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Sistemas de Negociação
Sep 01, 2011 at 22:44
Hi,I like your first post "train myself enjoy to loss". Trading is a business and like all business losing is a part of the cake! I discovered few month ago the serie video called 4 minute drill for traders (1 to 13) on youtube and you can see the blog at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Disciplined-Trader/139687262726700. Really interesting and its gives you some tips for yourself motivation. I believe the psychology mindset made THE DIFFERENCE... The market is a part of the trader challenge but the first challenge is to understand yourself and improve yourself by increasing confiden...
Wish-2011 v3
Sistemas de Negociação
Jun 14, 2011 at 01:52
This is my new strategy based on 123 methodologies by using a hard STOP LOSS at the initial order and TARGET PROFIT which depends on the market condition. The size lot is a mixed calculation including Kelly formula and MTP (modern theory portfolio) inside a mobile period. Before the June, 01th 2011 it was a nightmare (not disciplined with both, EA and manual). After the June, 01th 2011 I decided to trade manually between 08:30 and 16:30 (US time) and if my daily goal is not reached I push the day trading up to 23:30. We shall see.Have a best trading!
Sistemas de Negociação
Oct 15, 2010 at 15:36
Hi Franz,NIKE have a really good slogan : JUST DO IT! Then you can use the same! Almost of the trader would like to broke the roof and its seems that you can do it... Sure, with this kind of track record its absolutely not necessary to sell or to manage accounts. So good retreat and success in your future in Australia.Happy trading!
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
May 20, 2010 at 15:47
Hi Stef.How are you doing? Yes, I made a break during few weeks because I have made a several modification inside my EA. Actually my problem is to make a good VaR sizing (properly and progressive stoploss by level like trailing cut, grid floating, ect...) regarding the volatility market condition. As you know the theory is always good on the paper but on the practice is often another history :-) I'm praticing my manual trading with the pattern 123 and the maximal adverse excursion and I hope to release the automatic version in couple of weeks.Happy trading!
Sistemas de Negociação
May 19, 2010 at 01:00
Welcome back!
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
May 03, 2010 at 14:33
The system is designed for an account of 25K$ starting with a sizing lot in correlation with the growing size account by using a part of 100:1 leverage (not NFA compliance). 1. The last week was a good week because the system gained 3421$ and it represents a growing of 13.7% (The system expects to win around 1045$ per week) with a drawdown of 0.68%.2. Since the inception the system gained 24511$ and it represents 98.5% since February 2010.3. The monthly projection is 35.63% with a drawdown of 20.22%.4. The VaR system expects a maximal probability floating around 7.85% in worst case.5. VaR Mont...
TrackOpportunity Series III (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
May 03, 2010 at 14:31
The system is designed for an account of 10K$ starting with 0.01 lots by using a part of 100:1 (not NFA compliance).1. The last week was a good week because the system gained 846$ and it represents a growing of 8.47% (The system expects to win around 426$ per week).2. Since the inception the system gained 2070$ and it represents 20.7% (3 weeks running).3. The monthly projection is 28.82% with a drawdown of 3.25%.4. The VaR system expects a maximal probability floating around 9.81% in worst case.5. VaR Monte Carlo Weekly rolling gives a worst drawdown at 29$ and it represents 0.29%.6. VaR Monte...
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 26, 2010 at 22:03
Hi Stef,Thank so lot for the compliment! Its good for the brain… Sure, I don’t tell more about my signal. I worked on it since 5 years and I developed a custom indicator (it’s my personal add-value) which matches with the money management. So, I hope in your side your trading going well too. I specifically take care on the DDmax because if I would like to run in long time I must be focused on it. I’m not looking 100% in one month because 100% per cent per month should tell for me the reverse as -100% per month too. My strategy is to realize around 3-5% per week and it&...
