be maxs (By Agung2012)

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be maxs Обсуждение

Oct 05, 2012 at 03:17
3,251 Просмотры
35 Replies
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Nov 03, 2012 at 00:42

I have no intention to sell it. no cheats here. that there is a friend who is jealous, I just want to listen to constructive suggestions, do not just criticize but really wants like mine,
I hope you have that you want so do not jealous anymore,
I hope all the best may happen to you

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Участник с Feb 15, 2012   19 комментариев
Nov 05, 2012 at 02:14
tenang aja gan..yangpenting profit.. 200% perbulan sudah sangat bagus.. yang penting konsisten gannnn....
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Nov 05, 2012 at 12:21
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Участник с Oct 22, 2012   4 комментариев
Nov 06, 2012 at 07:05
Участник с Dec 19, 2011   27 комментариев
Nov 21, 2012 at 13:19
Iya gan biarin ja.
Anjing menggonggong kafilah berlalu.
Ane juga punya yg hasil BT nya mirip2 punya agan.
Cuma sampai saat ini masih BT, mau di demo FT 24 jam dulu. 😁


Участник с Aug 26, 2012   5 комментариев
Nov 22, 2012 at 03:16
Iy Pak Agung,, yg iri cuekin aja..! jalan terus gan...!! :D
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Nov 23, 2012 at 05:46
iya , nga enak... terima kasih atas dukungannya... ini adalah lanjutan dari max be yg kemarin kepencet delete...😁
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Участник с Oct 22, 2012   4 комментариев
Nov 23, 2012 at 13:00
bos agung aq mau cari info yg bisa copy trading yg bagus ada gak ya ?😲
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Nov 23, 2012 at 13:12
maksutnya trading yg mau di copy,?
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Nov 23, 2012 at 13:15
sekarang ada beberapa broker yg mengijinkan untuk copy beberapa trader yg berhasil tetapi anda harus cari yg tidak terlalu aktif agar tidak ketinggalan karena copyer biasanya nga terlalu cepat ..
semoga berhasil.....

if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Участник с Nov 24, 2012   11 комментариев
Nov 24, 2012 at 18:40
mas agung.... ajarin dong caranya.... kaget nih liatnya.... jadi tambah semangat buat belajar lebih giat lagi... adakah yg bisa kasih ref? ato ada yg mau bantu ngebimbing? help dooonkkk....😁
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Nov 27, 2012 at 01:39
sebentar ya.. saya masih bingung bagaimana saya membantu, apakah dengan menjual ea saya ataukah memberikan akses untuk di copy atau bagaimana , biar saya pikirkan dahulu.. kirimkan alamat email anda di [email protected] bila saya sudah punya rencana yg bagus saya akan email ke anda.. bagi yg sdh beri alamat email tetapi belum saya jawab sabar dahulu yaa..
sambil tunggu silahkan lihat yg ini dulu yaaa
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
Участник с Apr 18, 2012   1 комментариев
Nov 30, 2012 at 19:10
pak agung, jika berkenan bagaimana jika dengan kerja sama bagi hasil?

misal anda membuat perjanjian setelah balik modal, setiap pengguna EA yg melakukan WD ada pembagian 50% : 50%
bisa dikirim ke rekening bapak atau bisa disumbangkan atas nama bapak.

kelebihan :
bapak benar-benar banyak membantu, karena sharingnya tanpa modal jadi banyak rekan yang bisa ikut berpartisipasi
jika ada hasil terus menerus bapak juga ikut menikmati hasil kerja keras membuat EAnya.. selamanya

kelemahan :
jika yang diajak kerjasama sudah copy EA tapi tidak menepati perjanjian, kita percayakan pada Yang Di Atas.
dan jika bapak merelakan merupakan pahala untuk bapak.

demikian ide dari saya pak, barangkali bisa sebagai pertimbangan.
semoga makin banyak trader yang berhasil, dan mau memajukan bangsa Indonesia kita tercinta

Lock profit to SL+1, pokoke propit hehee
Участник с Feb 05, 2012   1 комментариев
Dec 31, 2012 at 08:00
Semuanya hidden. Sayang sekali.
Small but consistent
Участник с Feb 27, 2013   26 комментариев
Mar 05, 2013 at 07:16
maju terus trader Indonesia 😎
Участник с Aug 01, 2012   112 комментариев
Mar 05, 2013 at 09:10
terima kasih atas perhatiannya yaaa..
if you win today and lose tomorrow its call Gambling, If you win today and tomoorrow will be Winner itis call Work, if today you have to earn money is called active Income, If tommorrow you do not have to work becouse the money is constan and tend to increase is called PASSIVE INCOME
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