Prove your trading worth... 100% weekly on a consistent basis - long-term?

Jan 24, 2015 at 16:59
4,044 Просмотры
97 Replies
Участник с Oct 21, 2014   15 комментариев
Jan 29, 2015 at 22:14
For comparison my start for the year.
Участник с Oct 21, 2014   15 комментариев
Jan 29, 2015 at 22:14
Участник с Aug 07, 2014   378 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 08:15
Very good results COLISEUMFX. I am not one to give props to traders, but you have not only made bank, but you have more cash in your account, then guys have in their demo. The O.P. is a big time noob, and has nothing else better to do then to create stupid threads like this one. At least you are consistently making money as most consistently lose.
Участник с Aug 07, 2014   378 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 08:18
togr posted:
togr posted:
180drajat posted:
10% per day hmmm..... 😎

You mean like I should post fully verified real account where I made 100% within 24 hours?

OK 100% done in one day

Tgor is the master of blowing accounts. On his wall here on myfxbook several of his followers margin called using his stupid ceasr system.
Участник с Jan 25, 2010   1288 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 11:40 (отредактировано Jan 30, 2015 at 11:56)
Cholipop posted:
Very good results COLISEUMFX. I am not one to give props to traders, but you have not only made bank, but you have more cash in your account, then guys have in their demo. The O.P. is a big time noob, and has nothing else better to do then to create stupid threads like this one. At least you are consistently making money as most consistently lose.

Stupid threads like this are designed with stupid people in mind - the stupid kind that claim everything but can prove nothing.

Have you nothing better to do than respond to a stupid thread like this one? Your response doesn't even attempt to respond to the topic: what does that say about your intelligence?
Участник с Jun 28, 2011   444 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 13:38
“Have you nothing better to do than respond to a stupid thread like this one? Your response doesn't even attempt to respond to the topic: what does that say about your intelligence?”

I don't think it says anything about intelligence. In fact, intelligence itself may be a contrived concept and there really isn't any such thing. I have taken the tests, they say I have an IQ of 142, have a degree in mathematics and created a no loss trading system, but I can't begin to tell you why.

As I look back over my life, I see that I have made the most stupid decisions of anyone I know. Discussing what we did and what not to do is just as promising as what went right. None of us on this planet is experienced enough to to go bragging about anything and I least of all. I can't even figure out how you put those graphs on the forum post where you want them to be, so you see you are all more intelligent than me.

I for one am grateful for you Matt, asking question that can't be answered, for Vontogr and CrazyTrader for their insights over the years. For ColiseumFX for sharing his accomplishments, giving all hope for a better results, and everyone willing to take time to share what they know in hopes that we can all grow from our group experiences.

The subject is irrelevant, the people are what matter and it is the people that can help us to achieve whatever our goals are, even those of us who can't make a 100% in a day but will join in the discussion anyway. If two heads are better than one, just think of what we can accomplish if we all began to act in one accord.

In short, my advice is to fight to get it right, not to get over on someone or get ahead. In the states, there was this stupid bumper-sticker that read, “he that has the most toys when he dies, wins”. Then I saw one that says, “he that has the most toys when he dies, is still dead.” Life is a matter of perspective. No one is better than another, just better in different areas, all of which can help us to get wherever this train is taking us.

Oh, am I off topic? Good luck everyone,


where research touches lives.
Участник с Oct 21, 2014   15 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 14:55
Cholipop posted:
Very good results COLISEUMFX. I am not one to give props to traders, but you have not only made bank, but you have more cash in your account, then guys have in their demo. The O.P. is a big time noob, and has nothing else better to do then to create stupid threads like this one. At least you are consistently making money as most consistently lose.

Thanks man appreciate it! Planning some new things for the FX market this year, benefit traders the most.
Участник с Jul 31, 2014   7 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 14:56
togr posted:
togr posted:
180drajat posted:
10% per day hmmm..... 😎

You mean like I should post fully verified real account where I made 100% within 24 hours?

OK 100% done in one day

its amazing. and iam try to wave system. but dont know. in this system is iam lucky or the system is realy powerfull? i dont know

link :
Участник с Feb 22, 2011   4573 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 14:56
CrazyTrader posted:
What do we have there while analysing this awesome performance... ?

