Any crypto traders in the house?

Mar 11, 2021 at 10:41
2,038 Просмотры
25 Replies
Участник с Mar 11, 2021   1 комментариев
Mar 11, 2021 at 10:41
Hi All,

I wanted to know if someone here is trading crypto. If so, do you prefer trading with a forex broker or directly with the exchange? I'm not too sure which route to go. I think trading with my broker is much simpler than going to the exchanges but is more likely pricier. What do you think?
Участник с Mar 15, 2019   76 комментариев
Mar 14, 2021 at 10:51
Looks like they finally added a new room for crypto threads, awesome!
Yes I trade cryptos and forex a fair bit. I don't think there is a correct answer tbh as we all have different preferences, requirements, etc. MT4 is the easiest, simple straight forward for sure. Exchanges will give you more coins available (which is not always a good thing having so much choice). Best to experiment and see what you like
All or nothing
Участник с Dec 17, 2020   9 комментариев
Mar 18, 2021 at 11:29
Trading an instrument with a broker is easier but that also depends on you. You can check trading with both of them until you find an option that works for you.
Участник с Jan 06, 2021   9 комментариев
Apr 22, 2021 at 05:07
You will surely find some crypto traders here. You can either trade with a broker or go to an exchange.
Участник с Mar 18, 2021   7 комментариев
May 25, 2021 at 08:55
I trade indices but want to migrate my account soon. Anyone can reccomend any bots for it?
Участник с May 25, 2021   9 комментариев
May 25, 2021 at 12:37
Bots for indexes or bots for trading on two accounts?
Участник с Mar 18, 2021   7 комментариев
May 27, 2021 at 13:02
I think both market have different characters, so each one is preffered but not a must
Участник с Apr 05, 2021   9 комментариев
Jun 03, 2021 at 09:27
crypto is very different to FX. spreads too large to trade in and out
Участник с Dec 24, 2020   1 комментариев
Jun 05, 2021 at 09:04
i accept the spread is large but cryto is much volatile enough to hit out TP even we have 10 pip spread. lol !!
Участник с Oct 16, 2020   125 комментариев
Jun 05, 2021 at 09:18
- Trading with a broker is always simple. They will also provide you with great support.
Участник с Mar 15, 2019   76 комментариев
Jun 19, 2021 at 23:21
RamboForex posted:
Hi All,

I wanted to know if someone here is trading crypto. If so, do you prefer trading with a forex broker or directly with the exchange? I'm not too sure which route to go. I think trading with my broker is much simpler than going to the exchanges but is more likely pricier. What do you think?

Personally I prefer to use brokers for day and intraday trading, but for HODLing and for the smaller coins, then I go for the exchanges.
All or nothing
Участник с May 19, 2021   5 комментариев
Jun 28, 2021 at 16:20
Smith2525 posted:
RamboForex posted:
Hi All,

I wanted to know if someone here is trading crypto. If so, do you prefer trading with a forex broker or directly with the exchange? I'm not too sure which route to go. I think trading with my broker is much simpler than going to the exchanges but is more likely pricier. What do you think?

Personally I prefer to use brokers for day and intraday trading, but for HODLing and for the smaller coins, then I go for the exchanges.

the same!
use binance for holding
but also i keep there fiat. EUR deposit has 3% per year as i undestood
Участник с Jun 22, 2021   3 комментариев
Jul 14, 2021 at 15:11
Don't you think that crypto is a useless investment right now?
Участник с Jun 22, 2021   3 комментариев
Jul 15, 2021 at 11:49
Forlorn posted:
Don't you think that crypto is a useless investment right now?

I have been trading on my account for 5 years and crypto was really popular at the beginning of my trading path. Remember the days when my friend bought some bitcoins for 1$ and lost the computer at the moment when bitcoin became 200 times expensive. Right now we have way more cryptocurrencies, so the bulk of the benefit from them is open only for the chosen ones. By saying the chosen ones, I mean that people who are at the top of the food chain of trading crypto. Just my assumption.🙃
Участник с Aug 05, 2021   394 комментариев
Aug 19, 2021 at 01:58
I trade crypto from time to time! Currently do so through my broker because they have pretty low prices (compared to what else I've seen but then again I'm no expert) but it does seem to be a fairly lucrative option.
Участник с Oct 20, 2018   283 комментариев
Sep 06, 2021 at 14:02
I prefer brokers. Exchanges are not bad but not for trading.
Участник с Oct 10, 2021   3 комментариев
Oct 10, 2021 at 01:25
dormanFX posted:
Without proper knowledege, it will be very dangerous to trade in this market.

Yes absolutely right
Участник с Oct 14, 2021   3 комментариев
Oct 14, 2021 at 17:53 (отредактировано Oct 14, 2021 at 17:54)
I prefer crypto exchanges. There are many advantages when you use exchanges compared to forex brokers.
1. Trading costs are fixed and way smaller than forex brokers. For instance, the current fee for trading BTCBUSD future contract on Binance is 0.0170% for takes and -0.0100% (you receive the fee) for makers.
2. A big problem with forex brokers is the spread which is increased during high volatility. In the case of crypto exchanges, the spread is almost inexistent.
3. Crypto exchanges have way more altcoins and products like options, volatility indices, stocks indices and some give you the options to participate in the early stage of crypto through launchpads.
If you are interested in crypto exchanges here are the most popular exchanges: Binance, FTX and Bybit
You can read more about Binance here:
Or you can read about FTX here:
Участник с Oct 20, 2018   283 комментариев
Oct 17, 2021 at 13:06
norman220 posted:
I prefer crypto exchanges. There are many advantages when you use exchanges compared to forex brokers.
1. Trading costs are fixed and way smaller than forex brokers. For instance, the current fee for trading BTCBUSD future contract on Binance is 0.0170% for takes and -0.0100% (you receive the fee) for makers.
2. A big problem with forex brokers is the spread which is increased during high volatility. In the case of crypto exchanges, the spread is almost inexistent.
3. Crypto exchanges have way more altcoins and products like options, volatility indices, stocks indices and some give you the options to participate in the early stage of crypto through launchpads.
If you are interested in crypto exchanges here are the most popular exchanges: Binance, FTX and Bybit
You can read more about Binance here:
Or you can read about FTX here:

May be but:
1. There`s even 0 commission brokers.
2. Judging my own experience with my broker i didn`t have such increased spreads even during the high volatility.
3. I also have a fair big variety for crypto pairs.
And as point 4 i can add the hacker attacks against the crypto exchanges. Sadly but some day you can lose all your funds there.
Участник с Oct 14, 2021   3 комментариев
Oct 17, 2021 at 21:14
momo3HC posted:
May be but:
1. There`s even 0 commission brokers.
2. Judging my own experience with my broker i didn`t have such increased spreads even during the high volatility.
3. I also have a fair big variety for crypto pairs.
And as point 4 i can add the hacker attacks against the crypto exchanges. Sadly but some day you can lose all your funds there.

"0 commission" it's just for marketing. You pay higher spreads or higher overnight interest. There is no free lunch.
There are also regulated exchanges like Coinbase or Kraken but they are more expensive. There is no free lunch.
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