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Posts por forex_trader_43826
Hyper EA 2.4
Sistemas de Negociação
Nov 05, 2013 at 10:43
1) Hyper EA has fixed sl - 50 pips;2) Hyper EA has news filter which uses our own news calendar.3) You can set maximum allowed spread. Ea won't open a trade if the current spread is higher than maximum allowed.4) We recommend Pepperstone, FxOpen ECN and Alpari Ru. However, you will have similar results with any broker.Regards
Hyper EA 2.4
Sistemas de Negociação
Nov 04, 2013 at 18:44
Hello, Sir.There is no signal for entering the trade. That's why ea didn't make any trade during last 2 weeks.Regards
Hyper EA Pro - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Jul 13, 2013 at 08:22
Hello, Jorge. We diffenetely should change this system. It's not only about a news filter, but something that makes it much more profitable... Currently, we are making several experiments, but, as for now, we haven't find any solution.
Hyper EA Pro - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Jan 14, 2013 at 03:05
Hello, JorgeI recommend you to use old Razors accounts, as ea works a little bit better with them. The bad news is Pepperstone will remove old Razor accounts soon and change them to the new Razor EDGE.Regards
Hyper EA Pro - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 14, 2012 at 22:06
Здравствуйте. Начнем с того, что 6% это не слив. Слив это, если процентов 30 от депозита ушло... Мы ПОСТОЯННО! оптимизируем и модифицируем наши системы. Другое дело, что не все эксперименты оказываются удачными и доходят до стадии релиза.
Hyper EA Pro - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Aug 21, 2012 at 21:42
Hello, Sir. The deal is that ea trades with some difference on different brokers. The better spreads you have the better chance that the trade will be closed earlier. This time, it was closed on some brokers like FxOpen and Pepperstone, but wasn't on Dukascopy. To get the best result with our ea you need to use the brokers with the best spreads.
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Jul 19, 2012 at 21:39
To be honnest, we don't know. The myfxbook ea is installed on chart but it doesn't update the statement. Please use this link to see the full statement: https://www.fxstat.com/ru/performances/view/FinFx__Hyper_EA_2_0__2_2_2-6070
Hyper EA Pro - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Jul 04, 2012 at 21:55
Hello, SirI'm not sure what is the reason of such results. Please, try to use different timecorrection parameter values as well as set UseDST equal to false.Regards
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Jun 27, 2012 at 19:30
Hello, San4x. We are trading on that account, but, unfortunatelly, Hyper EA didn't make any trade since may.
Night Scalping
Sistemas de Negociação
Jun 18, 2012 at 15:07
this is another ea, which has some common things with hyper ea, but used ONLY for managed accounts. You can learn more about our account management programs here: http://eforex-trading.com/account-management
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
May 10, 2012 at 22:28
The new version will be released at the end of this week.
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 23, 2012 at 21:49
New version has big changes in the source code and we want to be sure that it doesn't contain any bugs. So, we will make release as soon as possible. Approximately, it will be in the begining of May, 2012.
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 17, 2012 at 14:28
Hello, ragnerfx. We do not update myfxbook monitoring too often. I've made it for you a minute ago.
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 12, 2012 at 18:24
Hello, socalengineer. Anchorpoint is right. The result provided here are net of comissions. So it's the real profit and many our clients have the same result.
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 27, 2012 at 18:47
We made new settings for several pairs (EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURGBP, USDCAD, GBPCAD, USDJPY) and have started a live performance test last week. We expect to make these new settings availabe for our clients in 2-3 weeks with new rather big update of Hyper EA (auto GMT function will be added).
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 22, 2012 at 17:47
Hello, FabioYes, it's alive, but the problem is we don't have many trades last months - just 3-5 trades a month. We are working on this now. I hope we will find solution to make the ea trades more frequently.Regards
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 15, 2012 at 21:20
According to the table in our manual you should use TimeCorrection = 0 during the Summer Time for brokers with GMT+3, but it's still Winter time in EU now...
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 15, 2012 at 21:18
Hello, MussalamWe didn't run it on THIS account cause we have to use Hyper EA Lite version which do not support USDCHF. We've alredy started several Hyper EA Pro accounts and will publish its results soon. The time settings for USDCHF are the same, but there several differences in other parameters values.Regards
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Mar 10, 2012 at 21:26
Hello, SirYes, you need to check the difference between your broker and GMT. The EU still use the summer time, so you need to use the last column of "TimeCorrection setting table" in our manual.For example, Pepperstone will go to GMT+3. According to table in our manual, you have to set TimeCorrection = 1, if you use the Pepperstone...Regards
Hyper EA 2.3 - Account Closed
Sistemas de Negociação
Feb 18, 2012 at 15:04
Hello, i can't do anything in this case, cause i can't tell finfx how to do business. Besides, i don't think that their swaps are too high...
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