Attempt 1:
Blew account in 2 hours in 1 trade !

Attempt 2:
100% performance in 49 hours (41 trades)

Profit = 0
Total performance = 0%
Skills = 0

It is not about account. This is as demonstration that profit 100% in one day is possible.
Участник с Feb 22, 2011   4573 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 15:00
Cholipop posted:
togr posted:
togr posted:
180drajat posted:
10% per day hmmm..... 😎

You mean like I should post fully verified real account where I made 100% within 24 hours?

OK 100% done in one day

Tgor is the master of blowing accounts. On his wall here on myfxbook several of his followers margin called using his stupid ceasr system.

Well as you have nothing better to say you are trying to attack anyone else. You poor creature.
Участник с Jan 25, 2010   1288 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 16:30
@Bob Your words are kind, though they tend to fall on deaf ears when it comes to lowlife cretins such as Chollipops. Despite him being outed as a downright scamartist (see the thread $100 to $1000 in four weeks) he unashamedly continues to spruik his so-called "enviable" trading abilities without proving them with real results everyone can scrutinize.

I made this thread to prove those amazing results folks achieve in four weeks only last a short time. There are no accounts that achieve those results long-term (as much as scum like Chollipops would like to convince pps that he can do this).
Участник с Dec 16, 2011   268 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 17:35
i made 300 % in one day so what . 33 % dd

P.s You welcome
Участник с Aug 07, 2014   378 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 17:51
BluePanther posted:
Cholipop posted:
Very good results COLISEUMFX. I am not one to give props to traders, but you have not only made bank, but you have more cash in your account, then guys have in their demo. The O.P. is a big time noob, and has nothing else better to do then to create stupid threads like this one. At least you are consistently making money as most consistently lose.

Stupid threads like this are designed with stupid people in mind - the stupid kind that claim everything but can prove nothing.

Right! Why don't you stop focusing on others and focus only on yourself!
Участник с Aug 07, 2014   378 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 17:52
ForexAssistant posted:
“Have you nothing better to do than respond to a stupid thread like this one? Your response doesn't even attempt to respond to the topic: what does that say about your intelligence?”

I don't think it says anything about intelligence. In fact, intelligence itself may be a contrived concept and there really isn't any such thing. I have taken the tests, they say I have an IQ of 142, have a degree in mathematics and created a no loss trading system, but I can't begin to tell you why.

As I look back over my life, I see that I have made the most stupid decisions of anyone I know. Discussing what we did and what not to do is just as promising as what went right. None of us on this planet is experienced enough to to go bragging about anything and I least of all. I can't even figure out how you put those graphs on the forum post where you want them to be, so you see you are all more intelligent than me.

I for one am grateful for you Matt, asking question that can't be answered, for Vontogr and CrazyTrader for their insights over the years. For ColiseumFX for sharing his accomplishments, giving all hope for a better results, and everyone willing to take time to share what they know in hopes that we can all grow from our group experiences.

The subject is irrelevant, the people are what matter and it is the people that can help us to achieve whatever our goals are, even those of us who can't make a 100% in a day but will join in the discussion anyway. If two heads are better than one, just think of what we can accomplish if we all began to act in one accord.

In short, my advice is to fight to get it right, not to get over on someone or get ahead. In the states, there was this stupid bumper-sticker that read, “he that has the most toys when he dies, wins”. Then I saw one that says, “he that has the most toys when he dies, is still dead.” Life is a matter of perspective. No one is better than another, just better in different areas, all of which can help us to get wherever this train is taking us.

Oh, am I off topic? Good luck everyone,


Hello. Thank you for taking the time to respond. I simply wanted you to know that once you said "I have created anoloss trading system" I rolled my eyes, clicked your name, and found it interesting that you are a DEMO TRADER.Save all of the passiveness for facebook. Unless you have a live account, then please keep all your claims to yourself.
Участник с Feb 22, 2011   4573 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 17:52
180drajat posted:
togr posted:
togr posted:
180drajat posted:
10% per day hmmm..... 😎

You mean like I should post fully verified real account where I made 100% within 24 hours?

