Sep 14, 2017 at 20:16
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179 Replies
Участник с Jan 31, 2017   148 комментариев
Apr 03, 2019 at 14:09
FMovingAverage posted:
Pikasso posted:
+20% per day !!! Congratulations to everyone who has a patience :)
P.S. My open price is 4000.

Congrats! I'm sure things will be looking better and better for BTC :)

Thank you! 5K level is already broken.
Trading system developers and strategy providers.
Участник с Apr 18, 2017   700 комментариев
Jun 26, 2019 at 06:20
Adrierin posted:
Not only 5K but already like 10k and even 11k level broken and people saying about $20k till the end of the year presented here anyway. So I am not sure what to do, where is the guarantee that it will rise again and again, nowhere it seems for me.

There is no guarantee actually; since it’s decentralized but right now the demand is very high.
Участник с Aug 27, 2017   875 комментариев
Jul 30, 2019 at 04:18
The thread was opened on 2010! When the price was below 10$ and now it’s 10000$; that’s the real story!
keeping patience.......
Участник с Jul 23, 2019   11 комментариев
Jul 30, 2019 at 09:48
Adribaasmet posted:
The thread was opened on 2010! When the price was below 10$ and now it’s 10000$; that’s the real story!

This is a story. Wow, Bitcoin really is resilient and keeps on growing. I was considering joining the a bitcoin game but may do so now
Участник с Apr 18, 2017   700 комментариев
Jul 30, 2019 at 12:38
Aqissiaq posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
The thread was opened on 2010! When the price was below 10$ and now it’s 10000$; that’s the real story!

This is a story. Wow, Bitcoin really is resilient and keeps on growing. I was considering joining the a bitcoin game but may do so now

Who knows; may be after 10 years others member will find out our conversation and surprised to know; the price was only 10K then!
Участник с May 13, 2019   24 комментариев
Aug 31, 2019 at 19:18
I think it's really far from dead and a lot of people continue investing in it no matter what. See my point ? You really should cause it's important issue with all this things. I wish I had more money to invest in that shit no matter how crazy all this is.
Участник с Apr 18, 2017   700 комментариев
Aug 31, 2019 at 19:58
Darkwarden posted:
I think it's really far from dead and a lot of people continue investing in it no matter what. See my point ? You really should cause it's important issue with all this things. I wish I had more money to invest in that shit no matter how crazy all this is.

The opportunities are till now on; after the upcoming BTC halving; the price will be crazy for sure!
Участник с Aug 27, 2019   10 комментариев
Sep 02, 2019 at 12:16
Darkwarden posted:
I think it's really far from dead and a lot of people continue investing in it no matter what. See my point ? You really should cause it's important issue with all this things. I wish I had more money to invest in that shit no matter how crazy all this is.

It is trues that people want in to crypto no matter what. Price is not the key factor. People just want to get on the bus in case they miss the next price rise. BTC will stay and strengthen
Участник с Aug 03, 2019   40 комментариев
Sep 04, 2019 at 06:17
Aqissiaq posted:
Adribaasmet posted:
The thread was opened on 2010! When the price was below 10$ and now it’s 10000$; that’s the real story!

This is a story. Wow, Bitcoin really is resilient and keeps on growing. I was considering joining the a bitcoin game but may do so now

Indeed! Even i believe bitcoin has a really bright future ahead. The pace at which its value is increasing is just commendable. Its is a great way of trading and also the future of fiat currency. So,Bitcoin is here to stay and those not investing in cryptos should start trying their hand out here before it completely takes over the market.
Участник с Oct 24, 2019   45 комментариев
Nov 27, 2019 at 11:46
Bitcoin is getting popular day by day , seems it will take bull move in coming days.
Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king
Участник с Aug 27, 2017   875 комментариев
Nov 27, 2019 at 14:23
Baazex posted:
Bitcoin is getting popular day by day , seems it will take bull move in coming days.

Exactly; the halving date is knocking; no doubt on the bullish price!
keeping patience.......
Участник с Jan 05, 2016   1097 комментариев
Nov 28, 2019 at 02:31
*** YAWNS ***

ANYONE can start a block chain based cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, or any of the other cryptocurrencies that are out there.

The real value of any coin isn't the actual number of coins that it has within the system, but rather the overall acceptance of the perceived value of said cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin is "King" or "Queen" of the cryptocurrencies because they were first to the finish line as they say. If it weren't for Bitcoin, none of the other cryptocurrencies would have the attention that they have either. They have the largest amount of hype, and the longest history, so of course they're in the #1 position with the highest value.

Also, the real value is the blockchain itself, not specifically the individual cryptocurrency coin.

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Участник с May 04, 2019   23 комментариев
Jan 04, 2020 at 10:04
No, it just relaxing. That's joke of course. Bitcoin is going to take it own niche and will exist there, so it won't be dead. It was first attempt to create cryptocurrency and now will appear other currencies, that will be better and maybe become widespread.
Участник с Apr 18, 2017   700 комментариев
Jan 04, 2020 at 12:19
Vozil559 posted:
No, it just relaxing. That's joke of course. Bitcoin is going to take it own niche and will exist there, so it won't be dead. It was first attempt to create cryptocurrency and now will appear other currencies, that will be better and maybe become widespread.

Well said! So, what’s your prediction after BTC Halving? Thanks in advance.
Участник с Dec 20, 2019   23 комментариев
Jan 24, 2020 at 21:14
IT's far from dead, but it's very very volatile lately, how we can invest into something like that? Can you please describe that if needed or something anyway? I do not clearly make it possible for any reasons. Where do you get it? Come on...
Участник с Feb 24, 2020   7 комментариев
Feb 24, 2020 at 12:14
I think that for a long time, bitcoin will feel good.
Участник с Feb 24, 2020   6 комментариев
Feb 24, 2020 at 12:26
Speculative traders have lost interest in BTC and are going back to Forex. Price will range on BTC for another year then who knows.
Участник с Feb 12, 2020   14 комментариев
Feb 26, 2020 at 11:59
Raymond001 posted:
I feel Bitcoin will be worth over 10k in a year. I own a merchant processing company and more and more people are accepting Bitcoin everyday. Amazon confirmed they are taking Bitcoin now. If anyone has bitcoin or looking to invest in Bitcoin, I am earning 1% capital a day on it. If anyone is interested in this opportunity i am happy to share it with you. You can reach me via email at [email protected]

I think so too

Участник с Apr 18, 2017   659 комментариев
Feb 29, 2020 at 10:53
The current price is above 8K; it’s not Zero! So, Bitcoin is not dead actually!
Участник с Aug 27, 2017   875 комментариев
Feb 29, 2020 at 13:45
Akos343454rgg posted:
I think that for a long time, bitcoin will feel good.

I am also optimistic! I think, the price will break all time high after the halving session!
keeping patience.......
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