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 26, 2010 at 15:14
Weekly Reports April 26, 2010.The system is designed for an account of 25K$ starting with 0.01 lots with 100:1 (not NFA compliance).1. The last week was a good week because the system gained 3246$ and it represents a growing of 12.99% (The system expects to win around 4688$ per week).2. Since the inception the system gained 20682$ and it represents 84.25% (starting February 10, 2010).3. The monthly projection is 33.42% with a drawdown of 20.22%.4. The VaR system expects a maximal floating around 46% in worst case (100% of 24 templates/trading sequence are in the same time at the reverse price ...
TrackOpportunity Series III (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 26, 2010 at 15:00
The system is designed for an account of 10K$ starting with 0.01 lots with 100:1 (not NFA compliance).1. The last week was a good week because the system gained 560$ and it represents a growing of 5.60% (The system expects to win around 426$ per week).2. Since the inception the system gained 1149$ and it represents 11.79% (2 weeks running).3. The monthly projection is 24.24% with a drawdown of 3.07%.4. The VaR system expects a maximal floating around 17% in worst case (100% of 24 templates/trading sequence are in the same time at the reverse price action market).Happy trading!
TrackOpportunity Series III (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 24, 2010 at 01:18
The system has reached is weekly goal target and see the report attached.Happy trading!
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 24, 2010 at 00:16
The new stop loss strategy worked well during the last Thursday and Friday regarding the CHF and EUR rally coming from the Greek debt report but the floating was too high. I change the money management (from percent/capital to lot/fixed portion) to reach around 3% per week. We shall see.Happy trading!
TrackOpportunity Series III (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 13, 2010 at 02:26
This system uses the same strategy as http://www.myfxbook.com/members/eravo12/tradena-online/20058 (risk profile = 3) and this setting is done to be a signal provider (coming soon) and you should start with an initial capital of 10K$ for being comfortable.Expectations risk profile as 1:Performance: bracket between -7% and 14%+ per month.Initial lot: 0.01 / 10K$ (always 0.01 lot no matter the capital in the master provider signal).Pyramid (hidden risk is floating): Between 0.71% and 3.44% per sequence’s trading.Tactical trading: Proprietary system fitting for myself and I’m comfort...
See the floating as a hidden risk!
Caixa de Sugestões
Apr 13, 2010 at 00:34
For an investor or a trader, myfxbook.com is a wonderful tool. Clear, simple and really easy to use. As investor we are looking for a good system (huge return and small draw down). As trader we are seeing other systems to learn or keep some trading idea.I think it will be a great feature to see the hidden risk and specifically the floating. Why? Because when a system uses for example a martingale we can see a small DDmax when the zero loss is recovery but some time the system is facing with a huge floating like minus 60%. I'm not really sure that an investor is really fine to loss virtuall...
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 12, 2010 at 23:55
Actually the equity is around 35.70%. It's means the 'virtual loss' is 64.30% ... How do you manage that?Happy trading!
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 12, 2010 at 22:05
Since today, I added a new stop loss strategy when the system is not following the price action! We shall see...
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 01, 2010 at 19:51
Hello !Great performance. I'm just saw the equity is around 35%... It means 65% of negative floating! I really don't know how you manage that. I hope the reverse will come as positive gain :-)Happy trading!
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 01, 2010 at 18:45
HiI really like this system. Nice money management, nice signal position, good drawdown (like 2:1) regarding the monthly return ... 6 months testing live ... Happy trading!
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 01, 2010 at 17:47
I agree with compuforexpamm. And if you see the yesteday's news like a strong error prevision (157%) regarding the US job it is a perfect cocktail ...
Tradena-Online (off-line)
Sistemas de Negociação
Apr 01, 2010 at 17:07
I tell you about my trading systemThere is no secret. It’s the secret… I developed a tone of EA with great back testing but almost of them failed in a real account! Why? By doing a back testing we are looking the best setup for a certain period with a certain currency. In fact tomorrow will be not yesterday (acronym rule as TWBNY) and specifically in trading field. An EA is typically used for an automatic position after a “trader feeling” confirmation. I do not believe a trading robot can run 24h/24h without human intervention. It’s a no issue in long term. So yo...
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