OK 100% done in one day

its amazing. and iam try to wave system. but dont know. in this system is iam lucky or the system is realy powerfull? i dont know

link :

time will tell:)
Участник с Aug 07, 2014   378 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 17:57
BluePanther posted:
@Bob Your words are kind, though they tend to fall on deaf ears when it comes to lowlife cretins such as Chollipops. Despite him being outed as a downright scamartist (see the thread $100 to $1000 in four weeks) he unashamedly continues to spruik his so-called "enviable" trading abilities without proving them with real results everyone can scrutinize.

I made this thread to prove those amazing results folks achieve in four weeks only last a short time. There are no accounts that achieve those results long-term (as much as scum like Chollipops would like to convince pps that he can do this).

You can call me all the names you want, but have a look at a private message which I found.

So it would appear that you are here only to leech off of someone because you have not figured out how to earn even 1% every day for 1 month straight. I don't need to convince anyone of anything, because my stats speak for itself. I can outscalp anyone, and if you like feel free to open a fresh account, I will match your deposit amount, and I will be able to earn much more then you in any given amount of time.
You are looking for someone to trade copy, which of course is fine but instead of trying to find something which works for you you create these pointless threads thus wasting time you could of used to back test and at least find something which is worth researching. If anyone is looking for anything LONG-TERM then you simply need to put the crack pipe down and wake the hell up. In a market like that of currency in which ANYTHING can happen, and stop losses aren't safe, you should of at least learned that the last time you are exposed to the market the better you are off in the LONG TERM.
Участник с Oct 21, 2014   15 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 17:58

There's my four weeks and I'm very happy with that.
Участник с Jun 28, 2011   444 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 18:14
Yes Matt, I know. I have the same problem with blackbox robots. They hurt people and hurt the reputation of our industry. However, I found that the more energy that I give to combating this potential evil, the less time I have to give to doing something positive. Thieves never prosper because their minds are not set up to achieve, only to find some short cut, no matter who it hurts.

We have been wrongfully led to believe that it is the results that matter, the end justifies the means. This has led to the most unspeakable atrocities that the human mind could ever conceive of. Life is in the experience, not in the results. You go on vacation and come back with a lot of pictures, why not just take a short cut and just buy the pictures? Kind of misses something doesn't it? The thieves are stealing the most important things, from themselves, their integrity.

Our Integrity isn't for others, its for ourselves. It is our own self worth that we are protecting, our feeling of pride in ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I like money as much as the next guy but no amount of money can replace me being happy with who I am, a contributor, not a user. I am not concerned with the thieves of the world, they have just not learned these lessons from life yet and will continue to have to struggle until they do.

I will certainly point out any errors in logic, sure, but then it is important to distance myself from that which I don't like so there is plenty of room for that which I do like.

I have been wanting to bring this subject up before, it has been wanting to be said. And thank you for remind me about the thieves of the world so that I could write all this down once and for all and, well, just get it off of my chest.


Oh, one more thing, 3 pages back, I predicted that this would be a short thread, Opps. I could have been mistaken.
where research touches lives.
Участник с Jan 25, 2010   1288 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 18:16
Thank you Chollipops for sharing these private messages. They serve to prove everything I have said has truth... that I was once noobish enough to fall for your convincing acts, until you were shamed publicly with the court evidence that shows you pumped and dumped stock - essentially swindling the profits from those that trusted you.

I really wish you would take your own advice and stop focusing on others and take a look at your own actions. You are surprisingly brazen and unashamed of your actions, it really is a wonder to noobs like me how you keep trying your old tricks. But I will not stand for crap like that.

This thread can be witness to this.
Участник с Jun 28, 2011   444 комментариев
Jan 30, 2015 at 18:31
@ Cholipop, "Unless you have a live account, then please keep all your claims to yourself."

No sir, I will not. If you have a mind to put your income out on a forum where everyone can see it, then that is you concern. However, I have not been silent on this in the past, I believe that it is foolishness to put information from a live account anywhere that it can hurt especially when they make demo accounts for just that purpose. If you got nothing to lose then fine but real traders are more experienced than that.

Second point is “ your ego is showing”. You have been on the forum here for only 6 months and presume to set terms and regulations. In my opinion, I do not believe you have any such authority and to this point have not earn the right to even make such a suggestion. So the answer is “NO” I will never put live accounts in the open. That just doesn't make any sense at all.

where research touches lives.
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