Acme Hedge (By forex_trader_28394)
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Acme Hedge Обсуждение
Участник с Feb 11, 2010
14 комментариев
Nov 30, 2011 at 15:01
(отредактировано Nov 30, 2011 at 15:01)
Участник с Feb 11, 2010
14 комментариев
Interesting system.... simple and efficient.
what is the level of correlation you need to open a set of positions ?
the only supprising me a little bit part is fixed lot size of the position - since there are different base currencies in each pair - the lot size should be different to be able to hedge the set.
even if you sum up the GU and UCh and compare it against EU and AU - it's not balancing....
so in theory it should run away from time to time... and here - it looks like it works....
very interesting system - indeed - I will have an eye on it.
Congratualtions !!!
what is the level of correlation you need to open a set of positions ?
the only supprising me a little bit part is fixed lot size of the position - since there are different base currencies in each pair - the lot size should be different to be able to hedge the set.
even if you sum up the GU and UCh and compare it against EU and AU - it's not balancing....
so in theory it should run away from time to time... and here - it looks like it works....
very interesting system - indeed - I will have an eye on it.
Congratualtions !!!
It's impossible that improbable will never happen !!!

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
Участник с Feb 11, 2010
14 комментариев
Jan 05, 2012 at 12:38
Участник с Feb 11, 2010
14 комментариев
why actually you stopped to trade on this account ?
my quite simillar system (not reported on Myfxbook) still has positive results.
my quite simillar system (not reported on Myfxbook) still has positive results.
It's impossible that improbable will never happen !!!

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
Jan 05, 2012 at 17:40
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
We never stopped trading, we are waiting for the open positions to close
Участник с Nov 06, 2011
6 комментариев
Mar 15, 2012 at 04:13
Участник с Nov 06, 2011
6 комментариев
I'm quite impressed by your "system," and I do thank you for responding to my last question, posed on your site. Is Forex Peace Army's real account results based on your low risk, normal, or aggressive strategy? Do you recommend a certain broker? The reason I ask is assuming one needs to transfer funds to you, on a monthly basis, I find it may be easiest to simply transfer from my ex: FXCM acct to your FXCM acct. Thank-you.

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
Mar 15, 2012 at 07:04
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
In fpa, we have given normal and aggressive mode.
We do not recommend a certain broker. But we need a broker who executes the trades very fast and the slippage is very low...
We do not recommend a certain broker. But we need a broker who executes the trades very fast and the slippage is very low...
Участник с Sep 29, 2010
178 комментариев
Mar 27, 2012 at 18:37
Участник с Sep 29, 2010
178 комментариев
this strategy can easily be written in an EA ;)
Get Rich or Die Trying

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
Mar 28, 2012 at 19:14
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
we have multiple strategy included in it for recover apart from the normal strategy you see
Участник с Mar 11, 2010
6 комментариев
Apr 14, 2012 at 08:04
Участник с Mar 11, 2010
6 комментариев
Участник с May 04, 2012
2 комментариев
May 04, 2012 at 12:36
Участник с May 04, 2012
2 комментариев
acmehedge posted:
we have multiple strategy included in it for recover apart from the normal strategy you see
I see you stopped trading ... is still possible to invest?
Участник с Aug 22, 2009
382 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 08:12
(отредактировано May 07, 2012 at 08:23)
Участник с Aug 22, 2009
382 комментариев
The Broker- ECN Alpha is SCAM broker.
acmehedge maybe good or not, I do not know. If you send money to ECN Alpha, you will never get withdraw the fund.
Please read the broker review in forexpeacearmy.
FPA say that: "here are currently a few cases against ECNAlpha. If they do not solve their cases, I would suggest to our members not to invest in ECNAlpha"
If I get my fund from ecn alpha, I will update here. Now I can not log in their site to request withdrawal my fund.
They blocked it.
Watch out guys!!!
The Broker- ECN Alpha is SCAM broker.
acmehedge maybe good or not, I do not know. If you send money to ECN Alpha, you will never get withdraw the fund.
Please read the broker review in forexpeacearmy.
FPA say that: "here are currently a few cases against ECNAlpha. If they do not solve their cases, I would suggest to our members not to invest in ECNAlpha"
If I get my fund from ecn alpha, I will update here. Now I can not log in their site to request withdrawal my fund.
They blocked it.
Watch out guys!!!
Участник с May 04, 2012
2 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 14:09
Участник с May 04, 2012
2 комментариев
Thank you youngchang, I was aware of FPA broker review, but you were right to emphasize it.
I would like to hear something about it from ACME boys, if possible ... thanks.
I would like to hear something about it from ACME boys, if possible ... thanks.

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 16:10
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
Yes we too got struck with ecnalpha. Our major funds are also held with them. They promised to return to us within 3 months. we too will update here once we get it. we are shifting the broker at present
Участник с Aug 22, 2009
382 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 16:31
Участник с Aug 22, 2009
382 комментариев
I did not receive any answer or any mentions that return my fund within 3 months from ecnalpha.
Tony, do you trust their promise? so curious.
Are they filing something?
Tony, do you trust their promise? so curious.
Are they filing something?

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 16:42
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
I spoke to the senior level person and he explained me the fact. Though i dont have patience till 3 months, i have no other choice other than waiting and getting the money.

Участник с Mar 01, 2012
171 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 17:14
Участник с Mar 01, 2012
171 комментариев
Dear Acme Hedge
you charge your clients with %50 of profit and now the funds are not safe.
what king od bussines is this?
or am I missunderstanding?
you charge your clients with %50 of profit and now the funds are not safe.
what king od bussines is this?
or am I missunderstanding?

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 17:16
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
yes we do charge 50 percent from the profit as our fee. We never expected this situation will arise. Now we are moving to brokers who are strong and regulated and also have a big liquidity like dukascopy.

Участник с Mar 01, 2012
171 комментариев
May 07, 2012 at 17:28
Участник с Mar 01, 2012
171 комментариев
first with which funds you wiill move to dukas ( do you think you will get beck from alpha )
second will dukas spreads will be good for your rescue scalper
third are you able to code your EA according to dukas platform
fourh or are you going to use the dukas bridge for mt4 which will make eyour scalper useless
thanks in advance
second will dukas spreads will be good for your rescue scalper
third are you able to code your EA according to dukas platform
fourh or are you going to use the dukas bridge for mt4 which will make eyour scalper useless
thanks in advance

Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
May 08, 2012 at 08:26
Участник с Jan 31, 2011
72 комментариев
We have to deposit other funds to dukas and later once we get from alpha, we will deposit that... Yes dukas spreads are goodl. We are going to use the dukas bridge for mt4

Участник с Mar 01, 2012
171 комментариев
May 08, 2012 at 08:40
(отредактировано May 08, 2012 at 08:42)
Участник с Mar 01, 2012
171 комментариев
your rescue scalper does not work with dukas bridge if its the same as when I discuss with dukas. it rouds up the price with around 1pip also there will be execution delay. just a warning.
try pepper as a broker.
good luck
try pepper as a broker.
good luck

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