Fear makes you

Mar 02, 2021 at 12:04
1,998 Просмотры
32 Replies
Участник с Jul 19, 2020   742 комментариев
Nov 08, 2021 at 04:26
Fear will never make me profitable. If you want to earn, you have to trade with confidence.
Участник с May 27, 2021   56 комментариев
Nov 08, 2021 at 11:23
In forex trading fear is normal to have but it can be overcome by consistent learning, with fear you will only feel reluctant to make trades and can never earn profits.
Участник с May 14, 2019   26 комментариев
Nov 09, 2021 at 14:47
Fear is the main enemy of traders I guess. There is nothing worse than have a fear to open a position. You always hesitate and it makes you feel worse and wrose, as emotionally, as physically. I agree with your words on hundred percent. Fear bores lots of issues in traders. Moreover, it's very difficult to get rid of sense of fear. Of course, you can open positions as you want and gradually you get rid of this sense, nevertheless it doesn't guarantee that you won't get that feeling again in future. The more you win, the more you are confident. Every loss bores more fears in you, especially when you trade on your last funds. Don't trade on last funds, postpone this idea until the better times.
Участник с Aug 05, 2021   394 комментариев
Nov 16, 2021 at 17:06
Anxiety and fear was a big one for me. If you look up analysis paralysis in trading it explains in more detail and there are tips that can help those struggling with it.
Участник с Nov 03, 2021   53 комментариев
Nov 19, 2021 at 04:23
When anyone starts out on a forex venture, he must know that forex trading is a risky affair. If you are fearful of taking any risk, you shouldn’t start at the first place and now if you’ve started, keep yourself open to the risk. Fear can make you lose countless opportunities and you’ll overthink even a clear opportunity. It’s not possible to avoid risk but you can control it to some extent by:

1. Not risking more than your tolerance.
2. Not opening too many positions at once.
3. Using stop loss.
4. Keeping the account size smaller.
5. Building a trading plan and maintaining a trading journal.
Участник с Mar 17, 2021   494 комментариев
Nov 21, 2021 at 19:10
GraceGilm posted:
fear makes your decisions ineffective, from personal experience I can confidently say this

I agree with you.
Участник с Feb 20, 2021   77 комментариев
Nov 23, 2021 at 05:18
There are two aspects to "fear". One is when fear hits your anxiety level and you make wrong decisions in trading, whereas the other is when fear of loss can boost you to learn, expand your knowledge, avoid greed, and gain profits. It’s all about how you handle your fear and turn it into profit.
Участник с Jul 20, 2020   385 комментариев
Nov 23, 2021 at 08:13
davemack posted:
There are two aspects to "fear". One is when fear hits your anxiety level and you make wrong decisions in trading, whereas the other is when fear of loss can boost you to learn, expand your knowledge, avoid greed, and gain profits. It’s all about how you handle your fear and turn it into profit.

Very true, i think there is a healthy level of 'fear' as you can it to help you stay on your toes and alert. Getting too comfortable or lax is very dangerous in trading
Участник с Aug 10, 2021   172 комментариев
Nov 23, 2021 at 10:03
Loss or profit in a business is a part of the business, any business can run with a loss or profit, but the app should not be cracked when there is a loss, but should be patient.
Участник с Aug 05, 2020   13 комментариев
Dec 02, 2021 at 15:22
That's right. Fear is the worst enemy of traders because they often can't reveal their potential because of a strong fear, especially when they had unpleasant xperience in the past, for example, if they twice lost their deposits, then there is a very little amount of chances that they would enter trading again. However, the market loves those traders who don't give up. Of course, sometimes it's really difficult to change your worldview and opinion concerning trading, nevertheless all those traders who are successful, they came to this success due to such situations.
Участник с Apr 03, 2021   437 комментариев
Dec 02, 2021 at 22:49
Fear indeed become the most enemy from own selves, besides fear also greedy, sometimes trader they still want more although on the day target already achieved, or they become overconfidence when taking a look the market seems will giving accurate trading analysis and then increasing volume trading, but usually when trader face with the big loss they just been realized if already make a mistake.,
Участник с Mar 28, 2021   586 комментариев
Dec 06, 2021 at 05:23
Fear is really a dangerous emotions. It doesn't let us think properly. We become illogical when fear comes in our mind.
Участник с Jul 19, 2020   749 комментариев
Dec 07, 2021 at 15:54
@Akasuki Yes fear is really an dangerous emotions. It will not let anyone think logically. Most traders can't make money just because of fear and greed.
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