News Filter EA (Coding Help)

Jan 09 at 05:01
353 Просмотры
1 Replies
Участник с Jan 08, 2024   1 комментариев
Jan 09 at 05:01 (отредактировано Jan 08 at 17:15)

I paid $30 to a freelancer on Telegram to build a news filter for me. They have delivered the product, but it is not working as I expected. The freelancer is no longer replying.

Logical Conditions:

Before X minutes from news, string News_Trade_Status = “Paused”;
X minutes after news, string News_Trade_Status = “Paused”;

Current Error with Code:

While setting up an EA, it checks logical conditions and based on that, it sets values to News_Trade_Status (Active or Paused). However, after the setup, it does not repeat the condition check whenever news comes.

I have attached my EA. I request your help to get it fixed, as I have no more budget to hire another person for this task.


Участник с May 19, 2023   274 комментариев
Jan 09 at 10:21
shanmugad posted:

I paid $30 to a freelancer on Telegram to build a news filter for me. They have delivered the product, but it is not working as I expected. The freelancer is no longer replying.

Logical Conditions:

Before X minutes from news, string News_Trade_Status = “Paused”;
X minutes after news, string News_Trade_Status = “Paused”;

Current Error with Code:

While setting up an EA, it checks logical conditions and based on that, it sets values to News_Trade_Status (Active or Paused). However, after the setup, it does not repeat the condition check whenever news comes.

I have attached my EA. I request your help to get it fixed, as I have no more budget to hire another person for this task.
Write us to email, we will give you our indicator for news filet for free.
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