MT4 error message: failed [trade disabled]

Jan 27, 2013 at 18:29
13,845 Просмотры
4 Replies
Участник с Dec 18, 2011   3 комментариев
Jan 27, 2013 at 18:29
Hi readers,

I have been trading with FXPrimus since 2011 and they have been faultless.

Recently i have received the following error message a number of times : failed [trade disabled]

In the same period my MT4 was also not updating correctly.

I have contacted FXprimus support and they advised to download the new build for the MT4 but at the moment I am unsure if something changed in their policy and they are not welcoming anymore successful traders.

I will give it 1 or 2 weeks more time (I am back to my trading since the 7th of January 2013. If I don't see any improvement I will regretfully have to change broker.


Участник с Dec 01, 2012   59 комментариев
Jan 27, 2013 at 21:42
Do a manual trade and see what happens. Perhaps it's in the EA. Does you EA icon have a smiley face?
Участник с Jun 18, 2011   1 комментариев
Jan 28, 2013 at 06:15
This is because the trading is disabled at the MEtatrader 4 level. There are no local settings that will help you. There are 2 usually scenarios here:

1) Trading is disabled at the brokerage currently: A lot of times a broker will start showing ticks as soon as the market is open, but the will not "open" for business until a few hours later. During those hours, you will receive ticks (and an EA will try to trade) but as the orders are getting rejected at the server level because it is outside of the brokerages allowable trading hours, you will get that message. Having set up numerous MT4 servers I can tell you that the times in which it starts displaying ticks and the times that it allows trading are two, different settings in Metatrader Server. Check your brokers trading hours for confirmation.

2) The instrument you're trying to trade is not tradeable. For example a broker has EURUSD and EURUSDi. They're both EURUSD but only one is the actual, tradeable symbol (non-tradeable symbols are greyed out in Market Watch). In this event you'd just place the EA on the correct instrument.

It's better to get rich slowly than to go broke spectacularly fast!
Участник с Dec 18, 2011   3 комментариев
Jan 28, 2013 at 08:50
mikeyap9 posted:
Do a manual trade and see what happens. Perhaps it's in the EA. Does you EA icon have a smiley face?

Hi Mike, I am pretty confident that if I manual trade it will be fine. Smiley and settings are fine and triple checked...Thanks for your comment.
Участник с Dec 18, 2011   3 комментариев
Jan 28, 2013 at 08:50
archersignals posted:
This is because the trading is disabled at the MEtatrader 4 level. There are no local settings that will help you. There are 2 usually scenarios here:

1) Trading is disabled at the brokerage currently: A lot of times a broker will start showing ticks as soon as the market is open, but the will not "open" for business until a few hours later. During those hours, you will receive ticks (and an EA will try to trade) but as the orders are getting rejected at the server level because it is outside of the brokerages allowable trading hours, you will get that message. Having set up numerous MT4 servers I can tell you that the times in which it starts displaying ticks and the times that it allows trading are two, different settings in Metatrader Server. Check your brokers trading hours for confirmation.

2) The instrument you're trying to trade is not tradeable. For example a broker has EURUSD and EURUSDi. They're both EURUSD but only one is the actual, tradeable symbol (non-tradeable symbols are greyed out in Market Watch). In this event you'd just place the EA on the correct instrument.

Hi Archersignals,

Thank you very much for you informative reply.

I believe the issue may have been caused by scenario 2. In fact I have noticed that the EURUSD pair that is at the top of Market watch is greyed out and most likely I have picked that one up to open the chart.

Still I wonder why would they put a not tradeable instrument at the top of the Market Watch, but the most important fact is that I now have a sensible suggestion to find out the cause of the issue.

Many many thanks and I wish you successful trading in this 2013!
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