agents are no doubt in collusion with this FXCM cheating scam and enforce it. I hope Trump will end yalls scam. if you have an account big enough to handle their manipulation of the Ask price, t...
Market Manipulation?
Nov 17, 2016 at 17:37
Lol like NFA or FSA ensure fair play. HAHAHA
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 17, 2016 at 11:02
Not a bad idea. It could work.
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 15, 2016 at 19:56
I dont need to read it to know its total garbage. I wonder if Trump would be so kind as to rip that crap up and let americans play by the same rules the rest of the world plays by. I would like to try plus500 but cant even try them.
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 15, 2016 at 13:32
plus500 doesn't allow US clients because US legislators struck some deal to prevent us.
Conflict of interests in this forum
Nov 14, 2016 at 17:07
oh I thought it was someone cool asking a real question, didn't realize it was you or wouldn't have tried to help.
Honest truth about forex.....
Novos Negociantes
Nov 14, 2016 at 11:10
For real. FXCM is "regulated" but they will wait right before a sell off and as soon as everyone gets ther stoplosses set, FXCM jumps their Ask price up 10x like from 3 pips to 30 pips and shreds everyone's stops....and THEN they drop the Ask price again and let all the algos replace their sell orders then they JUMP the Ask line up again 10x and pop all those orders... THEN they drop Ask back to 3 pips and let algos replace orders again, then Jump up again.... rinse repeat...you can watch thier Ask line jump from 3 pips to 30 about 10 or 15 times until all accounts blown and/or ...
US Elections
Nov 14, 2016 at 10:54
get ready for a historical rally as Trump steps up. trend EAs about to have fun with USD i predict.
Conflict of interests in this forum
Nov 14, 2016 at 10:42
dont accept a loss unless you have a winner to meet or exceed it to close along with it. Now figure out how to distribute your orders so it doesnt blow the account. think like a child. pretend that you know theres an answer to the puzzle and as long your determination to solve it exceeds your discouragement then you will succeed.
Conflict of interests in this forum
Nov 14, 2016 at 10:37
how do you know anything is real? just trust your own testing. Learn MQL and it will help your testing to bring into focus how it works.
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